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The following 186 entries include the term on the..
on the lam
idiom: trying to avoid being caught by the police
on the latch
idiom: closed but not locked
on the lips of
idiom: being said or discussed by (people)
on the lookout for
idiom: looking or searching for (something or someone)
on the loose
idiom: able to move freely : not controlled or held in a prison, cage, etc. —used especially to describe a dangerous person, animal, or group
on the minus side
idiom—used to describe the less appealing or attractive part of something
on the nod
idiom: by general agreement and without discussion
on the off chance
idiom—used to talk about something that might happen or be true but that is not likely
on the offensive
idiom: in or into a situation or position in which one attacks or fights against someone or something
on the one hand
idiom—used to introduce a statement that is followed by another contrasting statement which is typically introduced with on the other hand
on the other hand
idiom—used to introduce a statement that contrasts with a previous statement or presents a different point of view —often used after a statement introduced with on the one hand
on the outside
idiom: on the outer side, edge, or surface of something
on the park
idiom: in the game
on the part of (someone)
idiom: by or from (someone)
on the phone
idiom: using a telephone to talk to someone