plural pies
: a dessert consisting of a filling (as of fruit or custard) in a pastry shell or topped with pastry or both
an apple pie
a slice of pumpkin pie
… desserts include lots of berry pies, butter pecan ice cream pies with a hot caramel topping, flummeries, and crisps.—
Judith and Evan Jones
: a meat dish baked with biscuit or pastry crust
a chicken pie
compare potpie
: pizza
The pizzeria earned its VPN (that's Vera Pizza Napoletana) status … for its authentic Neapolitan pies which are baked in a wood-fired oven imported from Italy.—
Katie Jackson
pied; pieing; pies
: to throw a pie at (someone) : to hit (someone) especially in the face with a pie
Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope was the latest target of a group of pie-wielding activists. … Pope was pied because he has gone against the interests of Sierra Club founder John Muir and the environment in his stance on such issues as the Headwaters Forest deal, the group said in a statement.—
Associated Press
One of his first duties as cub master was to be "pied" by those cub scouts who sold the most popcorn during a fundraiser to help pay for summer camp.—
Carol Malley
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