Word of the Day
: April 15, 2022vanguard
playWhat It Means
Vanguard refers to the forefront of an action or movement. That meaning comes from the word's original sense referring to troops moving at the head of an army.
// The manufacturer is in the vanguard of green technology.
// The castle's watchmen spotted the vanguard of approaching cavalry and infantry.
vanguard in Context
"In the Gold Rush, Northern California attracted prospectors looking for financial independence. Now, this area is at the vanguard of a new movement—people seeking to use only the energy they produce themselves." — Ivan Penn, The New York Times, 13 Mar 2022
Did You Know?
Vanguard comes from Anglo-French avantgarde, from avant, meaning "before," and garde, "guard." In medieval times, avantgarde referred to the troops that marched at the head of the army. In time, vanguard marched its way as a word for the group of people who are the leaders of an action or movement in society, politics, art, etc.
Fill in the blanks to complete a word for a person who originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity: p _ _ n _ _ r.
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