Words to Describe territory
Things territory often describes ("territory ________")
- residents
- property
- southwest
- west
- border
- land
- tributary
- size
- defense
- centres
- development
- production
- police
- law
- defence
- election
- preparatory
- cattle
- oklahoma
- sales
- coast
- agencies
- service
- manager
- object
- record
- north
- forest
- side
- settlements
- northwest
- affairs
- lie
- wools
- ownership
- slaves
- acquisition
- establishment
- dimension
- wool
- product
- tribes
- quality
- slavery
- towns
- matters
- legislation
- jurisdictions
- population
- ministers
- laws
- wide
- authority
- bands
- east
- formation
- characteristics
- owners
- management
- inheritance
- representation
- town
- westward
- communities
- the
- services
- freedom
- community
- bear
- folks
- authorities
- stations
- government
- free
- area
- pastoralists
- mapping
- economics
- south
- boundaries
- industry
- holder
- station
- subject
- economy
- people
- governments
- aborigines
- managers
How territory often is described ("________ territory")
- sacred
- chinese
- conquered
- arab
- spanish
- wide
- colonial
- polish
- austrian
- mandated
- turkish
- vast
- entire
- west
- contiguous
- egyptian
- western
- much
- italian
- indian
- canadian
- foreign
- exclusive
- virgin
- hungarian
- additional
- former
- japanese
- huge
- soviet
- unknown
- uncharted
- occupied
- british
- african
- fertile
- eastern
- unoccupied
- northern
- dutch
- american
- german
- own
- ceded
- papal
- national
- venetian
- new
- russian
- federal
- tribal
- alien
- lost
- dangerous
- controlled
- adjacent
- held
- unexplored
- mexican
- familiar
- immense
- sovereign
- disputed
- portuguese
- unfamiliar
- friendly
- rich
- french
- belgian
- greek
- extensive
- southern
- limited
- roman
- hostile
- neutral
- whole