You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
The following 413 entries include the term ofthe.
mayor of the palace
: an official under the Frankish kings who originally was the chief officer of the royal household, later prime minister, and under the later Merovingians practically sovereign
Mistress of the Robes
: a duchess who is appointed nominally in the British royal household to have charge of the queen's robes and who attends the queen at all state ceremonies
Mount of the Moon
: mount of luna
Mount of the Sun
: mount of apollo
mourning of the chine
noun: a shrub or small tree (Calyptranthes zuzygium) with smooth gray bark, clusters of fragrant small white flowers and red to black berries
Nun of the Visitation
: a member of a religious order founded by St. Jane Frances de Chantal under the direction of St. Francis de Sales in 1610 at Annecy, Savoy, and now chiefly devoted to teaching
officer of the day
: the officer who acting directly under the commanding officer of a military organization or installation is responsible on an assigned day for overseeing the guard, preserving order, protecting property, enforcing inspection regulations, and guarding prisoners
officer of the deck
: the officer in charge of a naval vessel for an assigned period (as a 4-hour watch) who is stationed on the bridge while at sea or on the quarterdeck while in port, who represents the commanding officer, and who for the duration of such duty is superior to all other officers except the executive officer
officer of the watch
: the officer representing the engineering officer for an assigned period and serving in the engine room
oil of the sick
: holy oil used in extreme unction
ordinary of the season
: an established Christian service or any part of it appointed for any ordinary Sunday or weekday from the octave of Epiphany to the first Sunday in Lent and from Trinity to Advent
overseer of the poor
: a person who is appointed or elected to take care of or to assist the poor with money, supplies, or services furnished by public authority and whose duties are prescribed by local statutes
parallactic libration of the moon
: diurnal libration of the moon caused by the observer's view over the upper limb of the moon when it is rising and setting