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Words that Rhyme with palaeomastodon
1 syllable
2 syllables
- act on
- acts on
- anton
- argon
- axon
- bang on
- banged on
- bank on
- baronne
- baryon
- base on
- based on
- baton
- bear on
- bent on
- big on
- black swan
- bore on
- born on
- borne on
- boron
- bow on
- bring on
- brought on
- build on
- built on
- buisson
- bygone
- call on
- called on
- calls on
- came on
- capon
- cardon
- cast on
- catch on
- caught on
- chance on
- cheat on
- check on
- checked on
- checks on
- chew on
- chewed on
- chiffon
- clamped on
- close on
- closed on
- come on
- comes on
- count on
- coupon
- crayon
- cut on
- cuts on
- dacron
- dawn on
- dawned on
- dear john
- dined on
- diwan
- don juan
- dote on
- down on
- draw on
- drawn on
- draws on
- dream on
- drew on
- droned on
- dumped on
- dwell on
- dwelt on
- edge on
- egg on
- eggs on
- end on
- exon
- fall on
- falls on
- fed on
- feed on
- feeds on
- fell on
- fight on
- fix on
- fixed on
- force on
- forced on
- foregone
- forgone
- form on
- formed on
- forth on
- fought on
- frown on
- frowned on
- furan
- gained on
- get on
- gets on
- go on
- goes on
- gone on
- good on
- got on
- grass on
- grew on
- ground on
- grow on
- grown on
- grows on
- guerdon
- had on
- hadron
- halon
- hand on
- hands on
- hang on
- hangs on
- has on
- have on
- held on
- hell on
- help on
- high on
- hit on
- hogan
- hold on
- holds on
- hooked on
- hot on
- hung on
- huron
- in on
- javan
- jump on
- jumped on
- just on
- keen on
- keep on
- keeps on
- kept on
- klystron
- knock on
- knocked on
- knocks on
- koran
- laid on
- lain on
- latch on
- latched on
- lay on
- lead on
- leads on
- lean on
- leaned on
- leans on
- let on
- lie on
- lies on
- light on
- live on
- lived on
- lives on
- lock on
- locked on
- locks on
- log on
- logged on
- logs on
- long john
- long on
- look on
- looked on
- looks on
- lost on
- maran
- march on
- marched on
- memnon
- meson
- micron
- moron
- move on
- moved on
- moves on
- neutron
- not on
- nylon
- pass on
- passed on
- pecan
- photon
- pick on
- picked on
- pile on
- piled on
- pilon
- pion
- play on
- played on
- plays on
- pot on
- poured on
- predawn
- press on
- pressed on
- prey on
- preyed on
- prion
- proton
- pull on
- pulled on
- pulls on
- push on
- pushed on
- put on
- puts on
- pylon
- quinton
- quran
- rabban
- radon
- ran on
- redrawn
- rest on
- rests on
- ride on
- rides on
- right on
- rode on
- roll on
- round on
- run on
- runs on
- salon
- sat on
- seized on
- sent on
- set on
- shame on
- sign on
- signed on
- signs on
- sit on
- sits on
- skin on
- slap on
- slapped on
- smile on
- smiled on
- smiles on
- soft on
- sold on
- spied on
- sprang on
- spring on
- spy on
- stamp on
- stand on
- stands on
- start on
- stay on
- stayed on
- stays on
- stephane
- stomped on
- stood on
- strike on
- strong on
- struck on
- stuck on
- sweet on
- switch on
- switched on
- switches on
- tacan
- take on
- takes on
- tell on
- teuton
- thereon
- threw on
- thrive on
- thrived on
- throw on
- thrown on
- told on
- took on
- touch on
- touched on
- trade on
- tried on
- try on
- turn on
- turned on
- turns on
- undrawn
- upon
- urged on
- vote on
- wait on
- walk on
- walked on
- walks on
- wear on
- weighed on
- went on
- whereon
- wish on
- withdrawn
- wore on
- work on
- worked on
- works on
- worn on
- ashcan
- bajan
- balon
- bangs on
- banked on
- banks on
- bears on
- breathe on
- breathed on
- brings on
- cheer on
- cheered on
- chews on
- cistron
- clamp on
- counts on
- crunched on
- dawns on
- dibs on
- dine on
- dotes on
- drone on
- dump on
- dwelled on
- dwells on
- eikon
- false dawn
- fights on
- forms on
- frowns on
- gain on
- gave on
- give on
- gray dawn
- guenon
- harp on
- hauled on
- helped on
- hinge on
- hits on
- indrawn
- jumps on
- kalon
- kishon
- lays on
- lets on
- lipan
- merlon
- mouflon
- orlon
- phylon
- piles on
- plowed on
- pompon
- poor john
- popped on
- pots on
- pour on
- preys on
- rag on
- rags on
- razon
- rights on
- rounds on
- ruban
- sawan
- seize on
- sell on
- send on
- sets on
- shaitan
- shake on
- shook on
- slaps on
- spies on
- split on
- springs on
- sprung on
- stamps on
- starts on
- stomp on
- strikes on
- thrives on
- thrust on
- toran
- trogon
- urge on
- verged on
- votes on
- waits on
- wears on
- weigh on
- weighs on
- -xylon
- add-on
- alaun
- aldon-
- alraun
- angon
- argonne
- ascian
- aswan
- axone
- azlon
- backsawn
- band-sawn
- bandsawn
- bash on
- bashed on
- bashes on
- bataan
- begnawn
- bejan
- beltian
- bichon
- bilaan
- blue john
- bombonne
- breathes on
- broad on
- brouillon
- builds on
- busaun
- bustian
- c'mon
- cadjan
- canzon
- cape bon
- capped pawn
- carryon
- caslon
- casts on
- cattan
- cazcan
- ceylon
- chao'an
- charles xiv john
- cheats on
- cheers on
- choice-drawn
- chupon
- clamps on
- clip-on
- closes on
- come-on
- comtian
- croupon
- crunch on
- crunches on
