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Words that Almost Rhyme with salmanazar
1 syllable
- air
- ayre
- bahr
- bare
- beer
- bier
- birr
- blare
- blur
- boar
- boer
- boor
- bore
- bour
- bur
- care
- chair
- cheer
- chore
- claire
- clear
- cor
- core
- corps
- cour
- crore
- cur
- cure
- dear
- deer
- dire
- doer
- door
- dower
- drawer
- drear
- ear
- er
- ere
- err
- eyre
- fair
- fare
- fear
- fier
- fir
- flair
- flare
- fleur
- floor
- flor
- for
- fore
- four
- fur
- furr
- gair
- gare
- gear
- glare
- gurr
- hair
- hare
- harr
- hear
- heir
- here
- herr
- hoar
- ire
- jeer
- jure
- kier
- kir
- lair
- lehr
- lor
- lore
- lour
- lure
- lyre
- mair
- maire
- mare
- mer
- mere
- mir
- mire
- mohr
- moire
- moor
- mor
- murr
- myrrh
- nair
- near
- noir
- nor
- oar
- or
- ore
- pair
- pare
- pear
- peer
- per
- phare
- pier
- poor
- poore
- pore
- pour
- prayer
- pur
- pure
- purr
- queer
- quire
- rare
- rear
- roar
- sare
- scare
- score
- sear
- seer
- sere
- share
- shear
- sheer
- shor
- shore
- sir
- slur
- smear
- snare
- sneer
- snore
- soar
- sore
- spare
- spear
- speer
- sphere
- spire
- spoor
- spore
- spur
- square
- squire
- stare
- steer
- stir
- store
- sure
- swear
- swore
- tear
- their
- there
- thor
- tier
- tor
- tore
- torr
- tour
- veer
- ver
- war
- ware
- whare
- where
- whirr
- whore
- wore
- year
- yore
- your
- blear
- blore
- buhr
- chare
- chear
- fleer
- glore
- mear
- murre
- powre
- speir
- -spore
- ayr
- baure
- bear
- blair
- bohr
- brere
- burr
- caure
- cheir-
- cher
- chirr
- chlor-
- chlore
- chor-
- churr
- clare
- clour
- dare
- deere
- dore
- dorr
- dorre
- dors-
- eure
- faure
- flure
- flurr
- frore
- glair
- glaire
- glaur
- glowr
- gnarr
- gore
- hier-
- hoare
- kaerh
- knaur
- l square
- lear
- lierre
- loire
- loure
- mayr
- meir
- mhorr
- moore
- more
- muir
- ne'er
- orr
- pere
- prore
- purre
- pyrrh-
- rere-
- ruhr
- saur-
- schmear
- schmeer
- scoor
- shire
- shirr
- shmear
- shoor
- skair
- skirr
- skyre
- slare
- smirr
- smoor
- smurr
- sowre
- spher-
- sphero-
- spir-
- splore
- sporo-
- squirr
- stair
- stear-
- stoor
- stour
- stowre
- sur
- sweer
- sweir
- t square
- taur-
- they're
- thyr-
- tver'
- twire
- tyre
- ur
- we're
- wear
- weir
- you're
- z-score
2 syllables
- abhor
- abjure
- abor
- adhere
- adjure
- admire
- adore
- affair
- affaire
- afire
- afore
- all clear
- all for
- all there
- allure
- altair
- ameer
- amir
- amour
- appear
- arrear
- as for
- ashore
- ask for
- asked for
- asks for
- aspire
- assure
- astir
- at war
- au pair
- austere
- auteur
- aware
- barn door
- be sure
- before
- beware
- big bear
- black bear
- bother
- brochure
- brown bear
- bugbear
- but for
- by air
- by ear
- call for
- called for
- calls for
- care for
- cared for
- career
- cares for
- cashier
- chauffeur
- child care
- cocksure
- cohere
- coiffure
- cold war
- compare
- compere
- concur
- confer
- couture
- cried for
- cries for
- cry for
- damn near
- dance floor
- day care
- deaf ear
- deck chair
- declare
- decor
- defer
- demur
- demure
- deplore
- despair
- deter
- detour
- did for
- dig for
- dirt floor
- dive for
- do for
- does for
- done for
- draw near
- due for
- dug for
- emir
- endear
- endure
- ensnare
- ensure
- expire
- explore
- fair share
- fall for
- falls for
- father
- fear for
- feared for
- fears for
- feel for
- feels for
- fell for
- felt for
- fight for
- first floor
- first year
- fish for
- fished for
- fixed for
- flexure
- footsore
- for sure
- forbear
- forswear
- fought for
- fourscore
- foursquare
- free air
- fresh air
- front door
- frontier
- galore
- get there
- gets there
- go for
- go there
- goes for
- gone for
- good for
- got there
- grab for
- grabbed for
- grand tour
- grandeur
- gravure
- great bear
- ground floor
- gun for
- half year
- hardcore
- hauteur
- health care
- high chair
- high gear
- horsehair
- hot air
- how dare
- hurt for
- i fear
- ignore
- impair
- implore
- impure
- in care
- in for
- in gear
- in store
- incur
- infer
- inhere
- inquire
- inshore
- inspire
- insure
- inter
- inure
- jagir
- keep clear
- killdeer
- languor
- lawn chair
- liqueur
- live for
- lived for
- lives for
- look for
- looked for
- looks for
- lounge chair
- made for
- make for
- make sure
- makes for
- manure
- mature
- meant for
- meniere
- midair
- monsieur
- nervure
- new year
- next door
- no fair
- no fear
- no more
- nonpoor
- nose for
- obscure
- occur
- of yore
- offshore
- on air
- on tour
- once more
- ophir
- out for
- parterre
- pass for
- passed for
- peace corps
- perspire
- pledgor
- postwar
- prefer
- premier
- premiere
- prepare
- press for
- pressed for
- prewar
- procure
- proffer
- quatuor
- rainier
- rancour
- rapport
- reach for
- reached for
- recur
- refer
- rehear
- rehire
- repair
- restore
- retire
- retour
- right here
- rigour
- robur
- root beer
- salvor
- same here
- save for
- say for
- school year
- scream for
- screamed for
- sea air
- seafloor
- secure
- see here
- seigneur
- send for
- senor
- sent for
- severe
- shoot for
- shot for
- side door
- sign for
- signed for
- signs for
- sincere
- small beer
- so there
- speak for
- speaks for
- spoke for
- spring for
- stage door
- stand for
- stands for
- starved for
- stay clear
- steer clear
- stood for
- subfloor
- succour
- switchgear
- take care
- take for
- takes care
- takes for
- the chair
- the poor
- third floor
- threescore
- tonsure
- took care
- took for
- top drawer
- touch for
- transfer
- tried for
- try for
- two pair
- unclear
- unfair
- unsure
- up for
- vapour
- velour
- veneer
- verdure
- vigour
- vouch for
- vouched for
- voyeur
- vulgare
- want for
- washer
- watch for
- watched for
- wazir
- went for
- what for
- white bear
- wild boar
- wing chair
- world war
- acier
- advair
- bade fair
- batture
- bezoar
- bid fair
- bids fair
- big hair
- camp chair
- cane chair
- club chair
- coheir
- compeer
- couloir
- curled hair
- daintier
- darn near
- de jure
- dead air
- derriere
- dime store
- doublure
- du jour
- due care
