Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
The following 64 entries include the term have a.
don't have a clue
idiom—use to say that one does not know (something)
have a ball
idiom: to have fun : to spend time in a very enjoyable way
have a bash
idiom: to try or attempt (something)
have a bee in one's bonnet
idiom: to talk and think a lot about something
have a bellyful of
idiom—used to indicate one is tired or disgusted beyond endurance with something
have a big heart
idiom: to be kind and generous
have a big mouth
idiom: to be likely to reveal personal or confidential information to other people
have a blitz on
idiom: to make a concentrated effort to do (something)
have a bun in the oven
idiom: to be pregnant
have a chip on one's shoulder
idiom: to have an angry or unpleasant attitude or way of behaving caused by a belief that one has been treated unfairly in the past
have a cow
idiom: to become very angry, upset, etc.
have a devilish time
idiom: to have a difficult time doing something
have a few
idiom: to have too many alcoholic drinks
have a few minutes/moments
idiom: have a short period of time available (for something)
have a field day
idiom: to get a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from doing something —used especially to describe getting enjoyment from criticizing someone, making fun of someone, etc.