- danzon
- daydawn
- dead-on
- defcon
- deuton
- dhahran
- dies non
- dijon
- dines on
- ding-on
- downgone
- drones on
- dukan
- dumps on
- dunk on
- dunked on
- dunks on
- eldon
- end-on
- essoine
- ex-con
- fair lawn
- fig faun
- fine-drawn
- fink on
- finks on
- flat-sawn
- frog spawn
- full-on
- gabon
- gai lan
- gains on
- garonne
- gibran
- gipon
- gives on
- goof on
- goofed on
- goofs on
- grassed on
- grind on
- grinds on
- gurjan
- gutian
- hair-drawn
- hands-on
- hard-drawn
- hard-on
- harped on
- harps on
- haul on
- hauls on
- haves on
- he's on
- head-on
- heilbronn
- helps on
- hie on
- hied on
- hies on
- horse-drawn
- hsi-fan
- hsiang-t'an
- huai'an
- icon-
- impawn
- iran
- kafuan
- knock-on
- lagon
- lanzon
- leguan
- leucon
- log-on
- long-drawn
- luchuan
- machaan
- macron
- mark-on
- masan
- mass john
- mayon
- mid on
- milan
- misdrawn
- mnemon
- mock brawn
- moissan
- moufflon
- moutan
- mufflon
- muflon
- muran
- muron
- mute swan
- nahuan
- nippon
- nitron
- oak lawn
- odds-on
- oman
- oran
- outdrawn
- passed pawn
- peguan
- perlon
- peron
- pick-can
- picks on
- pinzon
- pisan
- plow on
- plows on
- pneumon-
- pookawn
- pop on
- pops on
- posaune
- pours on
- pre-dawn
- put-on
- qiran
- quichuan
- qur'an
- resawn
- retcon
- rift-sawn
- right-on
- roll-on
- romblon
- root on
- roots on
- roughdrawn
- run-on
- s-iron
- saigon
- saint john
- san juan
- scazon
- sells on
- sends on
- shakes on
- she's on
- shit-can
- shtadlan
- sic on
- sicced on
- sichuan
- sicked on
- sics on
- side-on
- sign-on
- skinned on
- skins on
- slip-on
- snap-on
- sours on
- splits on
- spot-on
- square john
- squeal on
- squealed on
- squeals on
- step-on
- stick-on
- stomps on
- sulphon-
- supawn
- suppawn
- suwon
- sweet john
- taiwan
- ted shawn
- tehran
- tells on
- tepehuan
- three-awn
- throve on
- throws on
- thrusts on
- tie-on
- tip-on
- tolkaan
- trades on
- tree lawn
- tries on
- try-on
- tucson
- tufan
- turn-on
- turned-on
- tutsan
- two-on
- umfaan
- updrawn
- upgone
- vanjohn
- varan
- vel non
- verge on
- villon
- von braun
- wagaun
- walk-on
- wean on
- weaned on
- weans on
- welch on
- welched on
- welsh on
- welshed on
- welshes on
- wild swan
- wiredrawn
- wundtian
- xi'an
- yan'an
- yangchuan
- yinchuan
- you're on
- youpon
- yuan
- yueh-p'an
- yukon
- zaguan
3 syllables
- act upon
- acted on
- acting on
- advance on
- aileron
- antiphon
- autobahn
- banging on
- based upon
- bearing on
- bordered on
- breathing on
- building on
- call upon
- called upon
- calling on
- calls upon
- came upon
- carillon
- carried on
- carries on
- carry on
- castellan
- catching on
- celadon
- cephalon
- cheated on
- cheating on
- checking on
- chewing on
- chitosan
- closing on
- come upon
- comes upon
- coming on
- contract on
- counting on
- cynodon
- decide on
- denouement
- depend on
- depends on
- deuteron
- doted on
- draw upon
- drawing on
- drawn upon
- drew upon
- dwell upon
- dwelling on
- dwelt upon
- early on
- easy on
- echelon
- embark on
- epsilon
- etalon
- even on
- fall upon
- fallen on
- falling on
- falls upon
- fastened on
- feed upon
- feeding on
- fell upon
- fighting on
- figure on
- figured on
- figures on
- fixed upon
- force upon
- forced upon
- forces on
- forming on
- frowned upon
- gaining on
- ganglion
- getting on
- given on
- glucagon
- going on
- gotten on
- growing on
- hanging on
- happen on
- happened on
- happens on
- harping on
- having on
- heavy on
- hereupon
- hexagon
- hitting on
- holding on
- ichneumon
- improve on
- insist on
- intent on
- jumping on
- keeping on
- knocking on
- later on
- lavished on
- lay upon
- laying on
- leaning on
- leprechaun
- letting on
- lexicon
- liaison
- lie upon
- light upon
- living on
- looking on
- lying on
- magnetron
- marching on
- mastodon
- morion
- moving on
- oberon
- octagon
- omicron
- overdrawn
- pantheon
- paragon
- parmesan
- parthenon
- passes on
- passing on
- pattern on
- pendragon
- pentagon
- picking on
- play upon
- played upon
- playing on
- polygon
- positron
- pressing on
- prevail on
- prevailed on
- prey upon
- preyed upon
- preying on
- pulling on
- pushing on
- putting on
- rapprochement
- rattled on
- reckoned on
- relied on
- relies on
- rely on
- rest upon
- rested on
- resting on
- rests upon
- riding on
- rounded on
- running on
- salvarsan
- seize upon
- seized upon
- set upon
- setting on
- settle on
- settled on
- sitting on
- smile upon
- smiled upon
- smiling on
- soldier on
- soldiers on
- spying on
- stamped on
- standing on
- started on
- starting on
- staying on
- steady on
- struck upon
- struggle on
- struggled on
- stumble on
- submicron
- switching on
- taken on
- taking on
- tarragon
- thereupon
- thrust upon
- touch upon
- touched upon
- touches on
- touching on
- trying on
- turn upon
- turning on
- undergone
- upsilon
- verging on
- vidicon
- visit on
- wait upon
- waited on
- waiting on
- walking on
- wearing on
- weighing on
- whereupon
- work upon
- worked upon