- eclair
- fights for
- film noir
- flaneur
- footgear
- for fair
- forswore
- four square
- french door
- grasp for
- grasped for
- great chair
- great year
- gruyere
- guns for
- home care
- kept clear
- leap year
- lee shore
- light air
- lissauer
- low gear
- mahseer
- manoir
- menhir
- mule deer
- noncore
- paneer
- pine for
- pined for
- pines for
- portiere
- poseur
- prehire
- press corps
- pull for
- pulled for
- rain gear
- red bear
- rongeur
- root for
- roots for
- sancerre
- screams for
- sea floor
- sends for
- shop floor
- side chair
- small chair
- smoothbore
- sobor
- sprang for
- springs for
- stayed clear
- steered clear
- storm door
- swing door
- tambor
- tofore
- vanir
- voiture
- wants for
- wheatear
- a jour
- a terre
- ablare
- ablur
- achier
- aelur-
- aflare
- age score
- aglare
- aid prayer
- ailur-
- air war
- air-core
- air-cure
- al gore
- alare
- alure
- ambeer
- anear
- ant bear
- apure
- araire
- arear
- aroar
- art square
- assur
- astaire
- astare
- asteer
- atour
- attour
- babur
- back choir
- back gear
- back score
- bacoor
- bad doer
- bar share
- bardier
- base pair
- base-pair
- basse-cour
- basse-terre
- bat ear
- bath chair
- beach gear
- beard hair
- bed share
- beefier
- bell ear
- bell lyre
- bell mare
- berbere
- besmear
- big sur
- big-bore
- birch beer
- black maire
- black pear
- black scour
- blood poor
- blue bear
- blue bur
- bock beer
- bog ore
- bomb scare
- bonaire
- bonheur
- book square
- bow hair
- bow oar
- box drawer
- box score
- brand spore
- breed smear
- broach spire
- bronx cheer
- brown ore
- brush ore
- brusqueer
- bruyere
- buck for
- bulgier
- bull gear
- bum steer
- calvaire
- cape fear
- cape hare
- cast ware
- cat bear
- cat's purr
- causeur
- cave bear
- caveare
- cesure
- chain gear
- chain store
- change gear
- chanteur
- charges here
- chi-square
- chief hare
- chien ware
- choke pear
- chum for
- chun ware
- church year
- claqueur
- class war
- close chair
- close score
- closed pair
- cloud ear
- co-heir
- coiffeur
- cold cure
- cold sore
- cold store
- colure
- comfier
- conteur
- contrair
- cooccur
- cook's tour
- coon bear
- cork fir
- cosher
- cost dear
- cote d'or
- countor
- craft beer
- craquelure
- crepe hair
- crouch ware
- crown gear
- cushier
- cut gear
- cut square
- cuts square
- daguerre
- danseur
- darfur
- dartmoor
- daymare
- de-air
- deck floor
- decreer
- dehire
- dehwar
- dichlor-
- difluor-
- digs for
- dior
- diseur
- dog bur
- dornier
- dortour
- downbear
- draft chair
- draft gear
- drawbore
- drawgear
- drill corps
- drop ear
- drop flare
- dry ore
- dry-cure
- dustoor
- dustour
- dutch door
- eau claire
- eelspear
- effeir
- eight-square
- emeer
- en clair
- encheer
- engore
- epure
- ernst mayr
- ex store
- exmoor
- face gear
- fair's fair
- faith cure
- faitour
- false floor
- farm share
- faux jour
- films noir
- fine-bore
- fire-cure
- fishes for
- fishweir
- fivescore
- fixed year
- fixure
- fleshlier
- float ore
- flush door
- foot score
- forced heir
- forced share
- foreseer
- foreswore
- fortescure
- fother
- four-oar
- fraischeur
- free corps
- french square
- friseur
- froideur
- frondeur
- frotteur
- full bore
- full gear
- full score
- full-bore
- fun fair
- fun fur
- funfair
- gabor
- gang war
- gap year
- george moore
- ghaffir
- glen more
- go spare
- goat's hair
- gold cure
- good doer
- goofier
- grabs for
- grain door
- grand fir
- grande-terre
- grandsir
- grape cure
- grasps for
- grass bur
- grass hare
- great bur
- great stour
- greek fir
- ground fir
- ground war
- guard hair
- guetare
- guipure
- gulfier
- gunned for
- gymnure
- gyplure
- hachure
- half door
- half fare
- hard pear
- hard-core
- hatchure
- hawkier
- high moor
- high-wire
- hochmoor
- hog deer
- hog score
- hog sheer
- hogsteer
- hold-clear
- honfleur
- horn-core
- hot war
- hot-wire
- houhere
- hump sore
- hurts for
- hyothere
- ice bear
- igdyr
- ill-doer
- immure
- in jure
- insnare
- jageer
- jagheer
- jarir
- jenoar
- jib door
- job fair
- john clare
- john deere
- john muir
- joint chair
- joint fir
- juice pear
- jump scare
- jump-scare
- jumpscare
- keen ear
- keep score
- keeps clear
- kephir
- key deer
- khamir
- kildeer
- king hair
- king's spear
- kneipp cure
- kneipp's cure
- knight's tour
- kronur
- la tour
- lahore
- lake eyre
- landseer
- langmuir
- lanier
- laquear
- larch fir
- last heir
- leafier
- life peer
- line score
- live-wire
- livor
- livyere
- lod score
- long four
- longueur
- lop nur
- lord's prayer
- low moor
- lug chair
- lungoor
- macheer
- mahsur
- maipure
- mandoer
- mangier
- markhoor
- marsh deer
- marsh hare
- mast year
- mattoir
- may pear
- mean square
- meuniere
- mill store
- mind cure
- misdoer
- mishear
- mislear
- mock ore
- moliere
- monguor
- montclair
- monture
- moon bear
- mormaer
- moror
- morsure
- mouchoir
- mouillure
- mounseer
- mounture
- mouse bur
- mouse deer
- mouse hare
- musk deer
- nagor
- nanterre
- near beer
- net tare
- nettlier
- night chair
- nightchurr
- nightgear
- niwar
- non-core
- nonglare
- notour
- octuor
- off year
- off-air
- off-bear
- offscour
- on-air
- oneir-
- oofier
- out-there
- outdare
- outpour
- outroar
- outscore
- outsoar
- outswore
- outwore
- painture
- pair-oar
- pamir
- pap smear
- part-score
- parure
- pass door
- pasteur
- pea ore
- pearl ware
- peat moor
- peixere
- pele's hair
- perchlor-
- perdure
- perfluor-
- perloir
- pest pear
- pew chair
- pickeer
- pierre
- pig deer
- pile drawer
- pinched for
- piqueur
- pit-pair
- pitch fir
- pitch ore
- plank-sheer
- plate gear
- platier
- plein air
- plexure
- plum fir
- plump for
- plumped for
- plumps for
- pochoir
- point sur
- pointe-claire
- poor clare
- pornier
- port blair
- postscore
- pre-clear
- pre-war
- preclear
- prescore
- pressed ware
- prestore
- price war
- prick ear
- primeur
- proneur
- pulls for
- purpure
- pylor-
- quaffer
- quaoar
- quill gear
- rag fair
- rail chair
- rampur
- rat hare
- raw score
- readhere
- rebore
- recure
- red deer
- red fir
- red hare
- red square
- redrawer
