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Words that Almost Rhyme with perfectibility
2 syllables
3 syllables
- big money
- bigamy
- bigotry
- blissfully
- brilliancy
- brilliantly
- busily
- chillingly
- chivalry
- cicely
- civilly
- cryptically
- differently
- dignity
- dimity
- dismally
- distally
- distantly
- dizzily
- dystrophy
- fidgety
- filigree
- finicky
- finitely
- fiscally
- fitfully
- fittingly
- fixedly
- fixity
- flippancy
- flippantly
- guiltily
- hillbilly
- imagery
- industry
- infamy
- infancy
- infantry
- instantly
- killingly
- listlessly
- litany
- mimicry
- ministry
- minutely
- mystically
- pinnately
- piquancy
- principally
- privity
- rhythmically
- rickety
- rigidly
- signally
- skillfully
- spitefully
- stringency
- symmetry
- sympathy
- symphony
- synchrony
- syncope
- timidly
- timothy
- timpani
- trilogy
- trisomy
- typically
- viciously
- villainy
- visibly
- visually
- vividly
- whimsically
- wickedly
- wiggly
- willfully
- willingly
- willowy
- wistfully
- wittily
- wittingly
- giddily
- giggly
- gimmickry
- impishly
- lingeringly
- mistily
- picotee
- pithily
- quiddity
- sickeningly
- swimmingly
- sympatry
- thriftily
- thrillingly
- tidily
- tympany
- winningly
- wishfully
- biggity
- blimpishly
- blinkingly
- brimmingly
- britishly
- brittany
- chinkerichee
- chinkerinchee
- civically
- clinchingly
- clingingly
- clippingly
- cliquishly
- differingly
- digamy
- dingily
- dinking die
- dinwiddie
- dippingly
- dittany
- driftingly
- englishly
- englishry
- filmically
- finnicky
- fishily
- flimsily
- flinchingly
- flinging-tree
- friskily
- friskingly
- gibingly
- giftedly
- glisteringly
- grinningly
- grippingly
- griseldy
- hintingly
- hissingly
- hitchily
- infiltree
- instancy
- italy
- jiggety
- jimminy
- kiddingly
- kilkenny
- kissingly
- licitly
- liltingly
- limpidly
- limpingly
- linguistry
- livingly
- lytically
- mimically
- mincingly
- misandry
- mysticly
- nigglingly
- niminy
- nippingly
- nitpicky
- picnicky
- piggishly
- pinkeny
- prickingly
- priggishly
- ringingly
- rippingly
- ripplingly
- scribblingly
- shilingi
- shrinkingly
- sicily
- sickishly
- singingly
- singletree
- sinningly
- sittringee
- skiddingly
- skimmingly
- skimmity
- skimpingly
- skippingly
- skittishly
- slinkingly
- sniffingly
- sniffishly
- springingly
- squintingly
- stichically
- stickily
- stiltedly
- stingily
- stingingly
- stinkingly
- stintingly
- swindlingly
- swingingly
- swingletree
- swinishly
- swishingly
- syngamy
- thinkingly
- tiffany
- tinglingly
- tinklingly
- tinselly
- tivoli
- trickingly
- trickishly
- tricklingly
- trigamy
- trinity
- tripoli
- trippingly
- twigwithy
- twistedly
- whiffletree
- whiggishly
- whippletree
- wicopy
- wincingly
- winkingly
- witchetty
4 syllables
- acidity
- activity
- admittedly
- affinity
- altimetry
- ambitiously
- antigone
- antinomy
- antipathy
- antiquity
- aridity
- artistically
- assiduity
- assiduously
- astringency
- asymmetry
- auspiciously
- avidity
- basicity
- calligraphy
- capriciously
- captivity
- chronicity
- complicity
- consistency
- consistently
- contingency
- contingently
- convincingly
- culicidae
- cupidity
- cyclicity
- deficiency
- deliciously
- delinquency
- derisively
- descriptively
- dismissively
- distinctively
- divinity
- dosimetry
- duplicity
- efficiency
- efficiently
- elliptically
- epiphany
- epitome
- ethnicity
- exigency
- explicitly
- exquisitely
- facsimile
- felicity
- festivity
- fluidity
- heuristically
- holistically
- humidity
- implicitly
- indignantly
- indignity
- infinity
- iniquity
- initially
- insistently
- instinctively
- invisibly
- irritably
- judicially
- judiciously
- liberally
- linguistically
- liquidity
- literally
- logistically
- lubricity
- lucidity
- magistracy
- maliciously
- malignancy
- miserably
- morbidity
- nativity
- obliquity
- obstinately
- officially
- passivity
- persistently
- placidity
- polygamy
- polygyny
- polyphony
- predictably
- proclivity
- prodigiously
- proficiency
- prolifically
- prolixity
- promiscuously
- provincially
- proximity
- publicity
- rancidity
- rapidity
- religiously
- resiliency
- restrictively
- rigidity
- salinity
- simplicity