- working on
- accouchement
- acts upon
- alight on
- allantoin
- apian
- banking on
- border on
- borders on
- bringing on
- broadside on
- catches on
- catholicon
- chaetodon
- chance upon
- cheering on
- cotton on
- crunching on
- dalapon
- dawning on
- decides on
- demijohn
- dining on
- doting on
- draws upon
- droning on
- egged on
- eidolon
- enlarge on
- enlarged on
- expand on
- falchion
- fasten on
- fed upon
- fix upon
- fixing on
- frown upon
- ganelon
- giving on
- grinding on
- handed on
- hauling on
- hired on
- impinge on
- impinged on
- improved on
- inform on
- kiloton
- latching on
- leading on
- lies upon
- linuron
- locking on
- magneton
- marches on
- microtron
- monodon
- monuron
- noumenon
- oerlikon
- orthicon
- ortolan
- pentosan
- phlegethon
- piling on
- plays upon
- pouring on
- presses on
- presume on
- propylon
- rabbit on
- ran upon
- rattle on
- rattling on
- reckon on
- replicon
- rounding on
- rumbled on
- run upon
- seizing on
- settles on
- shaking on
- sigmodon
- signing on
- slapping on
- smiles upon
- soldiered on
- sour on
- stamping on
- stomping on
- striking on
- subsist on
- telling on
- throwing on
- traded on
- trading on
- urging on
- voted on
- voting on
- woebegone
- -opticon
- abidjan
- abipon
- acolhuan
- aesop prawn
- aglycon
- alights on
- alit on
- always-on
- amazon
- and so on
- andijon
- andizhan
- applejohn
- aragon
- arakan
- archegone
- archelon
- avalon
- avignon
- axicon
- axiron
- babylon
- balafon
- balmacaan
- barge in on
- barged in on
- base upon
- bashing on
- batten on
- battened on
- battens on
- bayamon
- be rough on
- be struck on
- be sweet on
- be tough on
- bear down on
- bears down on
- beat up on
- beats up on
- bewick swan
- bewick's swan
- biberon
- black huron
- blowiron
- bobbejaan
- bodycon
- bore down on
- brachyouran
- break in on
- breathe upon
- burst in on
- busycon
- button-on
- call in on
- callejon
- calutron
- camagon
- came in on
- cantion
- capuan
- carpogone
- carry-on
- cash in on
- cast doubt on
- cast light on
- cast-iron
- casting on
- cataian
- catch up on
- cell of schwann
- cembalon
- champignon
- check off on
- check up on
- checked off on
- checked up on
- checks off on
- checks up on
- cheveron
- chilodon
- chun doo-hwan
- cimarron
- cimmaron
- clamp down on
- clamped down on
- clamping on
- clamps down on
- clap eyes on
- close in on
- cobiron
- come down on
- come in on
- comes down on
- comes in on
- contakion
- contracts on
- cornichon
- cottoned on
- cottons on
- creep up on
- creeps up on
- crept up on
- crinkleawn
- cuting on
- cymbalon
- dead set on
- deinodon
- dilate on
- dilates on
- dine out on
- dined out on
- dines out on
- dineutron
- diovan
- dip-iron
- dipylon
- dobuan
- dongguan
- dote upon
- dotes upon
- dumping on
- dunking on
- dwelled upon
- dwells upon
- ease up on
- eased up on
- egging on
- elikon
- elocon
- embouchement
- embryon-
- enlarges on
- epigone
- erdogan
- espadon
- ethnicon
- ethnikon
- expands on
- fall back on
- falls back on
- famille jaune
- farrakhan
- fastens on
- faulchion
- favicon
- feeds upon
- fell back on
- fenelon
- finked on
- finking on
- fired-on
- first dibs on
- fixes on
- flexagon
- follow-on
- forcing on
- foredawn
- from here on
- from now on
- frowning on
- frowns upon
- furrowed prawn
- gain ground on
- gandharan
- genghis khan
- germiston
- gerygone
- get in on
- get it on
- get off on
- get tough on
- gets it on
- gets tough on
- give up on
- glamazon
- glyptodon
- go back on
- go down on
- go in on
- go light on
- goes back on
- goes down on
- goings-on
- gone back on
- gone down on
- gonfalon
- goofing on
- got it on
- got tough on
- grasses on
- grassing on
- green guenon
- guayacan
- hackathon
- hacqueton
- handing on
- hang one on
- hanger-on
- hangers-on
- hangs one on
- harpsichon
- harpsicon
- held out on
- helicon
- helping on
- hiodon
- hire on
- hires on
- hiring on
- histrion
- hold off on
- hold out on
- holder-on
- holders-on
- holds out on
- home in on
- homed in on
- homes in on
- homoian
- hone in on
- honed in on
- hoppin' john
- hopping john
- hormogone
- huascaran
- hung one on
- hying on
- improves on
- imran khan
- indent on
- indents on
- infobahn
- innopran
- iserlohn
- isn't on
- ivatan
- jivaran
- john sinjohn
- k-meson
- kairouan
- kazakhstan
- keener on
- keenest on
- keep tabs on
- keep up on
- keep watch on
- kentrogon
- korakan
- koyukon
- kublai khan
- kusaian
- labuan
- laid eyes on
- lain upon
- lake huron
- lamp-iron
- latches on
- lavish on
- lay eyes on
- lay it on
- lay stress on
- layer-on
- layers-on
- lays eyes on
- leguaan
- leontodon
- lestodon
- let in on
- let up on
- liaoyuan
- life goes on
- lippizan
- liqueur jaune
- load up on
- loads up on
- logging on
- long-clawed prawn
- look down on
- look in on
- looked down on
- looked in on
- looker-on
- lookers-on
- looks down on
- looks in on
- mad keen on
- made good on
- maintenon
- major on
- majored on
- majors on
- make good on