- reefier
- regear
- repure
- rescore
- rest cure
- revere
- ride share
- right heir
- right sphere
- ring gear
- rock hare
- roe deer
- rood spire
- rood stair
- rook's tour
- root hair
- rootsier
- rope spear
- roquelaure
- rose ear
- runtier
- sage hare
- sambur
- sand bear
- sand pear
- santir
- sap-drawer
- sapir
- sappare
- satu-mare
- saulteur
- schenk beer
- scotch fir
- screw gear
- scroll gear
- sea bear
- sea fir
- sea hare
- sea pear
- sedgemoor
- seed hair
- set square
- shag hair
- shamir
- shank's mare
- shanks' mare
- sheep bur
- shelfier
- shoots for
- shoreyer
- short pair
- short score
- side-wire
- siffleur
- sill floor
- sinclair
- sirkeer
- six-square
- skew gear
- skunk bear
- slab door
- slide-wire
- sling chair
- slip share
- sloth bear
- small-bore
- smoke door
- snail bore
- sneck drawer
- snow bear
- snow pear
- soft-core
- soft-cure
- soil air
- soilure
- sol-faer
- soufriere
- sound gear
- speed gear
- spoon oar
- spring chair
- springhare
- spruce beer
- spruce fir
- sprung for
- spur gear
- spur shore
- staff corps
- star gear
- stays clear
- steam beer
- steam cure
- steel square
- steer oar
- steers clear
- step chair
- stick chair
- sting for
- stings for
- stock beer
- stolkjaerre
- strawsmear
- stroke oar
- stromuhr
- stung for
- stupefier
- sun bear
- sun gear
- sun-cure
- swamp deer
- swamp hare
- swamp maire
- swamp ore
- swarm spore
- swear for
- swears for
- sweet spire
- swore for
- sworn for
- tainture
- tamure
- taraire
- tarsier
- taste hair
- tax year
- tee square
- three-square
- tile ore
- times square
- timor
- tin ear
- tin ore
- ting ware
- tiqueur
- tizeur
- toft ware
- top gear
- top score
- top-drawer
- torchiere
- tourneur
- tournure
- tourtiere
- trade fair
- traiteur
- trap weir
- tree bear
- tree ear
- trichlor-
- trick score
- tries for
- trifluor-
- trip gear
- trotteur
- trouveur
- try square
- tub chair
- tube door
- tulare
- tulwaur
- turf war
- tweedsmuir
- two-pair
- twoscore
- undear
- undoer
- unfreer
- ungear
- unmoor
- unpair
- unpure
- unswore
- unware
- upbore
- upflare
- uprear
- upsoar
- upstir
- uptear
- vague year
- val-d'or
- valkyr
- valve gear
- veld sore
- velure
- veneur
- viveur
- voltaire
- vouches for
- wafture
- wasteweir
- wax hair
- wedge gear
- weiss beer
- what's more
- what-e'er
- wheel ore
- white fir
- white maire
- white pear
- white scour
- wild pear
- wildbore
- wind shear
- winier
- wiredrawer
- withdrawer
- wolfier
- wood ear
- wool scour
- word square
- world's fair
- worm gear
- xolair
- yacht chair
- yeah, sure
- zaffir
- zaire
- zonure
- zoochore
3 syllables
- account for
- accounts for
- afraid for
- allow for
- allowed for
- allows for
- annexure
- answer for
- antiwar
- anymore
- army corps
- asking for
- auctioneer
- bandelier
- bargain for
- bargained for
- belvedere
- billionaire
- bombardier
- bottom drawer
- brigadier
- brought before
- buccaneer
- calling for
- campaign for
- caring for
- cavalier
- chandelier
- chanticleer
- chevalier
- chinaware
- civil war
- coauthor
- commandeer
- connoisseur
- county fair
- crying for
- crystal clear
- debonair
- declare war
- digging for
- disappear
- disrepair
- doctrinaire
- doing for
- double door
- easy chair
- embouchure
- embrasure
- engineer
- erasure
- except for
- fallen for
- falling for
- fearing for
- feeling for
- fighting for
- financier
- fiscal year
- fishing for
- forest floor
- foster care
- garage door
- gazetteer
- getting there
- go before
- going for
- golden hair
- gondolier
- gone before
- gotten there
- grabbing for
- grasping for
- grizzly bear
- guarantor
- guinevere
- gunning for
- handy for
- happy for
- heretofore
- holy war
- immature
- insincere
- interfere
- into gear
- iron ore
- kieselguhr
- labouchere
- landing gear
- listen for
- little bear
- living for
- looking for
- lord mayor
- love affair
- making for
- marine corps
- millionaire
- monseigneur
- muleteer
- multiyear
- musketeer
- never fear
- nowhere near
- only fair
- open air
- open door
- open for
- outside door
- outta here
- overhear
- pamphleteer
- paramour
- passes for
- pelletier
- persevere
- pining for
- pioneer
- polar bear
- premature
- presbyter
- pretty near
- privateer
- procureur
- profiteer
- provide for
- provides for
- pubic hair
- public square
- puppeteer
- put before
- questionnaire
- racketeer
- raconteur
- reaches for
- reaching for
- reappear
- reassure
- reinsure
- retransfer
- rocking chair
- rooting for
- saboteur
- screaming for
- second floor
- secretaire
- sending for
- settle for
- settled for
- sinecure
- sliding door
- solitaire
- souvenir
- speaking for
- spoken for
- standing for
- swinging door
- swivel chair
- taken care
- taken for
- taking care
- taking for
- teddy bear
- theretofore
- trojan war
- trying for
- unaware
- underscore
- volunteer
- voyageur
- wanted for
- warrantor
- watching for
- went before
- bandolier
- blackamoor
- blogosphere
- bring before
- cannoneer
- cater for
- cigar store
- common prayer
- compressed air
- country store
- de rigueur
- declared for
- diapir
- dollar store
- domineer
- douglas fir
- doukhobor
- evening prayer
- final score
- financiere
- fire door
- garden chair
- ginger beer
- goes before
- haute couture
- hollow square
- hurting for
- inner ear
- into care
- jardiniere
- market share
- marketeer
- morning prayer
- mutineer
- noncareer
- overbear
- passing for
- pinot noir
- pressing for
- prickly pear
- pulling for
- reacquire
- reading chair
- reoccur
- rooted for
- running gear
- savoir faire
- science fair
- scrutineer
- sedan chair
- service door
- shooting for
- spoiling for
- steering clear
- steering oar
- threshing floor
- ultrapure
- uncared for
- understeer
- wanting for
- watches for
- wingback chair
- a fool for
- a thick ear
- a. a. fair
- aaron burr
- abampere
- abat-jour
- aberdare
- acrospire
- active door
- acute care
- advanced score
- aetosaur
- agate ware
- agin'er
- air-to-air
- all the more
- allosaur
- alpine fir
- anadyr
- angel's hair
- angel's share
- angle chair
- angle gear
- angle shear
