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McDonough began by listing critical environmental concerns affecting human health that are caused by a variety of pollutants such as bioaccumulation, endocrine disruption, mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity and cancer.—Arthur Zaczkiewicz, WWD, 18 June 2024 Aqueous faecal extracts were prepared and assayed for auxotrophic growth-enhancement and bacterial mutagenicity (using fluctuation tests with Salmonella typhimurium TA100 and Escherichia coli WP2uvrApKM101).—Ncbi Rofl, Discover Magazine, 8 Oct. 2012 However, there was no significant difference in mutagenicity between normal and high-fat samples.—Ncbi Rofl, Discover Magazine, 8 Oct. 2012 The study on mutagenicity of the molnupiravir metabolite in the Journal of Infectious Diseases earlier this year also tested favipirivir.—William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 2 Nov. 2021 Molnupiravir has been tested for mutagenicity in animals before being moved to human trials, where it is being tested for safety.—William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 2 Nov. 2021 Mills says most virologists had despaired of it ever finding a real use—in part because of mutagenicity issues that researchers have seen in analyses and trials over the years.—Adam Rogers, Wired, 19 Nov. 2021 The first is the drug’s potential mutagenicity, and the possibility that its use could lead to birth defects or cancerous tumors.—William A. Haseltine, Forbes, 1 Nov. 2021 Merck has also addressed the mutagenicity concerns from last year, conducting separate trials on animals to determine the risks.—Chris Smith, BGR, 8 Mar. 2021