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Words that Almost Rhyme with accoucheurs
1 syllable
- airs
- ares
- bares
- bars
- bears
- beers
- boars
- boers
- boors
- bores
- bors
- byres
- cares
- cars
- chairs
- chars
- cheers
- choirs
- chores
- clears
- cores
- crores
- cures
- czars
- dares
- dears
- doors
- drawers
- dures
- ears
- errs
- fairs
- fares
- fears
- flares
- floors
- fores
- fours
- gars
- gears
- glares
- gores
- hairs
- hares
- hears
- heirs
- heres
- jars
- jeers
- lairs
- lars
- lures
- lyres
- mares
- mars
- meres
- mires
- moors
- nares
- nears
- noirs
- oars
- ores
- pairs
- pares
- pars
- pears
- peers
- phares
- piers
- pores
- pours
- prayers
- queers
- rears
- roars
- sars
- scares
- scars
- scores
- seers
- seres
- shares
- shears
- shires
- shores
- sires
- sirs
- smears
- snares
- sneers
- snores
- soars
- sores
- spares
- spars
- spears
- speers
- speirs
- spheres
- spores
- squares
- stairs
- stares
- stars
- steers
- stores
- sures
- swears
- tears
- theirs
- theres
- tiers
- vars
- veers
- vires
- wares
- wars
- wears
- weirs
- whores
- years
- yours
- biers
- blares
- bures
- carrs
- chares
- deers
- dowers
- duars
- eyres
- feres
- friers
- gyres
- hoars
- lears
- lehrs
- liers
- nairs
- parrs
- pures
- sheers
- weres
- wheres
- -eers
- -phores
- -spheres
- bahrs
- barres
- beurres
- blears
- buhrs
- charrs
- chlors
- claires
- cuirs
- dorres
- dorrs
- drears
- flairs
- fleers
- gerres
- glaires
- glairs
- glores
- gluers
- gnarrs
- gnars
- goors
- guhrs
- haars
- harrs
- hures
- jures
- khairs
- kiers
- knurs
- lares
- leirs
- loirs
- maars
- maires
- mohrs
- moires
- mures
- narrs
- prores
- puers
- quaeres
- schmears
- schmeers
- sears
- shar's
- skars
- skyrs
- soors
- spires
- splores
- spoors
- stours
- t squares
- tarres
- there's
- thiers
- three r's
- torrs
- tours
- vairs
- viers
- xeres
- yairs
- yarrs
- yirrs
- yores
- z-scores
2 syllables
- abhors
- adheres
- admires
- adores
- affaires
- affairs
- all ears
- all fours
- amirs
- appears
- arrears
- assures
- bazaars
- brochures
- bulgars
- careers
- cashiers
- cigars
- compares
- compeers
- crosshairs
- deaf ears
- declares
- deplores
- despairs
- detours
- downstairs
- emirs
- endures
- ensures
- explores
- fakirs
- first years
- flexures
- forbears
- french doors
- front doors
- frontiers
- guitars
- half years
- ignores
- impairs
- implores
- in pairs
- in tears
- inheres
- inspires
- insures
- inures
- manures
- matures
- nervures
- obscures
- of theirs
- of yours
- oospores
- outdoors
- parterres
- premieres
- premiers
- prepares
- procures
- repairs
- restores
- retires
- reveres
- rigours
- rock stars
- school years
- secours
- secures
- shed tears
- squad cars
- succours
- tuyeres
- two pairs
- upstairs
- vapours
- veneers
- who cares
- world wars
- zoospores
- afars
- allures
- attires
- barn doors
- black bears
- bugbears
- cane chairs
- chain stores
- chantiers
- club chairs
- coheirs
- coheres
- coiffures
- debars
- deck chairs
- eclairs
- endears
- fixed stars
- gold bars
- grandeurs
- gravures
- hachures
- inliers
- menhirs
- new stars
- new years
- nightjars
- osiers
- perspires
- portieres
- quatorze
- red stars
- rentiers
- sardars
- see stars
- senores
- shift gears
- side doors
- sonars
- sporophores
- sports cars
- tapirs
- third floors
- trapdoors
- up yours
- velars
- velours
- viziers
- voyeurs
- wazirs
- white stars
- wild boars
- wing chairs
- abirs
- achores
- aciers
- acores
- adoors
- adzhars
- age scores
- ahirs
- aid prayers
- aiguieres
- air wars
- airstairs
- ajars
- alares
- algiers
- all clears
- all-stars
- alures
- alurs
- alvars
- ambeers
- ant bears
- antbears
- apars
- araires
- arbores
- arch bars
- arears
- arm bars
- art squares
- asarhs
- asnieres
- asthores
- astriers
- asturs
- au pairs
- aurores
- azores
- back choirs
- back gears
- back scores
- backshores
- baignoires
- baleares
- bar cars
- bar shares
- base pairs
- base-pairs
- basse-cours
- bat ears
- bath chairs
- baumiers
- bay bars
- beach gears
- beachwears
- bear's-ears
- beard hairs
- bed shares
- bed-shares
- belars
- bell ears
- bell jars
- bell lyres
- besmears
- betes noires
- bewhores
- bezoars
- bhabars
- bichirs
- big hairs
- bijars
- birch beers
- birhors
- bispores
- bizarres
- black cores
- black maires
- black pears
- black-ears
- blank bars
- blazars
- blood stars
- blue bears
- blue stars
- blue-hairs
- bock beers
- bog ores
- bog stars
- bohors
- book squares
- bookfairs
- booklears
- bow hairs
- bow oars
- box briers
- box drawers
- box scores
- brake bars
- branch bars
- brand spores
- bridge bars
- broadshares
- bronx cheers
- brown bears
- brown ores
- brun dores
- bruns dores
- brush ores
- bulb bars
- bull gears
- bum steers
- bunk cars
- bus bars
- cahors
- calcars
- calvaires
- camp cars
- camp chairs
- cantars
- capshores
- carfours
- cash bars
- cast wares
- cat bears
- cat's-ears
- cathairs
- cave bears
- cesures
- chain gears
- chair cars
- chakars
- chi-squares
- chief hares
- choke pears
- chokebores
- clangours
- class wars
- claw bars
- cliseres
- close chairs
- close scores
- closed pairs
- cloud ears
- co-heirs
- co-stars
- coal tars
- cold cures
- cold sores
- cold stores
- cold wars
- compears
- comperes
- conteurs
- contrairs
- conures
- cook's tours
- coon bears
- coudieres
- cougnars
- couloirs
- coutures
- crepe hairs
- crinieres
- crouch wares