- anjou pear
- ankylosaur
- anti-glare
- anti-war
- antiair
- antiglare
- apgar score
- apple pear
- apple-squire
- archosaur
- arctic air
- arctic hare
- argufier
- asian pear
- at death's door
- at her door
- at his door
- at its door
- at my door
- at one's door
- at the door
- at their door
- at your door
- avant-corps
- avenzoar
- axis deer
- baby hair
- bacon square
- baia-mare
- balladeer
- balsam fir
- balsam pear
- bamboo ware
- bandalore
- bandileer
- bandoleer
- banqueteer
- barber chair
- bargains for
- barking deer
- barosaur
- barrel chair
- basket chair
- basketeer
- bathurst burr
- batoneer
- batten door
- baudelaire
- baykonur
- be of good cheer
- beaching gear
- belamour
- belgian hare
- bellycheer
- beloye more
- bend her ear
- bend his ear
- bend its ear
- bend my ear
- bend one's ear
- bend their ear
- bend your ear
- bends her ear
- bends his ear
- bends its ear
- bends my ear
- bends their ear
- bends your ear
- bent her ear
- bent his ear
- bent its ear
- bent my ear
- bent their ear
- bent your ear
- berlin ware
- bete noire
- beurre noir
- bevel gear
- bidden fair
- bidding fair
- bidding prayer
- bidri ware
- bill of fare
- bill of store
- bills of fare
- biochore
- biowar
- biscayneer
- biscuit ware
- bizen ware
- black wheatear
- black-tailed deer
- blanc de noir
- blue the air
- blued the air
- blues the air
- boatswain's chair
- bobby orr
- bog-mine ore
- bon viveur
- bonded store
- bony spur
- booster chair
- bottger ware
- bottom gear
- boudoir chair
- bouquetiere
- bradford pear
- brelan carre
- brewster chair
- brick veneer
- brilliandeer
- brillianteer
- bring to bear
- brings before
- brings to bear
- brontosaur
- brontothere
- brought to bear
- brunnich's murre
- bucketeer
- budgeteer
- bulk transfer
- bulldog spear
- burro deer
- butt veneer
- butter pear
- button ear
- by the score
- caballer
- cabineer
- cabineteer
- cafe noir
- calling hare
- came in for
- camel hair
- camel's hair
- cameleer
- camelteer
- camoufleur
- camptosaur
- canceleer
- cancelier
- canker sore
- cannelure
- canton ware
- canyoneer
- captain's chair
- carbineer
- cargador
- carideer
- carte du jour
- cartes du jour
- carver chair
- cascade fir
- casing spear
- castor ware
- ceiling floor
- censitaire
- center square
- cessionaire
- chafing gear
- champertor
- channelure
- china fir
- chinese fir
- chinese pear
- choctaw beer
- christian d'or
- christian year
- chronic care
- chrysochlore
- church father
- cipher square
- circle shear
- circuiteer
- circummure
- clair-obscure
- clare-obscure
- clear obscure
- clear the air
- cleared the air
- clears the air
- climature
- clinochlore
- close the door
- closed the door
- closes the door
- clouded ware
- cluster fir
- cluster gear
- co-occur
- co-transfer
- coappear
- cockfight chair
- cogswell chair
- cogwheel ore
- coinsure
- cologne ware
- come in for
- comes in for
- comfort care
- common murre
- common year
- complete pair
- compressed score
- contour chair
- contre-jour
- cooper pair
- cordeliere
- corkbar fir
- corner chair
- cosmic year
- cotransfer
- cotton bur
- countermure
- cour d'honneur
- courmayeur
- cours d'honneur
- courting chair
- couvelaire
- coxwell chair
- creeping bur
- crevecoeur
- cri de coeur
- cricket chair
- cris de coeur
- croix de guerre
- croque monsieur
- croque-monsieur
- cross to bear
- crotcheteer
- crying hare
- cut out for
- cutidure
- cuting square
- dante chair
- danzig fir
- de la mare
- de la warr
- debouchure
- decastere
- decistere
- declare for
- declares for
- dekastere
- del credere
- desert sore
- devil lore
- discount share
- disparlure
- doccia ware
- don't you dare
- double chair
- double floor
- double shear
- double square
- douzainier
- down-to-the-wire
- dresden ware
- drunkard's chair
- dukhobor
- dumas pere
- dummy share
- dun laoghaire
- dye transfer
- eastern shore
- eclipse year
- ecotour
- ecraseur
- edward lear
- elbow chair
- elder care
- en arriere
- encolure
- enverdure
- expansure
- extincteur
- eyeleteer
- factioneer
- faenza ware
- fair and square
- fallow deer
- famille noire
- fantail deer
- far and near
- feather ore
- feeing fair
- felix faure
- felsenmeer
- fermeture
- fibulare
- fictioneer
- fighting chair
- first world war
- fishing bear
- fit and flare
- fit-and-flare
- five-year cure
- flaky fir
- floating floor
- fly-by-wire
- flying mare
- flying moor
- flying shear
- flying shore
- folding door
- folding stair
- food secure
- food-secure
- for a dare
- force majeure
- fossil ore
- framing square
- fraser fir
- fred astaire
- frederick d'or
- free and clear
- friction gear
- friedrich d'or
- from the floor
- fruit liqueur
- functionaire
- fusileer
- gadgeteer
- garlic pear
- garreteer
- genderqueer
- gentrifier
- geosere
- get in gear
- get on for
- get the door
- giant fir
- girl next door
- glacier bear
- gleason score
- go in for
- go to war
- go-ashore
- goes in for
- going spare
- golda meir
- golden fir
- gombroon ware
- gombrun ware
- gone in for
- good news for
- grand seigneur
- green lead ore
- green manure
- green-manure
- gull wing door
- guttee d'or
- hackbuteer
- hadrosaur
- hafner ware
- halberdier
- halosaur
- handgravure
- hang in there
- hangs in there
- hannah more
- harping spear
- harpoon oar
- harsh-furred hare
- have news for
- have the floor
- have to spare
- henry moore
- henry more
- here and there
- hexachlor-
- hide nor hair
- hide or hair
- hit top gear
- hitchcock chair
- hizen ware
- hogarth chair
- hold out for
- hold the floor
- holy spear
- holy year
- honey bear
- honor score
- hormospore
- horseflesh ore
- house of prayer
- how's that for
- hug the shore
- hung in there
- hydrochore
- hydrosere
- hydrospire
- hyper-pure
- hyperpure
- hypoid gear
- ibn zuhr
- ice-cream chair
- iceland cur
- if not for
- ijsselmeer
- in her hair
- in high gear
- in his hair
- in its hair
- in line for
- in my hair
- in one's hair
- in the air
- in the clear
- in their hair
- in your hair
- inside quire
- inter-war
- inverse-square
- invigour
- ipso jure
- irish deer
- irrepair
- is that clear?
