Words to Describe colony
Things colony often describes ("colony ________")
- building
- color
- land
- based
- odor
- defense
- club
- colour
- name
- shape
- forming
- law
- recognition
- founding
- count
- reverse
- house
- compact
- legends
- ontogeny
- margin
- strategies
- care
- formation
- characteristics
- technique
- ashanti
- style
- life
- flabellate
- the
- morphology
- counts
- fidelity
- owning
- form
- protectorate
- surface
- paid
- stimulating
- appearance
How colony often is described ("________ colony")
- english
- spanish
- thriving
- successful
- single
- distant
- entire
- west
- bacterial
- infant
- swedish
- neighbouring
- italian
- latin
- nudist
- foreign
- small
- permanent
- former
- prosperous
- japanese
- proprietary
- flourishing
- little
- puritan
- athenian
- british
- african
- northern
- dutch
- corinthian
- american
- german
- tiny
- royal
- huguenot
- new
- granulocyte
- australian
- irish
- russian
- penal
- remote
- lost
- european
- separate
- macrophage
- semi
- agricultural
- large
- portuguese
- independent
- ant
- french
- danish
- belgian
- largest
- phoenician
- greek
- southern
- oldest
- neighboring
- roman
- ancient
- whole
- isolated