- crown gears
- cruise cars
- curled hairs
- cut gears
- cut squares
- dark stars
- day cares
- dead airs
- dead shores
- deck floors
- decores
- deer's-ears
- deer's-hairs
- deerhairs
- dehwars
- denars
- derrieres
- destriers
- dime stores
- disbars
- dog briers
- dog stars
- dog-ears
- dogshores
- dortours
- doublures
- draft chairs
- draft gears
- drahthaars
- drawbores
- drawgears
- drop bars
- drop ears
- drop flares
- dry ores
- due cares
- dump cars
- dutch doors
- dwarf stars
- ecphores
- eelspears
- ensnares
- enspheres
- epures
- exmoors
- face gears
- faith cures
- faitours
- false floors
- fern bars
- fig bars
- film noirs
- films noirs
- first floors
- fishweirs
- fixed years
- fixures
- flare stars
- float ores
- flush doors
- foot scores
- footgears
- forced heirs
- forespores
- forestairs
- foreswears
- forswears
- fortescures
- four-oars
- free airs
- fruit jars
- fubars
- full gears
- full scores
- fun fairs
- funfairs
- galeres
- gambirs
- gang wars
- gap years
- germ pores
- gifblaars
- goat's hairs
- gold cures
- grab bars
- grain doors
- grand tours
- grandsirs
- grape cures
- grass hares
- grass shears
- great bears
- great chairs
- great years
- greenbriers
- grill cars
- ground floors
- gruyeres
- guard hairs
- guetares
- guipures
- gyplures
- half doors
- hang-fairs
- hapteres
- hard cores
- hard pears
- hardcores
- hare's-ears
- hatch bars
- headwears
- health cares
- high bars
- high chairs
- high gears
- high moors
- hill stars
- hog deers
- hog scores
- hog sheers
- hogsteers
- hold-clears
- horn-cores
- horse briers
- horsehairs
- hot airs
- hot wars
- hot-wires
- houheres
- housedoors
- hump sores
- hyeres
- hyotheres
- ice bears
- ice cars
- invars
- jageers
- jagheers
- jenoars
- jib doors
- job's tears
- joint bars
- joint chairs
- juice pears
- jump scares
- jump-scares
- jumpscares
- kahars
- kajars
- kakars
- kakurs
- kanwars
- key deers
- khamirs
- khanjars
- khozars
- kikars
- killdeers
- king hairs
- king's spears
- knife bars
- knight's tours
- knight's-stars
- koombars
- lamb's ears
- languors
- last heirs
- lazars
- leap years
- least squares
- lee shores
- life peers
- light airs
- line scores
- liviers
- livyeres
- long fours
- longears
- lontars
- lord's prayers
- lounge cars
- low moors
- lug chairs
- machars
- macheers
- maid's-hairs
- maipures
- makores
- malars
- mandirs
- mandurs
- mangars
- manoirs
- markhoors
- marsh deers
- marsh hares
- mast years
- mazdoors
- mean squares
- metayers
- midairs
- mikirs
- milk bars
- mill stores
- mimbars
- minbars
- mind cures
- mindshares
- misereres
- mishears
- mock ores
- montures
- morsures
- mouchoirs
- mouillures
- mouse deers
- mouse hares
- mouse-ears
- mud-stars
- mule deers
- mule-ears
- musars
- musk deers
- nahoors
- near beers
- nerf bars
- net tares
- new year's
- night chairs
- nightgears
- nightwears
- no mores
- noospheres
- off years
- oophores
- oospheres
- outdares
- outpours
- outroars
- outscores
- outsoars
- outstares
- outswears
- outwears
- pace cars
- pair-oars
- pamirs
- paneers
- panirs
- pap smears
- part-scores
- parures
- pasars
- pass doors
- pea ores
- pearl wares
- peat moors
- peignoirs
- pele's tears
- per pares
- perdures
- pest pears
- pew chairs
- pickeers
- pierced ears
- pig deers
- pile drawers
- pinch bars
- pine tars
- pismires
- pit-pairs
- pitch ores
- planciers
- plank-sheers
- plate gears
- pledgors
- plexures
- plus fours
- pochoirs
- poictiers
- pomorze
- poor clares
- pre-clears
- preclears
- prenares
- prescores
- pressed wares
- prestores
- price wars
- prick ears
- priseres
- prowl cars
- psywars
- purpures
- push bars
- quatuors
- quill gears
- rack bars
- rack cars
- rag fairs
- rail chairs
- rainwears
- rancours
- raptores
- rat hares
- raw bars
- raw scores
- readheres
- rebores
- red bears
- red chars
- red cores
- red deers
- red hares
- redears
- redrawers
- regears
- rehears
- rehires
- rescores
- rest cures
- retours
- ride shares
- ride-shares
- right heirs
- right spheres
- ring gears
- rizzars
- rock tars
- rockhairs
- roe deers
- roll bars
- rondures
- rood stairs
- rook's tours
- root beers
- root hairs
- rope spears
- rose ears
- rose stars
- roundures
- sabirs
- safars
- sage hares
- sambars
- sanars
- sancerres
- sand bears
- sand briers
- sand pears
- sand stars
- sansars
- santirs
- sap-drawers
- sappares
- sarsars
- sash bars
- schenk beers
- scout cars
- screw gears
- scroll gears
- sea bears
- sea floors
- sea hares
- sea pears
- sea stars
- sea stores
- sea-ears
- seafloors
- seed hairs
- sense pores
- set bars
- set-fairs
- shag hairs
- shame briers
- shank's mares
- sheep shears
- ship's stores
- short pairs
- short scores
- side chairs
- sill floors
- sine bars
- sirkeers
- sitars
- skew gears
- skiwears
- skunk bears
- slab doors
- slice bars
- slick-ears
- slide-wires
- sling chairs
- slip shares
- slop jars
- slot cars
- sloth bears
- small beers
- small chairs
- small stores
- smoke doors
- smooth tares
- smoothbores
- snack bars
- snail bores
- sneck drawers
- snow bears
- snow pears
- sobors
- sodars
- soil airs
- sound bars
- sound gears
- speed gears
- splice bars
- split hairs
- splits hairs
- spoon oars
- sports bars
- sportswears
- spring chairs
- sprint cars
- spruce beers
- spur gears
- spur shores
- stagiaires
- stall bars
- star gears
- starch stars
- stay bars
- steam beers
- steam cures
- steel squares
- steer oars