- isostere
- isothere
- jackass deer
- jackass hare
- jackfield ware
- jargoneer
- jugulare
- juicy pear
- jumping deer
- jumping hare
- jungle bear
- junketeer
- kaffir beer
- kananur
- keeley cure
- keeping clear
- kerning pair
- kidney ore
- know the score
- koh-i-noor
- kwangtung ware
- lady chair
- lady's chair
- lager beer
- laisser-faire
- laissez-faire
- lake saint clair
- lammermoor
- lammermuir
- latin square
- law of war
- laws of war
- leaf and square
- leaping weir
- ledger score
- legal heir
- leptospire
- let in for
- letter drawer
- levemir
- light repair
- lightning war
- limoges ware
- lion's share
- liqueur d'or
- liqueurs d'or
- liquid air
- lithosere
- live in fear
- livermore
- liveyere
- locavore
- look out for
- looked out for
- looks out for
- loud and clear
- louis d'or
- lovely fir
- lowland fir
- lunar year
- macromere
- made good for
- magic square
- mahaseer
- make good for
- make time for
- make up for
- makes good for
- mal de mer
- malay bear
- mals de mer
- mameliere
- mammy chair
- man-o'-war
- man-of-war
- managed care
- maniere noire
- marine store
- marston moor
- meadow ore
- megathere
- meissen ware
- melangeur
- melon pear
- men-o'-war
- men-of-war
- mesosaur
- mesosere
- micromere
- microsaur
- microsere
- middle ear
- migraineur
- millefleur
- mind the store
- minton ware
- missileer
- miter gear
- miter square
- mocha ware
- monastir
- mongolfier
- monkey bear
- monochlor-
- montgolfier
- mora hair
- morass ore
- more and more
- morris chair
- moskeneer
- mountain hare
- mousquetaire
- muffineer
- mushroom chair
- music lyre
- naga sore
- naked floor
- nandi bear
- nashi pear
- natal sore
- native bear
- native pear
- near and dear
- needle beer
- needle fir
- needle ore
- neutral spore
- newel stair
- nikko fir
- no call for
- no match for
- no place for
- noble fir
- nodosaur
- nom de guerre
- noms de guerre
- nordmann's fir
- not all there
- not called for
- not long for
- nothosaur
- nursing chair
- oblique sphere
- of the year
- off the air
- on a dare
- on a tear
- on her ear
- on his ear
- on its ear
- on my ear
- on one's ear
- on that score
- on the air
- on the square
- on their ear
- on this score
- on your ear
- open cure
- open score
- open-air
- out of here
- out of square
- outer ear
- outside quire
- overclear
- overcure
- overdare
- overdear
- overgear
- overpeer
- overscore
- overshare
- oversoar
- oversquare
- oversteer
- overwore
- package store
- package tour
- pageanteer
- palampoor
- pampas deer
- pampas hare
- panachure
- panel door
- panetiere
- parachor
- parmentiere
- partial score
- patentor
- paul revere
- peacock ore
- peer-to-peer
- perfect score
- perfect square
- perfect year
- persian deer
- persifleur
- petardier
- petit four
- phacochere
- phytosaur
- picture ore
- pied-a-terre
- pieds-a-terre
- pigeoneer
- pigmy deer
- pillowbeer
- pinbefore
- piping hare
- pise de terre
- pistoleer
- planet gear
- plant liqueur
- plat du jour
- plats du jour
- play by ear
- played by ear
- plays by ear
- pliosaur
- plique-a-jour
- plumping for
- pocket door
- point of care
- points of care
- polar air
- polar hare
- pontoneer
- porte cochere
- porter's chair
- post and pair
- prairie hare
- predeclare
- preferred share
- preparateur
- presbytere
- presentor
- presses for
- pressure sore
- prickly bur
- printaniere
- prosateur
- pterosaur
- public store
- pulpiteer
- punnett square
- put down for
- put her there
- put in for
- put it there
- puts before
- puts in for
- pylagore
- quimper ware
- racket store
- raking shore
- raku ware
- rally for
- ramoneur
- rastaquouere
- ravine deer
- re-explore
- re-occur
- reaware
- recompare
- reconfer
- red lead ore
- red zinc ore
- reexplore
- regisseur
- regnal year
- reinspire
- renifleur
- resecure
- reserve air
- restauranteur
- resting spore
- retail store
- retrochoir
- reverse gear
- riding chair
- riga fir
- rise of floor
- river deer
- river pear
- roasting ear
- rocketeer
- rolling chair
- root-mean-square
- rouge et noir
- round the year
- routineer
- rule of four
- rustic ware
- ryotwar
- sacred ear
- saddle sore
- saddle-wire
- sagoweer
- saint-nazaire
- salmon stair
- salvage corps
- samothere
- samuel hoare
- sanda ware
- say no more
- scapulare
- scissors chair
- scolecospore
- scream out for
- sea frontier
- second-drawer
- sector gear
- segment gear
- selangor
- self-aware
- self-despair
- self-insure
- self-secure
- semainier
- semisquare
- send off for
- send out for
- sends off for
- sends out for
- sent off for
- sent out for
- serrature
- session beer
- seto ware
- settles for
- sexupare
- shasta fir
- shed a tear
- sherramoor
- shield-back chair
- shikarpur
- shillibeer
- ship of war
- shooting war
- shop the store
- short-eared hare
- show the door
- showed the door
- shown the door
- shows the door
- shutter weir
- sidewalk door
- sigmaspire
- signing for
- silver fir
- simon-pure
- simple ore
- single shear
- single-gear
- singulair
- sivathere
- sliced veneer
- sliding gear
- slipper chair
- sloganeer
- sloop of war
- sloops of war
- snowshoe hare
- so much for
- solar flare
- solar year
- sonneteer
- sooty ore
- soup du jour
- soups du jour
- souteneur
- spanish fir
- spanish pear
- speak well for
- speaking choir
- spiral gear
- spotted deer
- springing for
- stallioneer
- stand up for
- standard score
- standing gear
- stands up for
- statampere
- state of war
- states of war
- statute fair
- statutes fair
- staying clear
- steamer chair
- steering gear
- stegosaur
- stick out for
- stick up for
- sticks out for
- sticks up for
- stinging for
- stinging hair
- stockateer
- stony share
- stood up for
- strong mayor
- stuck out for
- stuck up for
- sugar pear
- sulphur ore
- summer spore
- summiteer
- swearing for
- sweeping score
- swimmer's ear
- switcher gear
- tabasheer
- tabashir
- table chair
- tablet chair
- tache noire
- tactile hair
- tailor's chair
- take the floor
- takes the floor
- tamanoir
- targeteer
- tawny-moor
- team of four
- tear her hair
- tear his hair
- tear its hair
- tear my hair
- tear one's hair
- tear their hair
- tear your hair
- tears her hair
- tears his hair
- tears its hair
- tears one's hair
- tempers flare
- ten-cent store
- tenant hair
- tenent hair
- terramare
- texas steer
- thanjavur
- the all clear
- the big bear
- the cold war
- the lord's prayer
- the peace corps
- the whole schmear
- the whole schmeer
- then and there
- there, there
- thick-billed murre
- this means war
- thomas moore
- three cheers for
- through the floor
- throwing-spear
- tidal air
- tidal bore
- tiger pear
- time of year
- timoneer
- tirich mir
- to be sure
- to die for
- to the fore
- tony blair
- took the floor
- tore her hair
- tore his hair
- tore its hair
- tore my hair
- tore one's hair
- tore their hair
- tore your hair
- torn her hair
- torn his hair
- torn its hair
- torn my hair
- torn one's hair
- torn their hair
- torn your hair
- tortoise-core
- tregetour
- trigger hair
- triple sheer
- tubulure
- tufted deer
- tug-of-war
- tugs-of-war
- tulip ear
- tumbler gear
- turn a hair
- turned a hair
- turning square
- turns a hair
- twice a year
- twisted pair
- tyne and wear
- typothere
- ultra-rare
- ultrarare
- unasked for
- undergear
- undersquare
- unioneer
- unprepare
- unrepair
- up to here
- urgent care
- van der meer
- vellus hair
- velvet bur
- vendor's share
- venus hair
- vice-premier
- vintage year
- virile share
- viscount stair
- vital air
- volt-ampere
- voltaire chair
- voltigeur
- vouching for