- makes good on
- malabon
- mamelon
- mampalon
- manacan
- mandragon
- mangaian
- mantis prawn
- maracan
- marathon
- matacan
- matapan
- megatron
- menazon
- merawan
- merogon
- mikoyan
- miss out on
- missed out on
- moldovan
- molokan
- monacan
- mount zion
- move in on
- mow the lawn
- mu-meson
- mylicon
- nauruan
- niassan
- no flies on
- not much on
- octodon
- off and on
- off-and-on
- omadhaun
- omahan
- on and on
- oophoron
- opticon
- overgone
- paduan
- pantalon
- pantodon
- papelonne
- pass it on
- pericon
- perigone
- persian lawn
- petalon
- phytotron
- pi-meson
- pick up on
- picked up on
- picks up on
- piping guan
- pistol prawn
- pivot on
- pivots on
- plowing on
- polish swan
- popping on
- porion
- port huron
- portcrayon
- portolan
- potted on
- potting on
- pour it on
- pour scorn on
- powassan
- prairillon
- premised on
- presumed on
- presumes on
- prevails on
- preys upon
- propion-
- proturan
- pulegone
- pushes on
- put stress on
- put years on
- put-upon
- putter-on
- putters-on
- quartersawn
- rabbits on
- ragged on
- ragging on
- rain blows on
- ran low on
- ran out on
- rattles on
- read up on
- reads up on
- reblochon
- reckons on
- red three-awn
- reguerdon
- rhincodon
- rhumbatron
- ride herd on
- rides herd on
- rituxan
- river prawn
- rock guenon
- rode herd on
- rooted on
- rooting on
- rumble on
- rumbles on
- run low on
- run out on
- runs low on
- runs out on
- runs upon
- ryukyuan
- sabaton
- sabayon
- samarran
- sandragon
- sat in on
- seizes on
- selling on
- sending on
- set eyes on
- set foot on
- set store on
- sets eyes on
- sets store on
- sets upon
- setter-on
- setters-on
- shaken on
- sheath of schwann
- shed light on
- shield of brawn
- siccing on
- sicking on
- simenon
- sine qua non
- sinequan
- sit in on
- sit-upon
- sits in on
- skinning on
- snapping prawn
- sneak up on
- sneaked up on
- sneaks up on
- snuck up on
- soldier prawn
- solid-drawn
- soured on
- spermogone
- splitting on
- sporogone
- springing on
- squealing on
- start codon
- start in on
- starts in on
- stegodon
- still and on
- stramazon
- stricken on
- strike upon
- strikes upon
- struggles on
- subsists on
- sudeten
- tai chi chuan
- tainaron
- taiyuan
- take out on
- takes out on
- talkathon
- tangent-sawn
- taoyuan
- tee off on
- teed off on
- tees off on
- tensilon
- tetrodon
- tetuan
- therapon
- thriven on
- thriving on
- throw doubt on
- throw light on
- thrusting on
- thrusts upon
- tiburon
- tie one on
- tied one on
- ties one on
- tolstoyan
- tonkawan
- took out on
- tradevman
- transitron
- travatan
- try it on
- tsingyuan
- tundra swan
- twenty-one
- tymbalon
- typicon
- typikon
- underdrawn
- unwithdrawn
- urges on
- verge upon
- verged upon
- verges on
- virgin spawn
- visits on
- waits upon
- walk in on
- walk out on
- walkathon
- walked in on
- walked out on
- walker-on
- walkers-on
- walks in on
- walks out on
- want in on
- wants in on
- warrauan
- weaning on
- welches on
- welching on
- welshing on
- went back on
- went down on
- whistling swan
- whooper swan
- whooping swan
- wichitan
- with knobs on
- works upon
- zacaton
- zephiran
- zeuglodon
- zileuton
- zimbalon
4 syllables
- acted upon
- acting upon
- agamemnon
- alighted on
- automaton
- beauty salon
- bordering on
- calling upon
- carrying on
- coming upon
- decide upon
- decided on
- deciding on
- depend upon
- depended on
- depending on
- depends upon
- diencephalon
- earlier on
- fallen upon
- falling upon
- happened upon
- happening on
- incumbent on
- insist upon
- intent upon
- lying upon
- meditate on
- panopticon
- phenomenon
- pivoted on
- prevail upon
- prevailed upon
- relied upon
- rely upon
- relying on
- rested upon
- resting upon
- settled upon
- settling on
- stumble upon
- the pentagon
- visited on
- waited upon
- alighting on
- chylomicron
- deliver on
- drawing upon
- dwelling upon
- embark upon
- encephalon
- enlarge upon
- enlarged upon
- epimeron
- expanded on
- fastening on
- feeding upon
- figuring on
- happen upon
- hypoxylon
- improve upon
- improved upon
- lavished upon
- photoneutron
- pivoting on
- playing upon
- presume upon
- preying upon
- reckoning on
- relies upon
- seizing upon
- settle upon
- smiling upon
- struggling on
- subsisted on
- subsisting on
- touching upon
- waiting upon
- working upon
- a window on
- abumeron
- achaenodon
- achorion
- aelodicon
- agkistrodon
- alight upon
- alights upon
- alit upon
- all eyes are on
- aluminon
- amphineuran
- ancistrodon
- anomoian
- anthraxylon
- antibaryon
- antigonon
- antineutron
- at daggers drawn
- atiuan
- augustus john
- azerbaijan
- b meson
- bakauan
- balopticon
- barges in on
- barging in on
- battening on
- bearing down on
- beaten up on
- beating up on
- betaseron
- bitter pecan
- bohr magneton
- borne down on
- branchiuran
- break in upon
- came down on
- carrying-on
- carryings-on
- cast a pall on
- catch-as-catch-can
- ceroxylon
- checking off on
- checking up on
- chimakuan
- cladoxylon
- clamping down on
