play video affect vs effect
Commonly Confused

Affect vs. Effect

Here's the lowdown on what may be the most confusing pair of words in the English language.

Here's the lowdown on what may be the most confusing pair of words in the English language.

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play video affect vs effect
Affect vs. Effect


Here's the lowdown on what may be the most confusing pair of words in the English language.

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How to Remember 'Affect' and 'Effect'


A simple way to keep them apart. (Most of the time.)

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Drive Safe: In Praise of Flat Adverbs


You don't have to end all your adverbs in -ly to talk right.

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Alright vs. All Right


Is 'alright' all right?

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'Mispronunciations' That May Be Fine


'Mischievous,' 'nuclear,' and other words to pronounce with caution.

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Is there one standard way?