Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
TAKE THE QUIZ“of (the)”
The following 413 entries include the term of (the).
conservator of the peace
: an officer charged with maintaining the public peace or one having this power as an adjunct of another office
corpuscle of the spleen
: renal corpuscle
courtesy of the port
: the extension to a passenger returning from a foreign port of the privilege of immediate customs examination of his or her baggage
Court of the Constable and Marshal
: the English court of chivalry at the period when both the lord high constable and the earl marshal presided in it compare earl marshal's court
Court of the Lord Lyon
: lyon court
cross of the Resurrection
: a slender cross with a pennant at the junction of the bars
nouncrown of the rose
: an English gold coin first struck by Henry VIII in 1526
cult of the dead
cycle of the sun
: a period of 28 years at the end of which the days of the month according to the Julian calendar return to the same days of the week
dark of the moon
: the period of about a week at the time of a new moon when the moon's light is absent from the nighttime sky
Day of the Covenant
: December 16 observed in South Africa as a legal holiday celebrating the anniversary of the defeat of the Zulu chieftain Dingaan by Dutch immigrants in 1838
day of the Lord
Dean of the Arches
: a lay judge in an ecclesiastical court (as the chancery court of the province of York) : the official principal of the archbishop of Canterbury
decussation of the pyramids
noun: pyramidal decussation