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Logging on already provides a daily megadose of paranoia (mass surveillance), epistemic vertigo (deepfakes), and fremdschämen (thirstposting).—Meghan O'Gieblyn, Wired, 16 Sep. 2020 The play encapsulated so many of the defining football characteristics Bernard brought to the Bengals that year (and years since): elusivity, creativity, electricity, relentlessness and a megadose of fun.—Paul Dehner Jr., Cincinnati.com, 27 June 2018 Perhaps a megadose of LSD, or a shroom trip, or one more ayahuasca ceremony will finally heal me.—Stuart Leach, Washington Post, 25 Mar. 2018 Arkansas’ protocol calls for a 500-miligram megadose of midazolam.—Washington Post, 26 Apr. 2017 The network has been turning politics into sport for nearly 20 years: Zucker just gave the model a megadose of steroids.—New York Times, 21 Apr. 2017