You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
The following 252 entries include the term a.
carry a torch (for)
phraseto feel passion, devotion, or tenderness for
cock a snook (at)
phraseto make (someone or something) the object of unkind laughter
come a cropper
phraseto be unsuccessful
cut a deal
phraseto talk over or dispute the terms of a purchase
do a number on
phraseto cause to believe what is untrue
draw a conclusion
phraseto form an opinion or reach a conclusion through reasoning and information
drop a dime (on)
phraseto give information (as to the authorities) about another's improper or unlawful activities
fly into a rage
phraseto become very angry
get a kick out of
phraseto take pleasure in
get a load of
phraseto make note of (something) through the use of one's eyes
get a move on
phraseto proceed or move quickly
give a hang
phraseto experience concern or anxiety
give a hard time
phraseto create difficulty for the work or activity of
have a fit
phraseto become very angry
have a go at
phraseto make an effort to do