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TAKE THE QUIZ“angle of”
The following 30 entries include the term angle of.
angle of lag
: the angle through which the brushes of a commutator of a direct-current motor or generator must be shifted from the neutral plane on account of the armature reaction
angle of lead
: the angle by which the current in an alternating-current circuit leads the electromotive force
angle of obliquity
: the angle that the line of pressure or of action of two gear teeth in contact makes with the tangent at the point of contact of the two pitch circles
angle of pitch
: the angle between two planes one of which includes the lateral axis of an airplane and the direction of the relative wind and the other of which includes the lateral and the longitudinal axes that in normal flight is measured between the longitudinal axis and the direction of the relative wind and that is positive when the nose of the airplane rises
angle of position
angle of recess
: the angle turned through by either of a pair of wheels in gear from the coincidence of the pitch points of a pair of teeth until the last point of contact of the teeth
angle of repose
: the angle that the plane of contact between two bodies makes with the horizontal when the upper body is just on the point of sliding : the angle whose tangent is the coefficient of friction between the two bodies
angle of roll
: the angle through which an airplane must be rotated about its longitudinal axis to bring its lateral axis into a horizontal plane, being positive when the left wing is higher than the right
angle of site
: the vertical angle between the line of site of a gun and the horizontal
angle of slide
: the angle of minimum slope usually measured from the horizontal at which any loose solid material (as earth) will flow compare angle of repose
angle of thread
: the angle between the sides of a screw thread measured in an axial plane
angle of torsion
: the angle through which a radial section of a body (as a wire or a shaft) deflects from its normal position when the body is subjected to torque
angle of view
: the angle in a lens between lines drawn from opposite edges of the image to the second nodal point of the lens
angle of yaw
: the angle between the direction of the relative wind and the plane of symmetry of an airplane, being positive when the airplane turns to the right