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TAKE THE QUIZ“bill of”
The following 21 entries include the term bill of.
bill of attainder
noun phrase: a legislative act that imposes punishment without a trial
bill of exchange
noun phrase: an unconditional written order from one person to another to pay a specified sum of money to a designated person
bill of fare
noun phrasebill of goods
noun phrase: a consignment of merchandise
bill of health
noun phrase: a certificate given to the ship's master at the time of leaving port that indicates the state of health of a ship's company and of a port with regard to infectious diseases
bill of indictment
noun phrase: an indictment before it is found or ignored by the grand jury
bill of lading
noun phrase: a document issued by a carrier that lists goods being shipped and specifies the terms of their transport
bill of particulars
noun phrase: a detailed listing of charges or claims brought in a legal action or of a defendant's response or counterclaim
bill of rights
noun phrase: a summary of fundamental rights and privileges that a government guarantees to the people —used especially of the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution
bill of sale
noun phrase: a formal instrument for the conveyance or transfer of title to goods and chattels
bill of divorce
noun: a written document prepared according to prescribed form and given by the husband to his wife by which the marriage relation is dissolved
bill of entry
noun: a written account of goods entered at the customhouse whether imported or intended for exportation
bill of mortality
noun: a periodical official statement of the number of deaths (later also of births) within a given time formerly issued in districts of London and vicinity
bill of parcels
noun: an account given by the seller to the buyer of the several articles purchased with their prices
bill of sight
noun: a form of entry at the customhouse by which goods respecting which the importer is not possessed of full information may be provisionally landed for examination