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TAKE THE QUIZ“in the.”
The following 235 entries include the term in the..
the proof is in the pudding
idiom—used to say that a person can only know if something is good or bad by trying it
the proof of the pudding is in the eating
idiom—used to say that a person can only know if something is good or bad by trying it
throw one's hands up (in the air)
idiom: to stop an activity or effort and admit that one cannot do anything to make a situation better
noun: a dish made of sausages cooked in batter
try/use every trick in the book
idiom: to do everything one can to achieve something
twist/turn the knife (in the wound)
idiom: to say or do things that cause more pain to someone who is already suffering
wise in the ways of
idiom: having knowledge about or experience with (someone or something)
with one's hands in the till
idiom: stealing money from the place where one works
with one's nose in the air
idiom: in a way that shows one thinks one is better than other people
with the best will in the world
idiom: with the most sincere desire and effort to do something good or worthwhile —used especially to say that it is not possible to do something even if one wants to do it very much