- close the door on
- come down hard on
- comes down hard on
- coming down on
- coming in on
- contracted on
- contracting on
- contraposaune
- cottoning on
- creeping up on
- ctenacodon
- dadoxylon
- de alarcon
- de bonis non
- decapodan
- decides upon
- diachylon
- dicamptodon
- dilate upon
- dilated on
- dilates upon
- dilating on
- dimetrodon
- dining out on
- diprotodon
- do a job on
- dodecagon
- doted upon
- doting upon
- double up on
- doubled up on
- doubles up on
- draw a bead on
- draw the blinds on
- draw the shades on
- drawn a bead on
- draws a bead on
- drew a bead on
- dublin bay prawn
- eases up on
- easing up on
- emoticon
- en echelon
- enlarging on
- epoophoron
- erythrogone
- eta meson
- euthyneuran
- expand upon
- expanding on
- expands upon
- eyes are locked on
- fall back upon
- fallen back on
- falling back on
- falls back upon
- feast her eyes on
- feast his eyes on
- feast one's eyes on
- feast their eyes on
- fell back upon
- ferdinand braun
- fix her eyes on
- fix her gaze on
- fix her hopes on
- fix her sights on
- fix her stare on
- fix his eyes on
- fix his gaze on
- fix his hopes on
- fix his sights on
- fix his stare on
- fix one's eyes on
- fix one's gaze on
- fix one's hopes on
- fix one's sights on
- fix one's stare on
- fix their eyes on
- fix their gaze on
- fix their hopes on
- fix their sights on
- fix their stare on
- fixes upon
- fixing upon
- flammarion
- flowers of tan
- follow through on
- follow up on
- force polygon
- forces upon
- forcing upon
- frise aileron
- from that point on
- frowning upon
- gain a jump on
- gain the jump on
- geoprumnon
- georges simenon
- get a fix on
- get a grasp on
- get a grip on
- get a jump on
- get a line on
- get a move on
- get her claws on
- get her hands on
- get her skates on
- get his claws on
- get his hands on
- get his skates on
- get one's claws on
- get one's hands on
- get one's skates on
- get the goods on
- get the jump on
- get their claws on
- get their hands on
- get their skates on
- get tougher on
- gets a grip on
- gets a move on
- gets tougher on
- getting it on
- getting tough on
- go easy on
- go heavy on
- going back on
- going down on
- got a grip on
- got a move on
- got tougher on
- gotten it on
- great antiphon
- guaycuruan
- gulf of oman
- had a grip on
- had one's eye on
- haematogone
- half-marathon
- hang her hat on
- hang his hat on
- hang its hat on
- hang my hat on
- hang one's hat on
- hang their hat on
- hang their hats on
- hang your hat on
- hanging one on
- hangs her hat on
- hangs his hat on
- hangs its hat on
- hangs one's hat on
- happens upon
- harmonicon
- harmoniphon
- has a grip on
- has one's eye on
- have a blitz on
- have a grip on
- have a jump on
- have a line on
- have a lock on
- have bearing on
- have designs on
- have nothing on
- have one's eye on
- have the goods on
- have the jump on
- heap praises on
- heliodon
- hematogone
- henri moissan
- henry st. john
- her eyes fall on
- heterodon
- heterogone
- hexaemeron
- his eyes fall on
- hither and yon
- holding out on
- homing in on
- hones in on
- honing in on
- hung her hat on
- hung his hat on
- hung its hat on
- hung my hat on
- hung one's hat on
- hung their hat on
- hung their hats on
- hung your hat on
- hydraulicon
- hyracodon
- impinge upon
- impinged upon
- impinges on
- impinging on
- improves upon
- improving on
- indented on
- indenting on
- inpolygon
- irenicon
- jussieuan
- kaloxylon
- kamelaukion
- keep a lid on
- keep a rein on
- keep an eye on
- keep her mind on
- keep his mind on
- keep one's mind on
- keep their mind on
- keep your hair on
- keep your pants on
- keep your shirt on
- keeps an eye on
- kept an eye on
- khalil gibran
- khalil jibran
- kontakion
- lake balaton
- lavish upon
- lavishes on
- lavishing on
- lay a hand on
- lay great stress on
- lay her hands on
- lay his hands on
- lay one's hands on
- lay the blame on
- lay their hands on
- laying eyes on
- le phenomenon
- lift the lid on
- lipomicron
- loaded up on
- loading up on
- look kindly on
- looking down on
- looking in on
- loosely base on
- majoring on
- making good on
- mangarevan
- meditates on
- melodicon
- mesoplodon
- methyprylon
- metroxylon
- micromicron
- millimicron
- minahassan
- misses out on
- missing out on
- model oneself on
- monoprion
- motor neuron
- musical prawn
- myroxylon
- neencephalon
- nematogone
- nickel-iron
- nicolaitan
- nychthemeron
- nycthemeron
- o antiphon
- oahuan
- okanagon
- old occitan
- omegatron
- one's eyes fall on
- oreodon
- pantechnicon
- paratenon
- paroophoron
- pass judgment on
- pass the torch on
- pendelikon
- picking up on
- pile something on
- piled something on
- piles something on
- pin her hopes on
- pin his hopes on
- pin one's hopes on
- pin the blame on
- pin their hopes on
- pineland three-awn
- pinned her hopes on
- pinned his hopes on
- pinned one's hopes on
- pinned the blame on
- pinned their hopes on
- pins her hopes on
- pins his hopes on
- pins one's hopes on