- simplistically
- solidity
- soliloquy
- spasticity
- specifically
- sphericity
- stupidity
- stylistically
- sublimity
- submissively
- sufficiency
- sufficiently
- suspiciously
- terrifically
- timidity
- tonicity
- toxicity
- turbidity
- ubiquity
- unflinchingly
- unthinkingly
- unwillingly
- unwittingly
- validity
- vicinity
- virginity
- vorticity
- abysmally
- antistrophe
- asynchrony
- christianly
- dissymmetry
- extrinsically
- flaccidity
- forbiddingly
- gravimetry
- horrifically
- immorally
- invincibly
- limpidity
- lividity
- malignantly
- mendicity
- officiously
- perimetry
- perniciously
- planimetry
- polychromy
- sadistically
- torpidity
- triplicity
- turgidity
- unblinkingly
- unicity
- unstintingly
- vindictively
- viscidity
- afflictively
- antilogy
- arthritically
- astrictively
- astringently
- autistically
- ballistically
- befittingly
- benignancy
- bewitchingly
- cladistically
- clonicity
- conflictingly
- conicity
- convictively
- decision tree
- delinquently
- dim-wittedly
- dismissingly
- dull-wittedly
- enrichingly
- eristically
- euphuistically
- faunistically
- fervidity
- filially
- forgivingly
- gravidity
- growth industry
- idyllically
- inimically
- inscriptively
- insipidly
- insistingly
- intimity
- long-windedly
- massivity
- meristically
- misgivingly
- nonmystically
- omissively
- pacifically
- palilogy
- papistically
- pasigraphy
- penicillin v
- permissively
- perthitically
- politicly
- predictively
- prescriptively
- propitiously
- proscriptively
- puristically
- quick-wittedly
- remissively
- repiningly
- rescriptively
- resistingly
- restrictedly
- sapidity
- sidesplittingly
- somniloquy
- sophistically
- strong-mindedly
- submittingly
- subsistingly
- sweet cicely
- symphytically
- tepidity
- theistically
- torridity
- transcriptively
- tumidity
- umbilici
- uncivilly
- uncynically
- unfittingly
- uniquity
- unshrinkingly
- unwinkingly
- vapidity
- viridity
- vividity
5 syllables
- aborigine
- additionally
- affectivity
- alkalinity
- analytically
- anonymity
- artificially
- atomicity
- authenticity
- beneficially
- calorimetry
- catalytically
- catholicity
- chromaticity
- coercivity
- colorimetry
- concomitantly
- conditionally
- conductivity
- connectivity
- creativity
- deliberately
- directivity
- domesticity
- eccentricity
- effectivity
- elasticity
- electricity
- ellipticity
- emissivity
- equanimity
- euphemistically
- exclusivity
- expeditiously
- expressivity
- femininity
- fortuitously
- historicity
- holy trinity
- iconicity
- inactivity
- inconsistency
- inefficiency
- inefficiently
- inexplicably
- injudiciously
- insufficiency
- insufficiently
- intermittency
- intermittently
- intrepidity
- invalidity
- irresistibly
- logarithmically
- magnanimity
- masculinity
- mechanistically
- metaphysically
- multiplicity
- negativity
- nutritionally
- objectivity
- originally
- peripherally
- productivity
- provisionally
- reactivity
- realistically
- receptivity
- reflexivity
- relativity
- selectivity
- sensitivity
- serendipity
- specificity
- subjectivity
- supersymmetry
- surreptitiously
- synchronicity
- synergistically
- traditionally
- transmissivity
- unanimity
- unofficially
- unremittingly
- aggressivity
- altruistically
- canonicity
- cucurbitaceae
- fatalistically
- illiquidity
- impassivity
- indivisibly
- infelicity
- insipidity
- ionicity
- monolithically
- narcissistically
- naturalistically
- nonspecifically
- organicity
- parasitically
- pessimistically
- polarimetry
- projectivity
- regressivity
- superstitiously
- synonymity
- unconvincingly
- unresistingly
- unrestrictedly
- agonistically
- alkalimetry
- amphictyony
- anacidity
- anchoritically
- aoristically
- aphoristically
- apolitically
- artificiously
- asininity
- astrophysically
- atheistically
- atomistically
- atonicity
- automimicry
- autophytically
- benedictively
- biomimicry
- cabalistically
- calvinistically
- cataclysmically
- coloristically
- communistically
- contradictively
- crosslinguistically
- dereistically
- dramatistically
- dualistically
- dyslogistically
- egoistically
- egotistically
- epiphytically
- eucharistically
- eulogistically
- exiguity
- futuristically
- glycolytically
