Words to Describe whisker
Things whisker often describes ("whisker ________")
- deflection
- contents
- increases
- distribution
- fraction
- tip
- reinforced
- size
- crystals
- follicles
- bridging
- stimulation
- alignment
- booms
- movements
- material
- matrix
- diameter
- production
- composite
- axis
- deprivation
- pads
- removal
- ends
- short
- contacts
- reinforcements
- seeds
- pad
- ratio
- contact
- cut
- end
- tips
- length
- lengths
- graph
- mechanism
- burns
- diameters
- barrel
- burn
- composites
- growths
- reinforcement
- pole
- growth
- stubble
- graphs
- hairs
- wire
- hair
- content
- mark
- barrels
- fracture
- ceramics
- out
- formation
- cortex
- map
- strength
- representation
- surfaces
- plot
- pullout
- claw
- chart
- damage
- morphology
- diagrams
- area
- additions
- sensors
- orientation
- toughening
- poles
- plots
- stripe
- form
- displays
- carbon
- surface
- spots
- diagram
- interface
- region
- detector
- crystal
- follicle
- materials
- break
How whisker often is described ("________ whisker")
- upper
- light
- smallest
- cut
- principal
- red
- top
- single
- fair
- substantial
- longer
- white
- coloured
- merest
- puzzled
- hand
- much
- square
- lower
- sapphire
- rough
- chop
- wiry
- masculine
- frightful
- small
- luxuriant
- crystal
- huge
- ragged
- box
- right
- little
- black
- yellow
- precise
- ceramic
- gray
- bushy
- nasty
- sparse
- short
- thick
- wavy
- longest
- green
- thin
- mere
- stiff
- sandy
- ducky
- grizzled
- reprehensible
- proverbial
- starboard
- metal
- long
- combed
- naughty
- slight
- bottom
- side
- absurd
- fine
- solitary
- pure
- fluffy
- fluffiest
- mullite
- left
- and
- individual
- dark
- false
- grey
- soft
- crystalline
- last
- sic