Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
TAKE THE QUIZ“in the.”
The following 235 entries include the term in the..
nounman in the moon
: a fancied figure of a man or man's face suggested by the dark and bright areas of the moon
nounpeg in the ring
: a game of spinning a peg top within the bounds of a marked-out circle
puss in the corner
: a game in which all players but one occupy goals (as the corners of a room) and at a signal try to exchange places before the one having no place of his own can reach one of the vacant goals
nounRejoicing in the Law
: simhath torah
spit in the ocean
: poker in which each player is dealt a hand of cards facedown and combines them with cards faceup on the table to make a poker hand
Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptist
noun: a member of a strongly Calvinistic Baptist sect resembling the Primitive Baptists but believing that mankind is divided into the offspring of God who will be saved and the offspring of the Devil who will be lost
obsolete variant of will-o'-the-wisp
noun: nonspecific debility of cattle compare hollow horn
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
proverbial saying—used to say that it is better to hold onto something one has than to risk losing it by trying to get something better
a break in the weather
noun phrase: a change from unpleasant to more pleasant weather
a drop in the ocean
noun phrase: an amount that is so small that it does not make an important difference or have much effect
a kick in the teeth
noun phrase: something that is very shocking and disappointing