- step chairs
- stick chairs
- stock beers
- stock cars
- stolkjaerres
- storm doors
- strawsmears
- stroke oars
- stromuhrs
- stupefiers
- subfloors
- subseres
- sun bears
- sun gears
- sun stars
- suus heres
- swamp deers
- swamp hares
- swamp ores
- swarm spores
- sway bars
- swing bars
- switchgears
- takhaars
- tammars
- tamures
- tank cars
- taraires
- tarsiers
- task bars
- taste hairs
- terrars
- the three r's
- thread bars
- three-squares
- tie bars
- tile ores
- time-shares
- tin ears
- tin ores
- ting wares
- toll bars
- tonsures
- top drawers
- top scores
- torchieres
- tortieres
- tourtieres
- tow cars
- town cars
- townwears
- trail cars
- transires
- trap weirs
- tree bears
- tree ears
- tricars
- trick scores
- trip gears
- try squares
- tub chairs
- tube doors
- turf wars
- unbars
- unhairs
- unmoors
- unpairs
- unswears
- unwares
- upbears
- upflares
- uprears
- upsoars
- uptears
- vague years
- valkyrs
- valve gears
- veld sores
- verdures
- vigours
- waftures
- wasteweirs
- wax hairs
- wedge gears
- weiss beers
- well cars
- wet bars
- wheatears
- wheel ores
- white bears
- white maires
- white pears
- white-ears
- wild briers
- wild pears
- wild tares
- wildbores
- wind shears
- wine jars
- wing bars
- wiredrawers
- withdrawers
- wood ears
- wood stars
- wood tars
- word squares
- world's fairs
- worm gears
- yacht chairs
- zaffars
- zaires
- zoochores
3 syllables
- ascospores
- atmospheres
- auctioneers
- behind bars
- billionaires
- brigadiers
- buccaneers
- cavaliers
- chevaliers
- chromophores
- civil wars
- disappears
- double doors
- easy chairs
- engineers
- financiers
- fiscal years
- gazetteers
- grenadiers
- guarantors
- hemispheres
- in arrears
- interferes
- isobars
- love affairs
- marketeers
- micropores
- microspheres
- microspores
- millionaires
- motor cars
- muleteers
- musketeers
- mutineers
- open doors
- overhears
- pamphleteers
- patrol cars
- perseveres
- pioneers
- polar bears
- presbyters
- privateers
- profiteers
- questionnaires
- racketeers
- reappears
- reassures
- rocking chairs
- scrutineers
- semaphores
- shooting stars
- sinecures
- souvenirs
- superstars
- teddy bears
- the downstairs
- the upstairs
- unawares
- underscores
- volunteers
- annexures
- armored cars
- bandoliers
- bombardiers
- cable cars
- cannoneers
- diapirs
- doctrinaires
- endospores
- epicures
- evening prayers
- ever yours
- falling stars
- folding doors
- fusileers
- golden hairs
- golden stars
- golden years
- gondoliers
- gonophores
- grizzly bears
- halberdiers
- kilobars
- macropores
- man upstairs
- mason jars
- megaspores
- micromeres
- monkey bars
- morning prayers
- photophores
- prematures
- prison bars
- private cars
- protostars
- pruning shears
- public squares
- puppeteers
- rabbit ears
- railroad cars
- retail stores
- scimitars
- silver stars
- spiral stairs
- tetraspores
- zygospores
- abamperes
- aboospores
- abovestairs
- acropores
- acrospores
- active doors
- activewears
- adolphe thiers
- advanced scores
- aerobars
- aerospheres
- air guitars
- alisiers
- allophores
- almemars
- amphispores
- anchor bars
- androspores
- angel's hairs
- angle bars
- angle chairs
- angle gears
- angle shears
- antechoirs
- anthophores
- antiars
- antimeres
- apgar scores
- apikores
- archespores
- arctic airs
- arctic chars
- arctic hares
- argufiers
- armentieres
- arrectores
- arthropleures
- arthrospores
- ascophores
- asian pears
- ass's-ears
- assay bars
- astrospheres
- at their doors
- at your doors
- autocars
- autopores
- autospores
- auxospores
- axle bars
- baby hairs
- baby tears
- baby's tears
- bacon squares
- baggage cars
- balladeers
- ballast cars
- balsam pears
- bamboo briers
- bamboo wares
- banqueteers
- barber chairs
- barking deers
- barrel chairs
- baryspheres
- basket chairs
- basket stars
- basketeers
- bastard bars
- bathyspheres
- batoneers
- batten doors
- bayaderes
- bayhead bars
- baymouth bars
- bazigars
- beaching gears
- beau gregoires
- belgian hares
- bellycheers
- belowstairs
- belvederes
- bend their ears
- bend your ears
- bends their ears
- bends your ears
- bent their ears
- bent your ears
- beurres noirs
- bevel gears
- bidding prayers
- bidri wares
- billy gars
- biochores
- biophores
- biscayneers
- biscuit wares
- black wheatears
- black-tailed deers
- blackamoors
- blanc de noirs
- blastophores
- blastopores
- blastospheres
- blastospores
- blazing stars
- blink back tears
- blogospheres
- boatswain's chairs
- bog-mine ores
- bonbonnieres
- bonded stores
- booster chairs
- boring bars
- boudoir chairs
- boutonnieres
- braconnieres
- bradford pears
- brancardiers
- breakfast bars
- brelan carres
- brick veneers
- bridle bars
- brilliandeers
- brillianteers
- brim with tears
- brittle stars
- brontotheres
- bubble cars
- bucketeers
- bucking bars
- budgeteers
- bulldog spears
- bulling bars
- burn her ears
- burn his ears
- burn its ears
- burn my ears
- burn one's ears
- burn their ears
- burn your ears
- burned one's ears
- burns her ears
- burns his ears
- burns its ears
- burns my ears
- burns one's ears
- burns their ears
- burns your ears
- burnt her ears
- burnt his ears
- burnt its ears
- burnt my ears
- burnt one's ears
- burnt their ears
- burnt your ears
- burro deers
- business cars
- butt veneers
- butter pears
- button bars
- button ears
- caballers
- cabin cars
- cabineers
- cabineteers
- cafe noirs