- wainscot chair
- wash ashore
- water bear
- water cure
- water deer
- water hare
- water stair
- water-clear
- weak mayor
- weaponeer
- wear and tear
- weather door
- weather shore
- week of prayer
- went in for
- western fir
- what does care
- whatsoe'er
- whieldon ware
- white lead ore
- white-tailed deer
- whitetail deer
- who goes there
- wicket door
- windsor chair
- wing-tip flare
- winter beer
- winter pear
- winter spore
- wirehair
- with great care
- with to spare
- women's wear
- womens wear
- wooden pear
- woody pear
- woolly bear
- world premiere
- worse for wear
- would kill for
- write off for
- writes off for
- writing chair
- wrote off for
- wycombe chair
- yellow bear
- yellow fir
- yi-hsing ware
- yorkshire chair
- you would swear
- yukagir
- zhytomyr
- zoetermeer
4 syllables
- accounted for
- accounting for
- allowing for
- beyond repair
- calendar year
- candidature
- charioteer
- concessionaire
- convenience store
- department store
- electric chair
- entrepreneur
- general store
- going before
- grocery store
- hereinbefore
- holy father
- intensive care
- kwashiorkor
- patio door
- photogravure
- provided for
- providing for
- restaurateur
- revolving door
- ritonavir
- rotogravure
- settling for
- vanity fair
- abacavir
- ambitious for
- anything near
- bargaining for
- beyond compare
- caveator
- commissionaire
- company store
- discomposure
- financial year
- flight engineer
- gonfaloniere
- indinavir
- litterateur
- milliampere
- nelfinavir
- primary care
- reengineer
- saquinavir
- semiquaver
- supersedure
- thereinbefore
- a change of air
- a la meuniere
- aage n. bohr
- aage niels bohr
- abruzzi ware
- abundant year
- acerathere
- african hair
- alighting gear
- all round the year
- anchovy pear
- annular gear
- anomalure
- answer the door
- anthony blair
- anthracosaur
- apatosaur
- apparent heir
- appraiser's store
- aqueous flare
- arbalestrier
- archpresbyter
- arita ware
- arresting gear
- arretine ware
- arrow-back chair
- artogravure
- astatic pair
- astrapothere
- at full career
- at our door
- attraction sphere
- august meteor
- auriculare
- australian bear
- average tare
- badly off for
- balikesir
- ballet de cour
- ballets de cour
- baloxavir
- balsam of fir
- bandwagoneer
- bang the drum for
- barany chair
- barbotine ware
- barren ground bear
- base rocking chair
- bazillionaire
- be curtains for
- be into for
- be spoiling for
- be spoken for
- beat the drum for
- bell-metal ore
- bend our ear
- bend someone's ear
- bending her ear
- bending his ear
- bending its ear
- bending my ear
- bending their ear
- bending your ear
- bends our ear
- benefit year
- bennington ware
- bent our ear
- bhubaneshwar
- bhubaneswar
- bicycle gear
- bisabol myrrh
- bissextile year
- black marketeer
- blue copper ore
- blueing the air
- bluing the air
- bodily heir
- bog iron ore
- bonheur du jour
- bonheurs du jour
- brachiosaur
- branchiosaur
- breath of fresh air
- bring up the rear
- bringing before
- bringing to bear
- brings up the rear
- bristlecone fir
- brochet de mer
- brochets de mer
- bromoil transfer
- brought up the rear
- brown iron ore
- buffalo bur
- butterfly chair
- cabinet ware
- cable transfer
- caliper square
- callery pear
- cameo ware
- canada hare
- cape jumping hare
- carabineer
- carabiniere
- caravaneer
- carbazole blue r
- carbon transfer
- carillonneur
- carpenter's square
- carton pierre
- cast about for
- cast around for
- casts about for
- casts around for
- celestial sphere
- cervical smear
- cessio in jure
- chalicothere
- chandernagore
- charity care
- chemically pure
- cherry liqueur
- chinese new year
- chrome iron ore
- cinnamon bear
- circular tour
- circumferentor
- city father
- claude dornier
- clearing the air
- closing the door
- coco de mer
- coelurosaur
- collaborateur
- colorature
- colorgravure
- colour-gravure
- come on the air
- coming in for
- commanditaire
- conjoined in lure
- consignment store
- contraflexure
- conventioneer
- corsican fir
- cost someone dear
- cotylosaur
- council of war
- countersecure
- critical care
- crystalline sphere
- culloden moor
- cyril tourneur
- d'anjou pear
- damascus ware
- darunavir
- declaring for
- defective year
- dennis gabor
- derbyshire chair
- director's chair
- distillers' beer
- do nothing for
- dolichosaur
- double ponceau r
- double transfer
- double-dog dare
- double-framed floor
- double-swing door
- droit du seigneur
- dry-bone ore
- duty of care
- dwarf mountain fir
- ectomolare
- edward sapir
- elasmosaur
- electioneer
- elective share
- electric ear
- electrolier
- electromer
- electron pair
- elephant ear
- elephant's ear
- elijah's chair
- elliptic gear
- enaliosaur
- entocythere
- esprit de corps
- etruscan ware
- even the score
- exclusive or
- external ear
- family fare
- farthingale chair
- feel sorry for
- feet in the door
- felt sorry for
- fiddleback chair
- flea in her ear
- flea in his ear
- flea in its ear
- flea in my ear
- flea in one's ear
- flea in their ear
- flea in your ear
- fleur d'amour
- floating on air
- flotation gear
- foot in the door
- founding father
- francois premier
- fredericks d'or
- frederik d'or
- frederiks d'or
- free marketeer
- from far and near
- full credit for
- full head of hair
- gabriel faure
- gallegos freire
- gazillionaire
- george edward moore
- georges de la tour
- german bezoar
- give a plug for
- go off the air
- go on the air
- go to bat for
- goes to bat for
- going in for
- gone to bat for
- grandfather chair
- grandfather's chair
- gray copper ore
- gray minyan ware
- great silver fir
- h. lissauer
- haarlemmermeer
- had it in for
- hang in the air
- hanging in there
- has it in for
- have a head for
- have feelings for
- have got news for
- have it in for
- have no use for
- have someone's ear
- have to thank for
- hedge accentor
- heerabol myrrh
- held a brief for
- helical gear
- her heart bleeds for
- herabol myrrh
- herringbone gear
- hirado ware
- his heart bleeds for
- histamine flare
- hold a brief for
- holds a brief for
- honors of war
- hydrometeor
- hyper-aware
- hyperaware
- i have been there
- ichthyosaur
- ictidosaur
- idler gear
- imari ware
- in full career
- in our hair
- in reverse gear
- in utroque jure
- indian pear
- indigo blue r
- inside the door
- intercompare
- internal ear
- internal gear
- into high gear
- into thin air
- intrapreneur
- irving langmuir
- japanese bear
- japanese deer
- japanese pear
- javelineer
- jewish new year
- julian year
- jus singulare
- justice in eyre
- kadiak bear
- kafr ad dawwar
- kangaroo bear
- kangaroo hare
- karatsu ware
- kelb-el-bahr
- koala bear
- kodiak bear
- kuala lumpur
- kutani ware
- labiate bear
- laboring oar
- law of von baer
- lighter-than-air
- limited war
- listen out for
- listened out for
- listens out for
- lithogravure
- little chief hare
- loaded for bear
- looking out for
- lopinavir
- louis daguerre
- louis pasteur
- lovely red fir
- lowestoft ware
- lowland white fir
- made amends for
- madeira chair
- make a bolt for
- make a break for
- make a dash for
- make a dive for
- make a grab for
- make a name for
- make a play for
- make a run for
- make amends for
- make oneself clear
- makes amends for
- making good for
- malayan bear
- marked transfer
- mean curtains for
- mephitic air
- microampere
- minimal pair
- multiple store
- munitioneer
- my heart bleeds for
- natural heir
- new zealand bur
- nicholas breakspear
- nondoctrinaire
- noogoora burr
- not do much for
- not much call for