- pins the blame on
- pins their hopes on
- platycodon
- play a trick on
- polyodon
- premised upon
- press something on
- presumed upon
- presumes upon
- presuming on
- prevailing on
- prevails upon
- pride oneself on
- prionodon
- procephalon
- prochorion
- purkinje neuron
- put a check on
- put a hold on
- put a hurt on
- put a lid on
- put a price on
- put a tail on
- put a wash on
- put her shirt on
- put her skates on
- put his shirt on
- put his skates on
- put money on
- put one's shirt on
- put one's skates on
- put over on
- put the arm on
- put the bite on
- put the hurt on
- put the lid on
- put the make on
- put the moves on
- put the screws on
- put their shirt on
- put their skates on
- puts over on
- puts the arm on
- puts the bit on
- puts the make on
- qairouan
- quindecagon
- quote someone on
- rabbited on
- rabbiting on
- rain punches on
- reading up on
- rear echelon
- reply coupon
- rhineodon
- ridden herd on
- riding herd on
- root someone on
- root something on
- rostov-on-don
- rumbling on
- running low on
- running out on
- running upon
- saskatchewan
- seizes upon
- sell someone on
- sells someone on
- set great store on
- set her heart on
- set her sights on
- set his heart on
- set his sights on
- set its heart on
- set its sights on
- set my heart on
- set my sights on
- set one's heart on
- set one's sights on
- set the seal on
- set their heart on
- set their hearts on
- set their sights on
- set your heart on
- set your hearts on
- set your sights on
- sets her heart on
- sets her sights on
- sets his heart on
- sets his sights on
- sets its heart on
- sets one's heart on
- setting eyes on
- setting store on
- setting upon
- settles upon
- seventy-one
- shabbathaian
- sic something on
- sicced something on
- sicked something on
- sics something on
- sine quibus non
- sitting in on
- skew aileron
- skew polygon
- skewed aileron
- smectymnuan
- sneaking up on
- sold someone on
- soldiering on
- solenodon
- souring on
- stake her life on
- stake his life on
- stake of zion
- stake one's life on
- stake their life on
- started in on
- starting in on
- steal a march on
- steals a march on
- stole a march on
- stone polygon
- streptoneuran
- stricken upon
- striking upon
- substance of schwann
- t'ai chi ch'uan
- t. a. h. schwann
- take it out on
- take mercy on
- take pity on
- taken out on
- takes it out on
- taking out on
- tanganyikan
- teeing off on
- tetrapylon
- the heat is on
- the rout was on
- thecophoran
- their eyes fall on
- thrusting upon
- tieing one on
- time marches on
- took it out on
- totonacan
- touches upon
- trikerion
- trimetrogon
- tripolitan
- trucial oman
- trumpeter swan
- turn her back on
- turn his back on
- turn its back on
- turn my back on
- turn one's back on
- turn their back on
- turn their backs on
- turn your back on
- turn your backs on
- turned her back on
- turned his back on
- turned its back on
- turned my back on
- turned one's back on
- turned their back on
- turned their backs on
- turned your back on
- turned your backs on
- turns her back on
- turns his back on
- turns its back on
- turns one's back on
- tuvaluan
- tying one on
- ultramicron
- venus's-fan
- verges upon
- verging upon
- visit upon
- visiting on
- visits upon
- wailatpuan
- walking in on
- walking out on
- wanted in on
- wanting in on
- wernher von braun
- white-nosed guenon
- william caslon
- winnowing-fan
- wipe her boots on
- wipe his boots on
- wipe its boots on
- wipe my boots on
- wipe one's boots on
- wipe your boots on
- wiped her boots on
- wiped his boots on
- wiped its boots on
- wiped my boots on
- wiped their boots on
- wiped your boots on
- wipes her boots on
- wipes his boots on
- wipes it boots on
- wish someone on
- wish something on
- wrote the book on
- zero coupon
- zero in on
- zeroed in on
- zeroes in on
5 syllables
- capitalize on
- decided upon
- depended upon
- depending upon
- ferrosilicon
- incumbent upon
- lycopersicon
- meditating on
- mesencephalon
- polysilicon
- stereopticon
- telencephalon
- visited upon
- alighted upon
- capitalized on
- diatessaron
- meditate upon
- meditated on
- neodiprion
- neosalvarsan
- onomasticon
- prolegomenon
- prosencephalon
- relying upon
- rhombencephalon
- a leg to stand on
- a light bulb goes on
- a peg to hang on
- adiaphoron
- aeolodicon
- al-qayrawan
- alighting upon
- alseroxylon
- amebelodon
- anabibazon
- antideuteron
- aplacophoran
- archencephalon
- archicephalon
- arnold's ganglion
- artophorion
- asteroxylon
- at the crack of dawn
- be conditioned on
- be not a patch on
- bidder's ganglion
- blew the whistle on
- blow the whistle on
- blown the whistle on
- blows the whistle on
- came down hard on
- cast aspersions on
- catalogue raisonne
- ciliophoran
- cincholoipon
- coming down hard on
- concave polygon
- connector neuron
- convex polygon
- corti's ganglion
- coruminacan
- dawn phenomenon
- deciding upon
- devisat vel non
- diaconicon
- did a number on
- dilated upon
