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The following 62 entries include the term at the.
noun: a fragrant Chinese honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima) grown in the southern U.S. for ornament
variant of wag-on-the-wall
a light at the end of the tunnel
noun phrase: a reason to believe that a bad situation will end soon or that a long and difficult job will be finished soon
at the age of
idiom: at the time of being a specified age
at the behest of someone
idiom: because of being asked or ordered by someone
at the bottom of one's/the class
idiom: having the lowest rating/score in a class
at the bottom of the pile
idiom: in a low or very unimportant position
at the bottom/top of the heap
idiom—used to describe a person's level of success, position in society, potential for advancement, etc.
at the center of things
idiom: closely involved in things that are happening
at the coalface
idiom: at the place where the actual work of an activity is done
at the cost of
idiom: by giving up or hurting (something else)
at the count of
idiom: when someone says (a specific number) after counting up to it
at the crack of dawn
idiom: very early in the morning : at dawn
at the door
idiom: knocking on the door or ringing the doorbell