Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
The following 252 entries include the term a.
make a comeback
phraseto regain a former or normal state
make a face
phraseto distort one's face
make a pretense
phraseto take on a false or deceptive appearance
make a scene
phraseto express one's anger usually violently
make a show
phraseto take on a false or deceptive appearance
much of a muchness
phraseresembling another in every respect
of a certain age
phrasebeing of advanced years and especially past middle age
of a piece
phrasenot having or showing any apparent conflict
on a dime
phrasewithout delay
once in a blue moon
phrasenot often
once in a while
phraseon some occasions
pull a face
phraseto distort one's face
put/place (someone) on a pedestal
phraseto treat or regard (someone) as extraordinarily good, successful, important, etc.
put up a front
phraseto take on a false or deceptive appearance
quite a bit
phrasea considerable amount