How to Use viral marketing in a Sentence
viral marketing
The movie’s viral marketing campaign was one of the first true successes of the genre.
—Josephine Livingstone, New Republic, 6 Feb. 2018
The entirety of Season 6 has yet to hit shelves on the heels of its new viral marketing campaign.
—Jake Woolf, GQ, 1 Feb. 2018
The movie was made under-the-radar and used a viral marketing campaign to tease out interest.
—Etan Vlessing, The Hollywood Reporter, 23 Sep. 2022
Whether or not this was a genuine slip by the Lowes, or simply some clever viral marketing, remains to be seen.
—Amy MacKelden, Harper's BAZAAR, 5 Apr. 2020
Iowa burger man Loren Gingrich went down to the crossroads and sold his soul to the devil in exchange for this viral marketing ploy.
—John Hendrickson, Esquire, 24 Feb. 2015
Iksic also bought a handful of miniature Santa’s elves and hid them around the store this year to drive viral marketing.
—Kiran Herbert, Outside Online, 18 Dec. 2020
At the start of last week, Dogecoin was valued at about 9-cents but exploded in worth by the weekend to 40 cents due to viral marketing trends.
—Joe Mario Pedersen,, 20 Apr. 2021
The Blair Witch Project showed the value of viral marketing, and proved a compelling story and tense tone was more important than a high-gloss studio sheen.
—Tasha Robinson, The Verge, 1 Nov. 2018
The Airbnb post arrives as a viral marketing campaign for the Barbie movie continues to ramp up ahead of the film’s debut on July 21.
—Byeleanor Pringle, Fortune, 27 June 2023
People have been making the joke that 2017 is a viral marketing campaign for Season Four of Black Mirror.
—Anna Peele, GQ, 13 Dec. 2017
But hardcore fans know better — at least, the ones who have been willing to dive into the in-world websites, chatbots, and email blasts that serve as the show’s viral marketing campaign.
—Bryan Bishop, The Verge, 24 May 2018
What happens if no one notices the viral marketing campaign for your new horror film?
—Clark Collis,, 29 Sep. 2022
The sunglass company owned by DeCelles just struck gold with a viral marketing video.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 June 2019
No one pulls out her phone to take a picture of sliders or mini quiches—here was a way to turn catering into viral marketing.
—Molly Fischer, The New Yorker, 19 Sep. 2022
And its participants weren’t lured into some viral marketing scheme for a quick buck.
—Jenny Singer, Glamour, 2 Oct. 2020
Playing with viral marketing before viral marketing was a thing, the team bandied ideas around.
—, 5 Apr. 2024
That, plus some good online viral marketing to hit overindexing demographics with ads and trailers, would go a long way.
—Mark Hughes, Forbes, 8 Aug. 2022
Smile pulled off one of the creepiest viral marketing campaigns in recent memory.
—Janey Tracey,, 16 Oct. 2024
This is an example of the dark side of 21st-century e-commerce in which viral marketing campaigns – such as those miracle-cure ads bunched at the bottom of web pages – prey on the naivete of woke consumers.
—Washington Post, 23 July 2019
There is no formula that cracks the code of viral marketing, and the reason why marketing goes viral is usually unknown.
—Expert Panel®, Forbes, 10 Feb. 2023
Justin Bieber's viral marketing campaign for his new album caused a Boston politician to jokingly call for a ban on graffiti inspired by the singer.
—Rebecca Rose, Cosmopolitan, 4 Nov. 2015
Colorful health sodas with viral marketing strategies are popping up in a grocery store near you.
—USA TODAY, 23 July 2023
Juul devices went on sale in 2015, and the company quickly propelled itself to the top of the market with a combination of high-nicotine pods, dessert and fruit flavors, and viral marketing.
—Washington Post, 25 Sep. 2019
The combination of heavy viral marketing and an immediate chorus has helped Smith score their biggest hit in years, and Petras her biggest hit to date.
—Rania Aniftos, Billboard, 4 Oct. 2022
After the feature became a box-office hit, its success continued with home viewing, in part thanks to a viral marketing campaign led by lead stars Powell and Sweeney.
—Samantha Bergeson, IndieWire, 2 Aug. 2024
American towns have been renaming themselves in honor of corporate brands for longer than viral marketing has even been a thing.
—Ken Jennings, Condé Nast Traveler, 24 Sep. 2018
What this all amounts to is a viral marketing stunt that any presidential candidate would pay millions for, but one that no strategist or ad agency could create.
—Rebecca Jennings, Vox, 23 July 2024
Since then, the people behind the viral marketing campaign have teased us with more billboards and social media posts, but very little clues on Jeny’s identity.
—cleveland, 3 Jan. 2020
Their spread so captivated social media that many wondered whether the world was falling for a viral marketing campaign.
—New York Times, 28 Dec. 2020
So, for casual fans who want in on the reveals — or just want to marvel at the depth of HBO’s puzzle-creation — here’s a handy guide to everything Westworld’s viral marketing has revealed about the upcoming season.
—Bryan Bishop, The Verge, 6 Apr. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'viral marketing.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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