Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
The following 187 entries include the term into.
wander (into)
verbas in stray (into)
bump into
phraseto come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face
check into
phraseto search through or into
come into one's own
phraseto reach a desired level of accomplishment
fly into a rage
phraseto become very angry
into the bargain
phrasein addition to what has been said
lay into
phraseto criticize (someone) severely or angrily especially for personal failings
light into
phraseto criticize harshly and usually publicly
pitch into
phraseto start work on energetically
put into words
phraseto express (a thought or emotion) in words
run into
phraseto come upon unexpectedly or by chance
sail into
phraseto criticize harshly and usually publicly
sink one's teeth into
phraseto crush or grind with the teeth
step into
phraseto go or come in or into
take into account
phraseto give consideration to (as unexpected circumstances or contingencies)