Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
TAKE THE QUIZ“give someone”
The following 47 entries include the term give someone.
give (someone) the chop
idiom: to take someone's job away
give (someone) the elbow
idiom: to tell someone to go away
give (someone) the eye
idiom: to look at (someone) in a way that shows sexual attraction
give (someone) the finger
idiom: to make an offensive gesture at someone by pointing the middle finger upward while keeping the other fingers folded down
give (someone) the hook
idiom: to remove (a pitcher) from a game
give someone the nod
idiom: to give someone approval
give (someone) the pink slip
idiom: to stop employing (someone) because there is not enough work : lay off —usually used as be given the pink slip
give (someone) the push
idiom: to dismiss (someone) from a job : to fire (someone)
give (someone) the runaround
idiom: to fail to give (someone) information or help that he or she needs by not answering questions or by not dealing with the problem directly
give (someone) the sack
idiom: to dismiss (someone) suddenly from a job : to fire (someone)
give (someone) the shirt off one's back
idiom: to do anything to help (someone)
give (someone) the shivers
idiom: to make someone feel very afraid
give (someone) the slip
idiom: to escape (someone) : to get away from (someone)
give (someone) the time of day
idiom: to pay attention to someone —usually used in negative statements
give (someone) to understand
idiom: to cause (someone) to believe (something)