- cafes noirs
- calabars
- calling hares
- calypteres
- camel hairs
- camel's hairs
- cameleers
- canceleers
- canceliers
- canephores
- canker sores
- canton wares
- canyoneers
- captain's chairs
- caracores
- carbon stars
- cargadores
- carpophores
- carpospores
- carrefours
- casing spears
- caulopteres
- cavalieres
- ceiling floors
- censitaires
- center squares
- centibars
- centrospheres
- cervelieres
- cessionaires
- chafing gears
- chanticleers
- charge d'affaires
- chemospheres
- chest of drawers
- chimney bars
- chinawares
- chlamyphores
- chocolatiers
- chondrophores
- christian d'ors
- chromospheres
- cigar stores
- cipher squares
- circle shears
- circuiteers
- clair-obscures
- clare-obscures
- clear obscures
- climatures
- close her doors
- close his doors
- close its doors
- close my doors
- close one's doors
- close their doors
- close to tears
- close your doors
- closed her doors
- closed his doors
- closed its doors
- closed my doors
- closed one's doors
- closed their doors
- closed your doors
- closes her doors
- closes his doors
- closes its doors
- closes my doors
- closes their doors
- clouded wares
- cluster firs
- cluster gears
- coccospheres
- cockfight chairs
- coffee bars
- cogwheel ores
- coinsures
- collophores
- color bars
- colour bars
- command cars
- commandeers
- common bars
- common prayers
- common years
- complete pairs
- compressed airs
- compressed scores
- contour chairs
- cordelieres
- corky cores
- corner chairs
- corsetieres
- cosmic years
- cosmospheres
- cotoniers
- countermures
- country stores
- county fairs
- courting chairs
- craniophores
- cricket chairs
- criophores
- croix de guerres
- crotcheteers
- crying hares
- cryospheres
- cubitieres
- cucullares
- cuisinieres
- cushion stars
- cutidures
- cutter bars
- cystophores
- cystospores
- cytophores
- dairy bars
- dating bars
- debouchures
- decasteres
- decisteres
- deformed bars
- dekasteres
- demispheres
- dental stars
- dermal pores
- desert sores
- detached cores
- devil's-hairs
- dictyospores
- dining cars
- dinotheres
- disrepairs
- ditching cars
- dollar stores
- dolly bars
- domineers
- donkey's years
- dorsal pores
- double bars
- double chairs
- double floors
- double shears
- double squares
- double stars
- douceperes
- douzainiers
- dresden wares
- drown her fears
- drown his fears
- drown one's fears
- drown their fears
- drunkard's chairs
- dry her tears
- dry his tears
- dry one's tears
- dry their tears
- dummy shares
- ebauchoirs
- eclipse years
- ecospheres
- ecotours
- ectospheres
- ekphores
- elbow chairs
- elder cares
- embouchures
- en dehors
- end in tears
- endomeres
- engendures
- enverdures
- epaulieres
- epispores
- error bars
- estate cars
- etageres
- evejars
- evening stars
- exospheres
- exospores
- expansures
- export bars
- express cars
- eyeleteers
- factioneers
- fallen stars
- fallow deers
- famille noires
- fantail deers
- feather ores
- feather stars
- feeing fairs
- felsenmeers
- fender bars
- ferronieres
- ferronnieres
- ferry cars
- fictioneers
- fight back tears
- fighting chairs
- fights back tears
- finger bars
- fire bars
- fire doors
- fishing bears
- fit and flares
- fit-and-flares
- five-year cures
- floating floors
- floating stars
- flushing bars
- flying mares
- flying moors
- flying shears
- flying shores
- folding stairs
- folding stars
- folk guitars
- fonctionnaires
- fontionnaires
- for all cares
- force majeures
- foredoors
- foreign cars
- forest floors
- fossil ores
- fought back tears
- founders' shares
- fourrageres
- framing squares
- frederick d'ors
- friction gears
- friedrich d'ors
- frigidaires
- funny cars
- gadgeteers
- garconnieres
- garlic pears
- garreteers
- gasoliers
- gastropores
- gemel bars
- gemmipares
- genderqueers
- geoseres
- geospheres
- get-of-sires
- giant stars
- ginger beers
- glacier bears
- glory years
- go-ashores
- gombroon wares
- gombrun wares
- gonopores
- grand miseres
- grand viziers
- green lead ores
- green manures
- guanophores
- guativeres
- gull wing doors
- gulmohars
- gulmohurs
- gymnospores
- gynophores
- gynospores
- gyrocars
- hackbuteers
- haloseres
- handgravures
- hanging stairs
- harp guitars
- harping spears
- harpoon oars
- harsh-furred hares
- haute coutures
- heavy spars
- helicteres
- hitching bars
- hollow squares
- holy doors
- holy spears
- holy wars
- holy years
- honey bears
- honor scores
- hormospores
- horseflesh ores
- hydrochores
- hydrophores
- hydroseres
- hydrospheres
- hyperspheres
- hypnospores
- hypoid gears
- ice-cream chairs
- iceland spars
- iles d'hyeres
- in the stars
- in-a-doors
- indy cars
- inner bars
- inner ears
- insessores
- intra vires
- iron ores
- irrepairs
- isochores
- isogyres
- isospores
- isosteres
- isotheres
- jackass deers
- jackass hares
- jardinieres
- jargoneers
- jasper bars
- jaunting cars
- jemadars
- jeunes premiers
- judas-ears
- juicy pears
- jumping deers
- jumping hares
- jungle bears
- junketeers
- kerning pairs
- kick upstairs
- kicked upstairs
- kicks upstairs
- kidney ores
- kieselguhrs
- killer bars
- kilovars
- knock on doors
- koh-i-noors
- lady chairs
- lady's chairs
- lager beers
- laisser-faires
- laissez-faires
- landing gears
- latin squares
- lattice bars
- lavalieres
- lavallieres
- leaf and squares
- leaping weirs
- leather stars
- ledger scores
- legal heirs
- letter drawers
- leucophores
- lever shears
- leyden jars
