Words to Describe shiva
Things shiva often describes ("shiva ________")
How shiva often is described ("________ shiva")
- eyed
- gracious
- terrible
- brahma
- dead
- awesome
- invisible
- hindus
- throated
- vishnu
- beloved
- prostrate
- infinite
- almighty
- prone
- passive
- angry
- historic
- great
- recumbent
- only
- indian
- supreme
- formless
- potent
- seated
- environmental
- late
- real
- armed
- hindu
- huge
- classical
- mighty
- later
- ascetic
- dreadful
- ecofeminist
- feminist
- eternal
- mythical
- beautiful
- transcendental
- phallic
- auspicious
- inert
- primordial
- holy
- male
- androgynous
- glorious
- powerful
- divine
- faced
- headed
- left
- cosmic
- and
- endowing
- complex
- ancient