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Here's what's in it Elemen, Morison and three other women had stayed behind in Sacramento for a media interview, while the rest of the conventioneers went off to an event in Napa.—Lane Sainty, The Arizona Republic, 28 May 2023 Last year, the convention Colosseum showcased the first-ever screening of Top Gun: Maverick, which triggered unexpected paroxysms of joy (and even tears) among conventioneers and went on to become 2022’s most lucrative movie.—Vulture, 26 Apr. 2023 Such markets are more reliant on business travelers and conventioneers, who have yet to return in full force.—Roger Vincent, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023 How the city’s convention business shakes out in the coming years will have an effect on restaurants, entertainment venues and other businesses that have factored conventioneer foot traffic into their plans.—Kenneth R. Gosselin, Hartford Courant, 25 Sep. 2022 See All Example Sentences for conventioneer