- not turn a hair
- odoriphore
- on the hook for
- on the watch for
- one thing is sure
- one's heart bleeds for
- open doors for
- open the door
- open-well stair
- opinionaire
- opinionnaire
- optical pair
- optical square
- oregon fir
- orienteer
- out of her hair
- out of his hair
- out of its hair
- out of my hair
- out of one's hair
- out of their hair
- out of thin air
- out of your hair
- out on her ear
- out on his ear
- out on one's ear
- out on their ear
- outside the door
- overhung door
- palaeosaur
- paleosaur
- paleothere
- palissy ware
- panolia deer
- papasan chair
- paradoxure
- paraguay bur
- parallel sphere
- parasol fir
- parfait amour
- parian ware
- parliamenteer
- paroquet bur
- parrot-back chair
- passive transfer
- pastoral prayer
- patrioteer
- pave the way for
- peachblossom ore
- pelycosaur
- percentage tare
- pere david's deer
- perils of war
- phytobezoar
- piano score
- pilibezoar
- pioneer bore
- pises de terre
- pissaladiere
- play it by ear
- playing by ear
- plesiosaur
- policy year
- pontine flexure
- poor excuse for
- pottery ware
- preach to the choir
- premier danseur
- presumptive heir
- preux chevalier
- primary air
- prince albert fir
- prince albert's fir
- prisoners of war
- proterosaur
- pull up a chair
- putting before
- putting in for
- pygmy musk deer
- pyrogravure
- raltegravir
- reassertor
- red copper ore
- red iron ore
- red silver fir
- red silver ore
- reduction gear
- regular year
- repetiteur
- rib-faced deer
- robespierre
- rosa bonheur
- rotary shear
- roundabout chair
- rule of the air
- sad excuse for
- saddle-check chair
- sales engineer
- samian ware
- scelidosaur
- second world war
- see if i care
- see to the door
- seek revenge for
- send away for
- sending off for
- sending out for
- sends away for
- sensory hair
- sent away for
- serpentine ware
- set on its ear
- settle a score
- settle the score
- sexual spore
- shasta red fir
- show her the door
- show him the door
- show it the door
- show me the door
- show one the door
- show them the door
- show to the door
- show us the door
- show you the door
- showed her the door
- showed him the door
- showed it the door
- showed me the door
- showed them the door
- showed us the door
- showed you the door
- showing me the door
- showing the door
- shown her the door
- shown him the door
- shown it the door
- shown me the door
- shown them the door
- shown us the door
- shown you the door
- shows her the door
- shows him the door
- shows it the door
- shows me the door
- shows them the door
- shows us the door
- shows you the door
- sigmoid flexure
- silica ware
- sir samuel hoare
- sir thomas more
- skew bevel gear
- societaire
- solopreneur
- sotomayor
- spare a thought for
- speak poorly for
- spectacled bear
- spell curtains for
- splenic flexure
- standard of care
- standing up for
- stereopair
- sticking out for
- sticking up for
- strawberry pear
- subalpine fir
- surface-to-air
- syrian bear
- tablet-arm chair
- take off the air
- taken the floor
- taking the floor
- taxable year
- tear our hair
- tearing one's hair
- technopreneur
- teleosaur
- terminal hair
- terre a terre
- tertiary care
- the angel's share
- the boy next door
- the buck stops here
- the coast is clear
- the girl next door
- the marine corps
- the only for
- the open air
- the same goes for
- the worse for wear
- their heart bleeds for
- their hearts bleed for
- thermostromuhr
- through the back door
- tobinambur
- tool engineer
- tore our hair
- torn our hair
- touch someone for
- tract of lissauer
- traversing gear
- treasury share
- trichobezoar
- tropical air
- tropical year
- tuberculare
- turn a deaf ear
- turn of a hair
- turned a deaf ear
- turning a hair
- turns a deaf ear
- tyrannosaur
- uintathere
- undoctrinaire
- up in the air
- vaginal smear
- van rensselaer
- varying hare
- vegetable hair
- vegetable pear
- venetian door
- verse-speaking choir
- vigenere square
- vim and vigour
- virginia dare
- virginia deer
- walk out the door
- walking on air
- wallaby ear
- water of ayr
- went to bat for
- western bezoar
- western white fir
- wildermuth's ear
- wire transfer
- without compare
- world day of prayer
- writing off for
- written off for
- yakutat bear
- year over year
- yellow lead ore
- yitzhak shamir
- you've got me there
- your heart bleeds for
- your hearts bleed for
5 syllables
- academic year
- apologize for
- civil engineer
- multimillionaire
- unaccounted for
- diplomatic corps
- interior door
- mining engineer
- reasonable care
- a breath of fresh air
- a clip round the ear
- a foot in the door
- a la jardiniere
- adirondack chair
- adjudicataire
- adjustable square
- affaire d'amour
- algerian fir
- alligator pear
- amabilis fir
- andre-marie ampere
- archipresbyter
- armillary sphere
- asymmetric war
- atazanavir
- aviator's ear
- avocado pear
- barcelona chair
- baron de la warr
- be a great one for
- be sickening for
- bending our ear
- benoit de sainte-maure
- bioengineer
- blackberry liqueur
- book of common prayer
- books of common prayer
- bringing up the rear
- cable engineer
- capilla mayor
- carry all before
- casting about for
- casting around for
- castle in the air
- castles in the air
- cauliflower ear
- centimillionaire
- cephalic flexure
- certified transfer
- cervical flexure
- charles-pierre baudelaire
- chelsea-derby ware
- cipolletti weir
- claudius dornier
- colorado bur
- colorado fir
- colorado steer
- column of lissauer
- combination door
- combination square
- compensating gear
- complemental air
- conglomerateur
- contraband of war
- conventional heir
- conversation chair
- cordon sanitaire
- counsel of despair
- cranial flexure
- cromwellian chair
- dark red silver ore
- darken someone's door
- departmental store
- differential gear
- disappearing stair
- do a favor for
- double solitaire
- elvitegravir
- embryo transfer
- equinoctial year
- etruria ware
- exterior door
- feeling sorry for
- flea in our ear
- francois-felix faure
- fraudulent transfer
- get her ass in gear
- get his ass in gear
- get one's ass in gear
- get their ass in gear
- get your ass back here
- give him a thick ear
- glastonbury chair
- glomus jugulare
- go to the stake for
- going to bat for
- gray manganese ore
- gregorian year
- grin from ear to ear
- grinned from ear to ear
- grins from ear to ear
- gulf of anadyr
- had a soft spot for
- has a soft spot for
- have a soft spot for
- have an eye out for
- have her eye out for
- have his eye out for
- have one's eye out for
- have something to spare
- have their eye out for
- having it in for
- heavier-than-air
- heliacal year
- heliogravure
- hepatic flexure
- highway engineer
- himalayan fir
- himalayan hare
- holding a brief for
- hollow newel stair
- if it were not for
- in contention for
- in on the ground floor
- industrial store
- inflammable air
- instituted heir
- integrating sphere
- into reverse gear
- irregular heir
- isabelline bear
- ithuriel's spear
- japanese sand pear
- keep a lookout for
- keep a watch out for
- keep an eye out for
- keep her eye out for
- keep his eye out for
- keep one's eye out for
- keep one's eyes peeled for
- keep their eye out for
- keeps a lookout for
- keeps one's eyes peeled for
- kept a lookout for
- kept one's eyes peeled for
- kicks into high gear
- kilovolt-ampere
- knowledge engineer
- landscape engineer
- left colic flexure
- let oneself in for
- light red silver ore
- listening out for
- make a beeline for
- make allowance for
- making amends for