- dilating upon
- do a number on
- does a number on
- done a number on
- doubling up on
- draw the curtain on
- drawing a bead on
- ediacaran
- elegant trogon
- endochorion
- enlarges upon
- enlarging upon
- epencephalon
- epinikion
- erythroxylon
- ever and anon
- exochorion
- expanded upon
- expanding upon
- fallen back upon
- falling back upon
- fix her eyes upon
- fix her gaze upon
- fix her hopes upon
- fix her sights upon
- fix her stare upon
- fix his eyes upon
- fix his gaze upon
- fix his hopes upon
- fix his sights upon
- fix his stare upon
- fix one's eyes upon
- fix one's gaze upon
- fix one's hopes upon
- fix one's sights upon
- fix one's stare upon
- fix their eyes upon
- fix their gaze upon
- fix their hopes upon
- fix their sights upon
- fix their stare upon
- forward echelon
- get a corner on
- get a handle on
- get an angle on
- get the lowdown on
- getting a grip on
- getting a move on
- getting tougher on
- gnathocephalon
- go a bundle on
- gotten a move on
- grey of fallodon
- guaicuruan
- had her heart set on
- had his heart set on
- had my heart set on
- had one's heart set on
- had their hearts set on
- had your heart set on
- had your hearts set on
- haematoxylon
- hang our hat on
- hang our hats on
- hanging her hat on
- hanging his hat on
- hanging its hat on
- hanging my hat on
- hanging one's hat on
- hanging their hat on
- hanging their hats on
- hanging your hat on
- happening upon
- has her heart set on
- has his heart set on
- has one's heart set on
- has their hearts set on
- have a corner on
- have a handle on
- have half an eye on
- have her heart set on
- have her hopes fixed on
- have her sights fixed on
- have his heart set on
- have his hopes fixed on
- have his sights fixed on
- have my heart set on
- have one's heart set on
- have one's hopes fixed on
- have one's sights fixed on
- have their hearts set on
- have their hopes fixed on
- have their sights fixed on
- have your heart set on
- have your hearts set on
- having a grip on
- having one's eye on
- hexahemeron
- honoluluan
- hung our hat on
- hung our hats on
- hypsilophodon
- image orthicon
- impinges upon
- impinging upon
- improving upon
- isle of avalon
- karl ferdinand braun
- keep a close check on
- keep a sharp eye on
- keep half an eye on
- keeping an eye on
- koch phenomenon
- koch's phenomenon
- laurinoxylon
- lavishes upon
- lavishing upon
- lay a finger on
- lay a guilt trip on
- let someone in on
- look kindly upon
- look unkindly on
- look with favor on
- lumbar ganglion
- mastigophoran
- mealy amazon
- meckel's ganglion
- meditates upon
- mesepimeron
- mesoreodon
- metencephalon
- micrencephalon
- muscat and oman
- no reflection on
- north saskatchewan
- not have a stitch on
- omega meson
- omophorion
- onychophoran
- open fire on
- opened fire on
- otic ganglion
- pa'umotuan
- paleencephalon
- paraganglion
- pastophorion
- pattern oneself on
- pattern something on
- pentadecagon
- perispomenon
- petrochelidon
- petrous ganglion
- phi phenomenon
- piling something on
- pin all her hopes on
- pin all his hopes on
- pin all one's hopes on
- pin all their hopes on
- pinned all her hopes on
- pinned all his hopes on
- pinned all one's hopes on
- pinned all their hopes on
- pinning her hopes on
- pinning his hopes on
- pinning one's hopes on
- pinning the blame on
- pinning their hopes on
- pins all her hopes on
- pins all his hopes on
- pins all one's hopes on
- pins all their hopes on
- postencephalon
- presuming upon
- prevailing upon
- prided herself on
- protocephalon
- put a damper on
- put a guilt trip on
- put a price tag on
- put great demands on
- put her finger on
- put her imprint on
- put her money on
- put his finger on
- put his imprint on
- put his money on
- put my finger on
- put one's finger on
- put one's imprint on
- put one's money on
- put the finger on
- put the kibosh on
- put the phone down on
- put the spotlight on
- put the thumbscrews on
- put their finger on
- put their imprint on
- put their money on
- put your finger on
- puts her finger on
- puts his finger on
- puts on the dog on
- puts one's finger on
- puts the finger on
- puts the kibosh on
- putting over on
- putting the arm on
- putting the bite on
- putting the heat on
- putting the make on
- putting the squeeze on
- radioiron
- reflect credit on
- revenge oneself on
- rhinencephalon
- rishon leziyyon
- sceuophorion
- schizopetalon
- selling someone on
- sensory neuron
- set our heart on
- set our hearts on
- set our sights on
- setting her heart on
- setting her sights on
- setting his heart on
- setting his sights on
- setting its heart on
- setting its sights on
- setting my heart on
- setting my sights on
- setting one's heart on
- setting their heart on
- setting their hearts on
- setting their sights on
- setting your heart on
- setting your hearts on
- setting your sights on
- settle something on
- settled something on
- settles something on
- settling upon
- siccing something on
- sicking something on