- light repairs
- lightning wars
- limospheres
- line of mars
- lining bars
- lion's-ears
- lipophores
- liquid airs
- lithoseres
- lithospheres
- little bears
- liveyeres
- locavores
- long-nosed gars
- longnose gars
- lophophores
- lopping shears
- loungewears
- lunar stars
- lunar years
- luncheon bars
- lupanars
- lycophores
- lyre-guitars
- macromeres
- macrospores
- maggie's drawers
- magic squares
- maidenhairs
- mal de mers
- malabars
- malguzars
- mamelieres
- mammy chairs
- managed cares
- maniere noires
- marine stores
- mattamores
- meadow ores
- megabars
- megatheres
- melon pears
- mermaid's-hairs
- merospores
- mesoseres
- mesospheres
- mesospores
- meter bars
- microbars
- middle ears
- millepores
- minaudieres
- minibars
- minicars
- missileers
- miter gears
- miter squares
- mitospores
- moeritheres
- monkey bears
- monospores
- mora hairs
- morass ores
- morning stars
- morris chairs
- moskeneers
- mount of mars
- mountain hares
- mousquetaires
- move to tears
- muffineers
- muscle cars
- mushroom chairs
- music lyres
- myophores
- myrrhophores
- nagkassars
- naked floors
- nandi bears
- nashi pears
- natal sores
- native bears
- native pears
- naval stores
- nectophores
- needle beers
- needle ores
- nephropores
- nerfing bars
- neuropores
- neutral spores
- neutron stars
- never-weres
- newel stairs
- noisemakeers
- norton shores
- nursing chairs
- oblique spheres
- octospores
- offshore bars
- oklabars
- on all fours
- on their ears
- on your ears
- onchospheres
- oncospheres
- open airs
- open bars
- open cures
- open scores
- orange stars
- ordnance stores
- osmophores
- out of doors
- out-of-doors
- outer bars
- outer ears
- outfit cars
- overbears
- overclears
- overcures
- overdoors
- overgears
- overpeers
- overscores
- overshares
- oversoars
- oversquares
- oversteers
- overwears
- oyster bars
- package cars
- package stores
- pageanteers
- palace cars
- palampoors
- palampores
- palicars
- pampas deers
- pampas hares
- panachures
- panda cars
- panel doors
- panetieres
- paraspores
- parlor cars
- partial scores
- paulospores
- peacock ores
- pedaliers
- pedospheres
- pensionnaires
- perfect squares
- perfect years
- perispores
- perk her ears
- perk his ears
- perk one's ears
- perk their ears
- pescadores
- petardiers
- petit fours
- petits fours
- petrospheres
- phacocheres
- phacochoeres
- phaeospores
- phonophores
- photospheres
- phragmospores
- phyllophores
- physophores
- pigeoneers
- pigmy deers
- pillowbeers
- pinbefores
- pinching bars
- pinking shears
- pinot noirs
- piping hares
- plain of mars
- planet gears
- planispheres
- planospores
- plasmaspheres
- pleiobars
- ply her wares
- ply his wares
- ply one's wares
- ply their wares
- pocket doors
- point of cares
- polar airs
- polar hares
- polyspores
- pontoneers
- pony cars
- porte cocheres
- porter's chairs
- post and pairs
- prairie hares
- prairie stars
- presbyteres
- presser bars
- pressure bars
- pressure cars
- pressure sores
- prickly pears
- psammoseres
- pseudopores
- pseudospheres
- public stores
- puddle bars
- pulpiteers
- punner bars
- punnett squares
- purchase shears
- put on airs
- pycnospores
- pylagores
- pyrospheres
- quinquevirs
- rabbit's-ears
- rabbit-ears
- racket stores
- raconteurs
- radzimirs
- raking shores
- raku wares
- ranking bars
- rasophores
- rastaquoueres
- ravine deers
- re-explores
- reacquires
- reading chairs
- recompares
- red lead ores
- red zinc ores
- reexplores
- regnal years
- regulares
- reinsures
- rejoindures
- remontoires
- resecures
- reserve airs
- resting spores
- retrochoirs
- reverse bars
- rhasophores
- rhinophores
- rhizophores
- rhizospheres
- rhynchophores
- riding chairs
- rifle bars
- ripping bars
- rising stars
- river deers
- river pears
- roasting ears
- rocketeers
- rocking bars
- rolling chairs
- root-mean-squares
- rouge et noirs
- routineers
- royal doors
- rudder bars
- running gears
- rustic wares
- ryotwars
- sacred ears
- saddle bars
- saddle sores
- saddle-wires
- sagoweers
- saint clair shores
- salad bars
- salampores
- salempores
- samotheres
- samovars
- sarmatiers
- savoir faires
- scapulares
- scissors chairs
- scolecospores
- scolophores
- sea frontiers
- secretaires
- section bars
- sector gears
- sedan chairs
- segment gears
- self-despairs
- self-insures
- semainiers
- semispheres
- serpent stars
- service doors
- service stars
- session beers
- seto wares
- sexupares
- shackle bars
- sherramoors
- shield-back chairs
- shillibeers
- shimon peres
- shooting wars
- shop the stores
- short-eared hares
- short-nosed gars
- shortnose gars
- shutter weirs
- sickle bars
- sidewalk doors
- sieve and shears
- silver gars
- simple ores
- single shears
- single-gears
- singles bars
- sinker bars
- sissy bars
- sivatheres
- sleeping cars
- sliced veneers
- slide guitars
- sliding gears
- slipper chairs
- slitting shears
- sloganeers
- smoking cars
- snow chukars
- snuffy ears
- solar flares
- solar stars
- solar years
- solitaires
- sommeliers
- sonneteers
- sooty ores
- spacer bars
- speaking choirs
- specie jars
- spiral gears
- splanchnopleures
- splinter bars
- splitting hairs
- spotted deers
- spotted gars
- spread miseres
- spudding bars
- stallioneers
- standard scores
- standard stars
- standing gears
- stars and bars
- starting bars
- statamperes
- statospores
- statute fairs
- statutes fairs
- steamer chairs
- steel guitars
