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The following 21 entries include the term up the.
drive (someone) up the wall
idiomatic phrase: to make (someone) very irritated, angry, or annoyed
up the pole
idiomatic phrase: mentally unsound —used informally in an exaggerated way
noungum up the works
idiom: to prevent something from working or flowing properly
keep up the good work
idiom: to continue doing good work
make up (the) leeway
idiom: to get back into a good position or situation after one has fallen behind
pick/step up the pace
idiom: to go faster
pick/take up the cudgels for
idiom: to fight in defense or support of (someone or something)
pick/take up the gauntlet
idiom: to show that one is willing and ready to fight, argue, or compete with someone or to do something that is difficult but necessary : to accept or respond to a challenge
pick/take up the slack
idiom: to provide or do something that is missing or not getting done
pick up the pace
idiom: to go faster
pick up the pieces
idiom: to try to make a situation better after something bad has happened
pick up the tab/bill/check
idiom: to pay the money that is owed for something
pick up the tab
idiom: to pay a bill (such as for a meal or drinks at a bar)
pick up the threads
idiom: to begin something again after a long time