- sideroxylon
- slot-lip aileron
- south saskatchewan
- splanchnic ganglion
- stealing a march on
- stolen a march on
- subencephalon
- synonymicon
- take something out on
- taken it out on
- takes something out on
- taking it out on
- the show must go on
- there are no flies on
- threw cold water on
- throw cold water on
- thrown cold water on
- throws cold water on
- took something out on
- tritencephalon
- turn our back on
- turn our backs on
- turned our back on
- turned our backs on
- turned the spotlight on
- turned up the heat on
- turning her back on
- turning his back on
- turning its back on
- turning my back on
- turning one's back on
- turning one's backs on
- turning their back on
- turning their backs on
- turning your back on
- turning your backs on
- ultramarathon
- vasoganglion
- visiting upon
- waiilatpuan
- wapsipinicon
- what's the skinny on
- white substance of schwann
- whose side are you on
- will bet her life on
- will bet his life on
- will bet one's life on
- will bet their life on
- will stake her life on
- will stake his life on
- will stake one's life on
- will stake their life on
- wipe our boots on
- wiped our boots on
- wiping her boots on
- wiping his boots on
- wiping its boots on
- wiping my boots on
- wiping their boots on
- wiping your boots on
- would bet her life on
- would bet his life on
- would bet one's life on
- would bet their life on
- would stake her life on
- would stake his life on
- would stake one's life on
- would stake their life on
- wrisberg's ganglion
- yellow guayacan
- zeroing in on
- zone phenomenon
6 syllables
- capitalizing on
- epiphenomenon
- meditated upon
- meditating upon
- organosilicon
- a shoulder to cry on
- amniochorion
- arthus phenomenon
- augustus edwin john
- be conditioned upon
- blowing the whistle on
- bring down the curtain on
- bring the curtain down on
- capitalizes on
- celiac ganglion
- cerebroganglion
- ciliary ganglion
- cupressinoxylon
- danysz phenomenon
- devisavit vel non
- doing a number on
- dorsal root ganglion
- emmanuel macron
- epimanikion
- etymologicon
- ferdinand julius cohn
- frequency polygon
- had our hearts set on
- hanging our hat on
- hanging our hats on
- hapax legomenon
- have our hearts set on
- heptakaidecagon
- jugular ganglion
- keep a watchful eye on
- keep a weather eye on
- keep an eagle eye on
- lay great emphasis on
- lithographic crayon
- look unkindly upon
- make many demands on
- marquise de maintenon
- myelencephalon
- nodose ganglion
- ophthalmencephalon
- ophthalmic ganglion
- palae-encephalon
- paralipomenon
- pinning all her hopes on
- pinning all his hopes on
- pinning all one's hopes on
- pinning all their hopes on
- place a high value on
- place a premium on
- place heavy demands on
- practice deception on
- properispomenon
- prozone phenomenon
- purkinje phenomenon
- put a dampener on
- put a human face on
- put a premium on
- put her thinking cap on
- put his thinking cap on
- put one's thinking cap on
- put our finger on
- put out a contract on
- put something over on
- put their thinking cap on
- puts something over on
- putting her finger on
- putting his finger on
- putting my finger on
- putting on the dog on
- putting one's finger on
- putting the finger on
- putting the kibosh on
- putting their finger on
- putting your finger on
- rang down the curtain on
- raynaud's phenomenon
- rings down the curtain on
- rung down the curtain on
- setting our heart on
- setting our hearts on
- setting our sights on
- settling something on
- shwartzman phenomenon
- someone's life depends on
- sovetskaya gavan'
- spherical polygon
- staircase phenomenon
- stellate ganglion
- take out a contract on
- take out a patent on
- take out insurance on
- taken an option on
- taken something out on
- taking something out on
- taxco de alarcon
- thalamencephalon
- the curtain comes down on
- theologoumenon
- theologumenon
- thoracic ganglion
- throwing cold water on
- tiahuanacan
- tighten the thumbscrews on
- turning our back on
- turning our backs on
- tyndall phenomenon
- wiping our boots on
7 syllables
- a peg to hang something on
- aeolomelodicon
- araucarioxylon
- association neuron
- associative neuron
- auditory ganglion
- bezold-brucke phenomenon
- catherine of aragon
- cell-blockade phenomenon
- cellular automaton
- conditio sine qua non
- desiccation polygon
- electronic carillon
- funicular polygon
- geniculate ganglion
- hamamelidoxylon
- inferior ganglion
- internuncial neuron
- lenticular ganglion
- liesegang phenomenon
- louis abdul farrakhan
- martin alonso pinzon
- mesenteric ganglion
- not have a leg to stand on
- paleoencephalon
- put a new complexion on
- putting our finger on
- putting something over on
- ringing down the curtain on
- root someone or something on
- roots someone or something on
- semilunar ganglion
- someone's memory lives on
- somogyi phenomenon
- superior ganglion
- vestibular ganglion
- wenckebach phenomenon
- wish someone or something on