Word of the Day
: August 20, 2018satiety
playWhat It Means
1 : the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity : surfeit, fullness
2 : the revulsion or disgust caused by overindulgence or excess
satiety in Context
"Yes, avocado is high in fat, but it's the good, monounsaturated kind that helps increase satiety so you feel full with fewer calories." — Georgia Downard, Self, June 2011
"High fiber foods increase satiety, or the feeling of fullness, and reduce appetite. Feeling fuller for longer can reduce a person's overall calorie intake." — Laura Sant, The Preston Citizen, 20 June 2018
Did You Know?
You may have accurately guessed that satiety is related to satisfy, satiate (meaning "to satisfy fully or to excess"), and sate (which means "to glut" or "to satisfy to the full"). Satiety, along with the others, ultimately comes from the Latin word satis, which means "enough." English speakers apparently couldn't get enough of satis- derived words in the 15th and 16th centuries, when all of these words entered the language. Satiety itself was borrowed into English in the mid-1500s from the Middle French word satieté of the same meaning.
Test Your Vocabulary
What 4-letter verb begins with "c" and means "to fill with food to satiety"?
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