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Est. 1828
Grammar & Usage
Commonly Confused (page 5)
'Careen' vs. 'Career'
Don't rush to judge these words
Is It 'Purposely' or 'Purposefully'?
Is 'purposely' a real word?
'That' vs. 'Which'
Which one should you choose?
Prone vs. Supine vs. Prostrate
Don't take this lying down
'Phone it in' vs. 'Dial it in'
Don't confuse these phrases
'Since' vs. 'As' vs. 'Because'
A conjunction conundrum
What's the difference between 'elder' and 'older'?
An age-old question
Do You Read 'Aloud' or 'Out Loud'?
Is 'out loud' colloquial?
'Alternate' vs. 'Alternative'
It's good to have choices
Is It 'loath' or 'loathe'?
There's no need to loathe these words
Censor vs. Censure
What the [bleep] is the difference?
Among vs. Amongst vs. Between: Usage Guide
What's a usage disagreement between/among friends?
'Meantime' vs. 'Meanwhile'
Meanwhile, down at the farm...
Using 'Done' and 'Finished'
Is this cake 'done' or 'finished'?
'Can' vs. 'May'
Yes, you can go to the bathroom.
Warranty vs. Guarantee
We guarantee you'll find this interesting
The Scoop on Sherbet vs. Sherbert
They taste the same
The Difference Between 'Person' and 'Personage'
Both words have personality
Is this cat 'uninterested' or 'disinterested'?
The answer might surprise you
Famous vs. Infamous
The prefix is not your friend
Alright vs. All Right
Is 'alright' all right?
Jealous vs. Envious
Choose your words carefully
The Difference Between 'Slander' and 'Libel'
We'll tell you the secret
What's the difference between 'luggage' and 'baggage'?
Unpacking two common words
'First' or 'Firstly'?
We've identified your first(ly) problem
Is it 'Buses' or 'Busses'?
Kiss kiss
Loan vs. Lend
Is it ever right to use 'loan' as a verb?
Is it 'drive safe' or 'drive safely'?
In praise of flat adverbs
What's the difference between a rabbit and a hare?
And what about jackrabbits and swamp hares?
Respectively vs. Respectfully
Respect the differences between this pair
Stationary vs. Stationery
How to tell them apart
Ambiguous vs. Ambivalent: Dispelling the Ambiguity
No ambiguity here
Didactic vs. Pedantic
Don't call your teacher either one
There, They're, Their
There, there. We'll sort it out.
Can 'reticent' be used to mean 'reluctant'?
We're not reticent to tell you: yes
Does 'peruse' mean "to skim" or "to read carefully"?
How the straightforward peruse became confused.
Which way: 'segue' or 'segway'?
Which word should you use when moving on to a new subject?
Sneaked vs. Snuck
How the irregular 'snuck' sneaked into the dictionary
Flammable vs. Inflammable
Is there any difference?
Should you use 'dived' or 'dove'?
Which is correct: dived or dove?
Further vs. Farther
They started as same word, but their meanings have drifted apart over time.
How to Use They're, There, and Their
How to get them right
Secular, Atheist, and Agnostic
No, they don't mean the same thing
Lay vs. Lie
Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference.
It's Not the Heat, It's the Humidity
Where Do "Muggy" and "Humid" Come From?
When To Use "Discrete" vs "Discreet"
Definitions and Examples for Easily Mixed-up Words
Cache and Cachet: What's the difference?
How to Pronounce and Use Cache/Cachet
'Archaic' and 'Obsolete': What's the difference?
When Does the Dictionary Use These Labels?
Should You 'Flush Out' or 'Flesh Out' Your Plan?
Commonly Confused Words, Vol. 2
i.e. vs. e.g.
Often used, often confused. Here's some guidance and insight.
Healthy vs. Healthful
Why both words are equally good for you.
Top 10 Pairs of Commonly Confused Words
Commonly Confused Words, Vol. 1
Affect vs. Effect
Here's the lowdown on what may be the most confusing pair of words in the English language.
5 of 5
Can you solve 4 words at once?
Can you solve 4 words at once?
Word of the Day
See Definitions and Examples
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