- steering gears
- steering oars
- stinging hairs
- stirrup bars
- stockateers
- stony shares
- storage cars
- strain her ears
- strain his ears
- strain one's ears
- strain their ears
- stratospheres
- stretcher bars
- stylospores
- sub-cloud cars
- sugar pears
- summer sores
- summer spores
- summiteers
- surface cars
- sweeping scores
- swimmer's ears
- swinging bars
- switcher gears
- swivel chairs
- synclinores
- tabasheers
- tabashirs
- table chairs
- tablet chairs
- taches noires
- tactile hairs
- tailor's chairs
- tamanoirs
- tamping bars
- targeteers
- tavern cars
- tawny-moors
- tectospheres
- ten-cent stores
- tenant hairs
- tenent hairs
- thermospheres
- thinning shears
- threshing floors
- throwing-spears
- tidal airs
- tidal bores
- tiger pears
- timber bars
- timing gears
- timoneers
- to all fours
- to the stars
- tommy bars
- torsion bars
- tortoise-cores
- touring cars
- tourist cars
- trail of tears
- tregetours
- trichopores
- trigger hairs
- triple sheers
- triple stars
- trochophores
- trochospheres
- trojan wars
- trophophores
- trophospheres
- tropospheres
- tubinares
- tucunares
- tufted deers
- tulip ears
- tumble cars
- tumbler gears
- tuning bars
- turning bars
- turning squares
- twisted pairs
- typotheres
- ultra vires
- underdrawers
- undergears
- underhairs
- undershores
- undersquares
- understeers
- unioneers
- unprepares
- unrepairs
- vale of years
- vellus hairs
- vendor's shares
- venus hairs
- vice-premiers
- vintage years
- vital airs
- vivandieres
- volt-amperes
- wainscot chairs
- walls have ears
- warping bars
- water bars
- water bears
- water cores
- water cures
- water deers
- water hares
- water pores
- water stairs
- weaponeers
- wear and tears
- weather doors
- weather shores
- well-hole cars
- whistling jars
- white lead ores
- white-tailed deers
- wicket doors
- widow's-tears
- wild job's tears
- window bars
- wing-tip flares
- winter beers
- winter pears
- winter spores
- wirehairs
- withoutdoors
- women's wears
- womens wears
- wooden pears
- woodland stars
- woodrack cars
- woody pears
- woolly bears
- world premieres
- wrecking bars
- writing chairs
- xanthophores
- xeroseres
- yellow bears
- yellow stars
- you and yours
- yukagirs
- zenith stars
- zillionaires
- zygoneures
- zygophores
- zygospheres
4 syllables
- charioteers
- chlamydospores
- chromatophores
- concessionaires
- department stores
- foreign affairs
- melanophores
- milliamperes
- photogravures
- public affairs
- aeciospores
- carabineers
- convenience stores
- conventioneers
- crocodile tears
- ctenophores
- current affairs
- general stores
- hydrometeors
- ionophores
- magnetospheres
- microamperes
- musical chairs
- revolving doors
- spermatophores
- teleutospores
- teliospores
- uredospores
- abundant years
- acanthopores
- aceratheres
- acnae vulgares
- actinomeres
- actinophores
- advanced in years
- agamospores
- aleurospores
- almacantars
- almucantars
- amylum stars
- anchovy pears
- anemochores
- animaliers
- aniseed stars
- anisospores
- annular gears
- anthroposeres
- anthropospheres
- anti-roll bars
- aplanospores
- appraiser's stores
- arbalestriers
- archpresbyters
- arresting gears
- arrow-back chairs
- artogravures
- astatic pairs
- asthenospheres
- astrapotheres
- at our doors
- atriopores
- attraction spheres
- average tares
- azygospores
- bandwagoneers
- barbotine wares
- base rocking chairs
- bastard mouse-ears
- battery jars
- bay of algiers
- bazillionaires
- behind closed doors
- believe her ears
- believe his ears
- believe one's ears
- believe their ears
- bell-metal ores
- bend our ears
- bending their ears
- bending your ears
- bends our ears
- benefit years
- bennington wares
- bent our ears
- bethlehem's-stars
- bicycle gears
- binary stars
- bissextile years
- black maidenhairs
- black marketeers
- blink away tears
- blue blazing stars
- blue copper ores
- bog iron ores
- boulevardiers
- box someone's ears
- bristly greenbriers
- brown iron ores
- burn our ears
- burning her ears
- burning his ears
- burning its ears
- burning my ears
- burning one's ears
- burning their ears
- burning your ears
- burns our ears
- burnt our ears
- burst into tears
- butterfly chairs
- buttery bars
- cabinet wares
- calendar years
- caliper squares
- callery pears
- calycophores
- cameo wares
- canopic jars
- caravaneers
- carpenter's squares
- carton pierres
- catch unawares
- caveators
- celestial spheres
- cessio in jures
- chalicotheres
- charges d'affaires
- chlamydophores
- chondriospheres
- chrome iron ores
- cinnamon bears
- circular tours
- civil affairs
- close our doors
- closed our doors
- closes one's doors
- closes your doors
- closing her doors
- closing his doors
- closing its doors
- closing my doors
- closing one's doors
- closing their doors
- closing your doors
- colorgravures
- colour-gravures
- commanditaires
- commissionaires
- companion stars
- company stores
- contraflexures
- coral greenbriers
- countersecures
- couturieres
- critical cares
- crocodile shears
- crystalline spheres
- d'anjou pears
- dactylopores
- defective years
- detector bars
- detector cars
- director's chairs
- distillers' beers
- division bars
- double-framed floors
- double-swing doors
- dry-bone ores
- elasmotheres
- electioneers
- electric chairs
- electric ears
- electroliers
- electron pairs
- elephant ears
- elephant's ears
- elliptic gears
- embryophores
- erythrophores