- marianne craig moore
- marine engineer
- methods engineer
- more than a match for
- moves into high gear
- mulheim an der ruhr
- multi-millionaire
- multibillionaire
- nabeshima ware
- needle iron ore
- negative transfer
- neither here nor there
- netherlands timor
- neural engineer
- neuroengineer
- non vult contendere
- none the worse for wear
- northumbrian burr
- not a penny more
- oboe d'amour
- on the lookout for
- one thing is for sure
- only have eyes for
- open-newel stair
- ordinary care
- ordinary share
- oriental sore
- our hearts bleed for
- out of our hair
- overengineer
- palliative care
- planetary gear
- presidential year
- pretermitted heir
- primary health care
- principle of war
- prisoner of war
- privilege of the floor
- product engineer
- protopresbyter
- purple copper ore
- put in a plug for
- put someone down for
- put the car in gear
- railroad engineer
- railway engineer
- refractory ware
- residual air
- reverse engineer
- right colic flexure
- ring in the new year
- robert walter weir
- rocky mountain fir
- ruby copper ore
- ruby silver ore
- sabbatical year
- salopian ware
- sanitary ware
- santa lucia fir
- secondary care
- secondary spore
- sector of a sphere
- send away to for
- sending away for
- sends away to for
- senecu del sur
- senecus del sur
- sent away to for
- service of an heir
- set something afire
- show someone the door
- showed someone the door
- showing her the door
- showing him the door
- showing it the door
- showing them the door
- showing us the door
- showing you the door
- shown someone the door
- shows someone the door
- siberian fir
- sidereal year
- simon van der meer
- sleepy hollow chair
- smile from ear to ear
- smiled from ear to ear
- smiles from ear to ear
- social engineer
- software engineer
- someone's spirits soar
- sorry excuse for
- southern balsam fir
- spathic iron ore
- spiral bevel gear
- stationary air
- student volunteer
- superbillionaire
- supermillionaire
- supplemental air
- tender loving care
- the factory floor
- the same thing goes for
- the traffic will bear
- theater of war
- theaters of war
- theatre of war
- theatres of war
- thomas wilson dorr
- tiananmen square
- townsend's solitaire
- traffic engineer
- turning a deaf ear
- undeserving poor
- upton beall sinclair
- uraniumaire
- variable gear
- variety store
- vegetable bezoar
- vegetable horsehair
- walter de la mare
- weston-super-mare
- what does someone care
- what is waiting for?
- with something to spare
- without regard for
- yellow copper ore
- yellow woolly bear
- you had to be there
- you take it from here
6 syllables
- financially secure
- a bad state of repair
- a good state of repair
- a word in someone's ear
- affaires d'amour
- all's fair in love and war
- american black bear
- anomalistic year
- asymmetrical war
- be into someone for
- be on the lookout for
- beat a path to your door
- been down that road before
- been down this road before
- been on the lookout for
- bernardin de saint-pierre
- bradford callery pear
- california red fir
- careful what you wish for
- castering landing gear
- chemical engineer
- colorado white fir
- complementary air
- decide in favor for
- declaration of war
- della robbia ware
- endeavor river pear
- equinoctial colure
- erythema solare
- fiduciary heir
- gabriel-urbain faure
- genetic engineer
- get her foot in the door
- get his foot in the door
- get in on the ground floor
- get one's foot in the door
- get their foot in the door
- golden-crowned accentor
- gone down that road before
- gone down this road before
- grinning from ear to ear
- guardian of the poor
- have a high regard for
- have a word in your ear
- have her nose in the air
- have his nose in the air
- have one's nose in the air
- have someone to thank for
- have something to thank for
- have their nose in the air
- having a soft spot for
- himalayan black bear
- i've had it up to here
- if it had not been for
- in preparation for
- is on the lookout for
- keep one's eyes open for
- keep the wolf from the door
- keeping a lookout for
- keeping one's eyes peeled for
- keeps one's eyes open for
- kept one's eyes open for
- komsomol'sk-na-amure
- lapis lazuli ware
- lateral gene transfer
- leave the door open for
- light ruby silver ore
- lithophotogravure
- louis-jacques-mande daguerre
- magnetic iron ore
- make no allowance for
- make some allowance for
- management engineer
- martha washington chair
- micaceous iron ore
- none of someone's affair
- not have any use for
- on a wing and a prayer
- on the cutting-room floor
- on the factory floor
- oregon balsam fir
- oregon douglas fir
- oriental bezoar
- out of contention for
- pacific silver fir
- patagonian hare
- periodical year
- philadelphia chair
- phlogisticated air
- pick up the cudgels for
- polar maritime air
- portuguese man-of-war
- portuguese men-of-war
- put the car into gear
- representative peer
- saint brigid of kildare
- savonarola chair
- secretary at war
- see someone to the door
- semicircumferentor
- sending away to for
- set something on its ear
- show someone to the door
- showing someone the door
- siberian snow hare
- smiling from ear to ear
- sonia sotomayor
- specular iron ore
- stephen van rensselaer
- stereoscopic pair
- sure as i'm standing here
- take up the cudgels for
- telegraphic transfer
- testamentary heir
- that goes double for
- there is to be said for
- titanic iron ore
- tricycle landing gear
- under a doctor's care
- ursine dasyure
- vanish into thin air
- variable-speed gear
- walter john de la mare
- was on the lookout for
- were on the lookout for
- where do we go from here
- with her nose in the air
- with his nose in the air
- with one's nose in the air
- with their nose in the air
- you get what you pay for
7 syllables
- electrical engineer
- mechanical engineer
- alizanthrene navy blue r
- american wirehair
- as sure as i'm standing here
- aviation engineer
- baja california sur
- be careful what you wish for
- being on the lookout for
- beneficiary heir
- carry everything before
- disappear into thin air
- efficiency engineer
- electronic funds transfer
- granuloma annulare
- have a lot to answer for
- horizontal gene transfer
- industrial engineer
- japanese parasol fir
- joseph-michel montgolfier
- keeping one's eyes open for
- little sister of the poor
- locomotive engineer
- make no apologies for
- municipal engineer
- octahedral iron ore
- overseer of the poor
- papanicolaou smear
- rhombohedral iron ore
- romulo gallegos freire
- sanitary engineer
- send away to someone for
- sends away to someone for
- sent away to someone for
- sierra madre del sur
- sir samuel john gurney hoare
- stationary engineer
- tenancy from year to year
- throw her hands up in the air
- throw his hands up in the air
- throw one's hands up in the air
- throw their hands up in the air
- tout est perdu fors l'honneur
- tout est perdu hors l'honneur
- tropical maritime air
- variegated copper ore
- what is someone waiting for?
8 syllables
- agricultural engineer
- all present and accounted for
- biomedical engineer
- experimental engineer
- fideicommissary heir
- generation-skipping transfer
- illuminating engineer
- lay the blame for at someone's door
- let's get one thing perfectly clear
- listen with only half an ear
- make an unsuccessful run for
- offer no apology for
- prevention is better than cure
- sending away to someone for
- the only person or thing for
- the understatement of the year
- titaniferous iron ore