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Words that Almost Rhyme with augmented reality
3 syllables
- absently
- acidly
- affably
- agony
- alchemy
- amnesty
- angrily
- anomie
- anxiously
- apathy
- apogee
- atrophy
- avidly
- balcony
- banditry
- bankruptcy
- baptistery
- basketry
- blasphemy
- cabinetry
- callously
- calumny
- canonry
- canopy
- captaincy
- cavalry
- cavity
- chapelry
- chaplaincy
- chastity
- craftily
- dragonfly
- faculty
- falconry
- fallacy
- family
- fantasy
- gadgetry
- galaxy
- gallantly
- gallantry
- gravelly
- gravity
- handily
- handsomely
- happily
- languidly
- laxity
- lazily
- majesty
- malady
- manatee
- manfully
- pageantry
- palmately
- palpably
- pamunkey
- passably
- patency
- patently
- phantasy
- practically
- raggedy
- randomly
- rapidly
- rascally
- ratably
- rhapsody
- sacristy
- sanity
- satiny
- scantily
- shabbily
- strategy
- tactfully
- tammany
- tangency
- tangibly
- tapestry
- thankfully
- tragedy
- travesty
- valiantly
- vanity
- abbacy
- anally
- averagely
- axletree
- balladry
- baptistry
- bashfully
- cannily
- damnably
- hazily
- laughably
- laxly
- nastily
- raggedly
- saddletree
- scammony
- stagnancy
- valuably
- wrathfully
- accidie
- acid-free
- acidy
- acoli
- acrasy
- actressy
- adagy
- adjunctly
- adultly
- agamy
- agaty
- agilely
- alcumy
- algraphy
- alt-country
- amphiscii
- anglesey
- angusti-
- anisey
- ankoli
- annecy
- anomy
- anthony
- antony
- apple-pie
- ashraphi
- astrally
- atomy
- babbittry
- babbly
- baggily
- banally
- blamably
- blankety
- brassily
- cabbagey
- cabbagy
- cadgily
- cagily
- cambistry
- camelry
- cannonry
- cantily
- capilli
- capsuli-
- captainly
- captainry
- captiously
- castalie
- cattily
- chancelry
- chancily
- chaplainry
- chasmy
- chattily
- clamantly
- clammily
- crabbedly
- craftsmanly
- craggily
- cramasie
- cramasy
- crankily
- daddocky
- daffily
- damnously
- dandily
- dandruffy
- draftily
- draftsmanly
- dramedy
- facilely
- factiously
- fallibly
- fancily
- fattily
- flabbily
- flakily
- flannelly
- flashily
- frabjously
- fractiously
- fragilely
- galilee
- gamily
- gannetry
- gantlope
- gascony
- gassily
- ghastfully
- ghastily
- gladsomely
- glandulae
- glassily
- glazily
- hammily
- hamotzi
- hantengri
- haplessly
- hassocky
- hazelly
- jactancy
- jaggedly
- jazzily
- kalasie
- kalunti
- kangani
- kangany
- lacily
- lankily
- llanelly
- madrasi
- magadhi
- maggotry
- maggoty
- malmedy
- mangabey
- mansionry
- mascally
- matadi
- matchlessly
- mazily
- napoli
- nattily
- navally
- pallidly
- palmati-
- panglessly
- pansophy
- pastosely
- pavidly
- placably
- planfully
- plangency
- plangently
- planlessly
- platypi
- pravity
- rabbitry
- racily
- raggety
- rampancy
- rampantly
- rascalry
- ratchety
- rattly
- ravelly
- rhatany
- sabbathly
- saffrony
- sallowy
- salmonfly
- sanguinely
- sassaby
- savvily
- saxonly
- saxony
- scabbily
- scabrously
- scrabbly
- scrappily
- shadily
- shaggily
- shamedly
- shanachie
- slabbily
- snappily
- splashily
- stagnantly
- stanchlessly
- statusy
- tackety
- tackily
- tactlessly
- tallowy
- tangently
- tasselly
- tassely
- tastily
- taxlessly
- thanklessly
- tractably
- vagally
- valiancy
- vapidly
- vassalry
- vastity
- wackily
- waxily
- whackily
- zanily
4 syllables
- academy
- alacrity
- analogy
- anatomy
- audacity
- calamity
- capacity
- catastrophe
- concavity
- depravity
- detachably
- diastole
- disastrously
- elaborately
- financially
- implacably
- inanity
- infallibly
- insanity
- loquacity
- nonfamily
- opacity
- philanthropy
- philately
- profanity
- rapacity
- reality
- sagacity
- stepfamily
- substantially
- tetralogy
- uncannily
- unchastity
- unhappily
- urbanity
- vivacity
- voracity
- ampacity
- compatibly
- intracity
- abandonee
- abashlessly
- advancedly
- agalaxy
- aquametry
- attractancy
- bibacity
- cadastrally
- diaphanie
- diascopy
- diastrophe
- dicacity
- edacity
- evangely
- head-cavity
- immanity
- impalpably
- impassably
- impassibly
- impavidly
- inflammably
- infrangibly
- intangibly
- intractably
- invaluably
- italianly
- lord-and-lady
- metabole
- metaboly
- metastably
- misshapenly
- mordacity
- newfangledly
- nonfaculty
- old-fashionedly
- olfactorily
- paganity
- paratomy
- pentalogy
- predacity
- pro-family
- procacity
- psilanthropy
- rapscallionly
- refractorily
- relaxedly
- romanity
- sub-faculty
- subacidly
- subfaculty
- synanthropy
- theanthropy
- unanxiously
- unbashfully
- unblamably
- unflappably
- unhandily
- unhandsomely
- unmanfully
- unmatchably
- untactfully
- untamably
- unthankfully
5 syllables
- actuality
- circumstantially
- incapacity
- inhumanity
- intracavity
- microgravity
- multifamily
- perspicacity
- satisfactorily
- sensuality
- supergravity
- telepathically
- understandably
- antigravity
- anti-family
- anticavity
- ardhamagadhi
- biconcavity
- camptodactyly
- clinodactyly
- comitragedy
- counter-strategy
- counterstrategy
- ectrodactyly
- geostrategy
- incompatibly
- inerasably
- insuavity
- inter-faculty
- inter-family
- interfaculty
- irrefragably
- koreshanity
- laminagraphy
- metagalaxy
- midcapacity
- monodactyly
- overcanopy
- pervicacity
- physianthropy
- pithecanthropi
- protogalaxy
- pterodactyli
- supergalaxy
- unattackably
- undercanopy
- unsubstantially
- unsurpassably
- zygodactyli
- zygodactyly