- escargotieres
- estate for years
- external ears
- fall on deaf ears
- family fares
- farthingale chairs
- fiddleback chairs
- fight back the tears
- fighting back tears
- fights back the tears
- flea in their ears
- flea in your ears
- fleas in their ears
- fleas in your ears
- flight engineers
- flotation gears
- fought back the tears
- fredericks d'ors
- frederik d'ors
- frederiks d'ors
- galactophores
- gallery cars
- gametophores
- gazillionaires
- give oneself airs
- governess cars
- grand touring cars
- grandfather chairs
- grandfather's chairs
- gray copper ores
- guillotine shears
- gynecophores
- head over ears
- helical gears
- heliospheres
- her temper flares
- herringbone gears
- his temper flares
- histamine flares
- hold back her tears
- hold back his tears
- hold back one's tears
- hold back their tears
- hymenophores
- icosaspheres
- idler gears
- in the crosshairs
- indinavirs
- ingoldsby cars
- inspection cars
- intercompares
- internal gears
- ionospheres
- iridophores
- javelineers
- juniper tars
- justice in eyres
- kangaroo bears
- kangaroo hares
- kelb-el-bahrs
- kicking upstairs
- kodiak bears
- kutani wares
- labiate bears
- laboring oars
- lap steel guitars
- limited wars
- liquidambars
- lithogravures
- little chief hares
- louis quatorze
- lowestoft wares
- lyre-tailed nightjars
- macrozoospores
- magnetic cores
- makiritares
- management shares
- megalospheres
- megazoospores
- membership stars
- menus plaisirs
- mephitic airs
- microzoospores
- midas's-ears
- mineral tars
- minimal pairs
- mosquito bars
- multiple stars
- multiple stores
- munitioneers
- museum jars
- myxogasteres
- nautical stars
- odontophores
- odoriphores
- odorophores
- of advanced years
- of mature years
- old for her years
- old for his years
- old for one's years
- old for their years
- ommatophores
- omphalopleures
- on our ears
- one's temper flares
- onychophores
- open her doors
- open his doors
- open one's doors
- open their doors
- open-well stairs
- ophthalmophores
- opinionaires
- opinionnaires
- optical pairs
- optical squares
- orbiculares
- orienteers
- ostracophores
- over the years
- overhung doors
- ozonospheres
- paleotheres
- papasan chairs
- paradoxures
- parallel bars
- parallel spheres
- parian wares
- parliamenteers
- parrot-back chairs
- parthenospores
- pastoral prayers
- patrioteers
- peachblossom ores
- peddle her wares
- peddle his wares
- peddle one's wares
- peddle their wares
- percentage tares
- perk up her ears
- perk up his ears
- perk up one's ears
- perk up their ears
- phytobezoars
- piano scores
- pilibezoars
- pioneer bores
- pissaladieres
- plume-of-navarres
- pneumatophores
- policy years
- pontine flexures
- post-office cars
- pottery wares
- preux chevaliers
- prick up her ears
- prick up his ears
- prick up my ears
- prick up one's ears
- prick up their ears
- prick up your ears
- pricked up her ears
- pricked up his ears
- pricked up my ears
- pricked up one's ears
- pricked up their ears
- pricked up your ears
- pricks up her ears
- pricks up his ears
- pricks up one's ears
- primary airs
- primary cares
- promise the stars
- pronator teres
- pterygophores
- pulsating stars
- pycniospores
- pygmy musk deers
- pyrogravures
- quadruple stars
- radio stars
- radiophares
- radius bars
- railway mail cars
- rastacoueres
- reach for the stars
- ready-to-wears
- red copper ores
- red iron ores
- red silver ores
- red-necked nightjars
- reduce to tears
- reduction gears
- reengineers
- regular years
- retinophores
- rib-faced deers
- riddle and shears
- ritonavirs
- roller freight cars
- rotary shears
- rotogravures
- roundabout chairs
- saddle-check chairs
- sales engineers
- salmanazars
- saquinavirs
- scolopophores
- sensitive briers
- sensory hairs
- serpentine wares
- sexual spores
- sigmoid flexures
- silica wares
- siphonophores
- skew bevel gears
- societaires
- somatopleures
- son et lumieres
- spectacled bears
- spermatiophores
- splenic flexures
- stadia hairs
- stereopairs
- stiffening bars
- strawberry jars
- strawberry pears
- subsistence stores
- substratospheres
- sunflower stars
- supersedures
- synoptophores
- tablet-arm chairs
- take unawares
- tectonospheres
- terminal hairs
- tertiary cares
- the great outdoors
- the man upstairs
- their temper flares
- thermostromuhrs
- throttling bars
- tool engineers
- traveling stairs
- traversing gears
- trichobezoars
- trois-rivieres
- tropical airs
- tropical years
- tuberculares
- turcopoliers
- uintatheres
- ultimus haeres
- ultimus heres
- uneven bars
- up to her ears
- up to his ears
- up to its ears
- up to my ears
- up to one's ears
- up to their ears
- up to your ears
- vaginal smears
- vanity fairs
- varying hares
- vegetable hairs
- vegetable pears
- venetian doors
- venus's-ears
- verse-speaking choirs
- vestibule cars
- violet-ears
- visceral bars
- wallaby ears
- wandering stars
- water tuyeres
- water-gas tars
- yellow lead ores
- young for her years
- young for his years
- young for one's years
- young for their years
- zygozoospores
5 syllables
- conidiophores
- basidiospores
- civil engineers
- multimillionaires
- sporangiophores
- urediniospores
- abdominal pores
- academic years
- adirondack chairs
- adjudicataires
- adjustable squares
- aecidiospores
- aleuriospores
- alligator gars
- alligator pears
- alligator shears
- answer someone's prayers
- antimacassars