- harmonistically
- hedonistically
- hellenistically
- hieroglyphically
- honorifically
- humanistically
- hydrolytically
- hyper-physically
- hyperphysically
- imagistically
- impolitically
- impoliticly
- impudicity
- inartistically
- inauspiciously
- iniquitously
- jingoistically
- labyrinthically
- legalistically
- martensitically
- mean obliquity
- meretriciously
- microphysically
- moralistically
- nationalistically
- navalistically
- nonlinguistically
- nonpolitically
- nontheistically
- novelistically
- oncolytically
- organismically
- pantheistically
- paralytically
- pellucidity
- penicillin g
- perfectivity
- perspectivity
- photolytically
- pietistically
- pluralistically
- polyrhythmically
- programistically
- pseudepigraphy
- psychophysically
- pyrolytically
- rationalistically
- reminiscingly
- robert dinwiddie
- saprophytically
- self-admittedly
- self-sufficiency
- service industry
- socialistically
- soporifically
- spasmolytically
- subacidity
- successivity
- susceptivity
- sybaritically
- syllogistically
- syphilitically
- tocolytically
- unauspiciously
- unbefittingly
- unchristianly
- unmisgivingly
- unremittedly
- unresistedly
- unsuspiciously
- urbanistically
- volcanicity
- voyeuristically
- vulcanicity
6 syllables
- anharmonicity
- antigenicity
- characteristically
- electrolytically
- hydrophobicity
- hyperacidity
- hyperactivity
- idiosyncrasy
- ignominiously
- individually
- insensitivity
- interactivity
- monotonicity
- mutagenicity
- neuropsychiatry
- opportunistically
- overactivity
- pathogenicity
- periodicity
- pusillanimity
- retroactivity
- unconditionally
- unequivocally
- unrealistically
- allergenicity
- anachronistically
- antagonistically
- apocynaceae
- deterministically
- echogenicity
- geopolitically
- hygroscopicity
- hypertonicity
- idealistically
- monopolistically
- oncogenicity
- probabilistically
- proteolytically
- relativistically
- superciliously
- androgenicity
- anomalistically
- antilogistically
- apocalyptically
- aprioristically
- avariciously
- baroclinicity
- batesian mimicry
- cannibalistically
- capitalistically
- collectivistically
- contradistinctively
- den of iniquity
- descriptivistically
- ecumenicity
- endogenicity
- estrogenicity
- expressionistically
- extralinguistically
- goitrogenicity
- hermaphroditically
- hypoacidity
- hypocoristically
- hypotonicity
- illusionistically
- impressionistically
- interspecifically
- intraspecifically
- isotonicity
- lose her virginity
- lose his virginity
- lose one's virginity
- lose their virginity
- lysogenicity
- magnetostrictively
- mental deficiency
- militaristically
- mitogenicity
- monotheistically
- multiethnicity
- muscular dystrophy
- myogenicity
- nonanalytically
- nonobjectivity
- nucleophilically
- oestrogenicity
- paternalistically
- positivistically
- psychogenicity
- pyrogenicity
- radial symmetry
- saprogenicity
- self-reflexivity
- somnambulistically
- surrealistically
- thrombogenicity
- toxigenicity
- underactivity
- unintermittedly
- unscientifically
- vertical privity
7 syllables
- carcinogenicity
- hydroelectricity
- immunodeficiency
- immunogenicity
- interconnectivity
- intersubjectivity
- juvenile delinquency
- photoconductivity
- psychoanalytically
- radioactivity
- superconductivity
- teratogenicity
- tumorigenicity
- uncharacteristically
- static electricity
- thermoelectricity
- angle of obliquity
- anthropocentricity
- atherogenicity
- autocatalytically
- bilateral symmetry
- bioelectricity
- color emissivity
- conceptualistically
- dependent lividity
- electrotonicity
- elementalistically
- erotogenicity
- exhibitionistically
- existentialistically
- horizontal privity
- iatrogenicity
- imperialistically
- lactobacillaceae
- leukaemogenicity
- leukemogenicity
- materialistically
- microaerophilically
- muellerian mimicry
- mullerian mimicry
- nonrelativistically
- overoptimistically
- oversensitivity
- phenomenalistically
- photoelectricity
- postmortem lividity
- presentment of englishry
- pyroelectricity
- reactogenicity
- regiospecifically
- relative humidity
- schizo-affectivity
- schizoaffectivity
- special relativity
- stereospecifically
- subject-objectivity
- unidirectivity