Word of the Day
: January 12, 2016procrastinate
playWhat It Means
1 : to put off intentionally and habitually
2 : to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done
procrastinate in Context
Somehow, despite procrastinating, Melody managed to hand her assignment in on time.
"You won't achieve [financial fitness] overnight or by happenstance, but by making responsible decisions on a daily basis, working hard and adhering to a well-crafted plan. You also won't achieve it if you let time constraints get in the way, or you procrastinate." — Odysseas Papadimitriou, U.S. News & World Report, 3 Dec. 2015
Did You Know?
We won't put off telling you about the origins of procrastinate. English speakers borrowed the word in the 16th century from Latin procrastinatus, which itself evolved from the prefix pro-, meaning "forward," and crastinus, meaning "of tomorrow." Like its synonyms delay, lag, loiter, dawdle, and dally, procrastinate means to move or act slowly so as to fall behind. It typically implies blameworthy delay especially through laziness or apathy.
Name That Synonym
Fill in the blanks to create a synonym of procrastinate: t _ r _ y.
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