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The following 186 entries include the term on the..
on the same page
idiom: agreeing about something (such as how things should be done)
on the scene
idiom—used to say that someone or something is or has become an important part of a situation, activity, etc.
on the scent of
idiom: following (an animal or person) by sensing the animal's or person's smell —often used figuratively
on the skids
idiom: failing or getting worse : in a bad state or situation that is likely to result in failure
on the slide
idiom: becoming worse in condition
on the slopes
idiom: engaged in the activity of skiing
on (the) staff
idiom: working as a member of the group of people employed by an organization or business
on the strength of
idiom: because of the influence of (something)
on the stump
idiom: traveling around and giving speeches during a campaign for election to a political office
on the supposition that
idiom: based on the belief without actual proof that (something is so) : based on the assumption that (something is so)
on the telephone
idiom: using a telephone to talk to someone
on (the) television
idiom: broadcast by television : being shown by television or in a television program
on (the) telly
idiom: being shown by television
on the trot
idiom: following one after another
on the understanding that
idiom—used to say that something is done, accepted, etc., because one has been told that something else will happen or is true