- arana del mars
- archipresbyters
- armillary spheres
- auguste-maurice barres
- aurorae polares
- aviator's ears
- avocadoe pears
- barcelona chairs
- basidiophores
- bathythermospheres
- bending our ears
- binary pulsars
- bioengineers
- blastoneuropores
- bottleneck guitars
- brittle maidenhairs
- burning our ears
- cable engineers
- cana de ambars
- cauliflower ears
- centimillionaires
- cervical flexures
- chicken cacciatores
- climbing maidenhairs
- closes our doors
- closing our doors
- cnidophores
- coccolithophores
- combination doors
- combination squares
- comparison stars
- compensating gears
- complemental airs
- conidiospores
- contra bonos mores
- conventional heirs
- conversation chairs
- cordon sanitaires
- cordons sanitaires
- corrugated bars
- cranial flexures
- dark red silver ores
- darken someone's doors
- departmental stores
- differential gears
- disappearing stairs
- discussion of heirs
- dormitory cars
- double solitaires
- du pont de nemours
- eastern hemispheres
- electric guitars
- equinoctial years
- extraneus heres
- far along in years
- fighting back the tears
- flea in our ears
- fleas in our ears
- for all someone cares
- geometric stairs
- getting on in years
- golden maidenhairs
- gray manganese ores
- gregory of tours
- grolier de servieres
- hawaiian guitars
- heliacal years
- heliogravures
- highway engineers
- hollow newel stairs
- horizontal bars
- industrial stores
- inflammable airs
- infrascapulares
- integrating spheres
- isabelline bears
- isodiapheres
- kilovolt-amperes
- labiovelars
- landscape engineers
- ligamentum teres
- light red silver ores
- louis-adolphe thiers
- marine engineers
- method of least squares
- methods engineers
- mining engineers
- move someone to tears
- multi-millionaires
- multibillionaires
- music of the spheres
- needle iron ores
- nephridiopores
- northern hemispheres
- oboe d'amores
- open-newel stairs
- ordinary cares
- oriental sores
- overengineers
- palatovelars
- passenger-train cars
- pedal steel guitars
- pennant-winged nightjars
- planetary gears
- polyplacophores
- postal storage cars
- presidential years
- prick up our ears
- pricked up our ears
- pricking up her ears
- pricking up his ears
- pricking up my ears
- pricking up one's ears
- pricking up their ears
- pricking up your ears
- primary health cares
- primi inter pares
- primus inter pares
- product engineers
- protopresbyters
- pterygiophores
- purple copper ores
- pycnidiospores
- railroad engineers
- railway engineers
- reasonable cares
- reclining-chair cars
- refractory wares
- residual airs
- reverse engineers
- richard warren sears
- ring in someone's ears
- ruby copper ores
- ruby silver ores
- sabbatical years
- sanitary wares
- scaly blazing stars
- secondary spores
- sessile gonophores
- sidereal years
- social engineers
- southern hemispheres
- spathic iron ores
- spiral bevel gears
- sporangiospores
- standard atmospheres
- standard-winged nightjars
- statement of affairs
- stationary airs
- student volunteers
- superbillionaires
- supermillionaires
- supplemental airs
- temporary stars
- tenancy for years
- thank her lucky stars
- thank his lucky stars
- thank one's lucky stars
- thank their lucky stars
- traffic engineers
- triangle of mars
- up to our ears
- uraniumaires
- urediospores
- variable gears
- variable stars
- variety stores
- vegetable bezoars
- vegetable horsehairs
- ventilated cars
- verrucae vulgares
- water hemispheres
- wattless volt-amperes
- well along in years
- western hemispheres
- wet behind the ears
- xantholeucophores
- yellow copper ores
- yellow woolly bears
6 syllables
- a jury of her peers
- a jury of his peers
- a jury of one's peers
- a jury of their peers
- anomalistic years
- antheridiophores
- apothecary jars
- archegoniophores
- bradford callery pears
- cafeteria cars
- castering landing gears
- catch someone unawares
- cerebral hemispheres
- chemical engineers
- complementary airs
- eclipsing double stars
- fiduciary heirs
- general service cars
- genetic engineers
- harmony of the spheres
- jean grolier de servieres
- lapis lazuli wares
- light ruby silver ores
- lithophotogravures
- litterae humaniores
- magnetic iron ores
- management engineers
- micaceous iron ores
- music to someone's ears
- nautical planispheres
- not in a billion years
- not in a million years
- not in a thousand years
- optical double stars
- periodical years
- phlogisticated airs
- physical double stars
- polar maritime airs
- portuguese man-of-wars
- pricking up our ears
- promise someone the stars
- reactive volt-amperes
- reduce someone to tears
- refrigerator cars
- representative peers
- resonator guitars
- resophonic guitars
- saint gregory of tours
- specular iron ores
- st gregory of tours
- stereoscopic pairs
- take someone unawares
- titanic iron ores
- tricycle landing gears
- unseen companion stars
- ursine dasyures
- variable-speed gears
- zoosporangiophores
7 syllables
- answer to all someone's prayers
- aviation engineers
- beneficiary heirs
- electrical engineers
- industrial engineers
- locomotive engineers
- mechanical engineers
- municipal engineers
- never in a billion years
- never in a million years
- never in a thousand years
- octahedral iron ores
- papanicolaou smears
- rhombohedral iron ores
- sanitary engineers
- stationary engineers
- tropical maritime airs
- uneven parallel bars
- variegated copper ores