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The following 64 entries include the term have a.
have a part to play
idiom: to be involved
have a problem with
idiom: to feel that something is not acceptable or agreeable to oneself —usually used in negative statements
have a quick wash
idiom: to wash one's hands, face, etc.
have a role to play
idiom: to be involved
have a rough time (of it)
idiom: to have a difficult time
have a rummage
idiom: to look in order to try to find something : to search
have a seat
idiom: to sit down
have a snit
idiom: to become annoyed and angry usually about something minor
have a stab at
idiom: to try (doing something)
have a thin time (of it)
idiom: to be in a difficult situation especially because one does not have enough money
have a try
idiom: to make an attempt : to try
have a way of (being something or doing something)
idiom: to often have a characteristic or to frequently do something
have a way with
idiom: to be able to use (something) or to deal with (something or someone) well and effectively
have a word with (someone)
idiom: to talk with someone briefly
not have a care in the world
idiom: to have no worries at all