Word of the Day
: August 30, 2022effulgence
playWhat It Means
Effulgence means "radiant splendor" or "brilliance."
// The state capitol's golden dome shone with brilliant effulgence in the late afternoon light.
effulgence in Context
"His oil portrait silently observed us. His brother Robert who painted it didn't go for the obvious choice and recreate Dad's life-of-the-party effulgence, but instead captured his pensive look, as if he's listening intensely to what you are asking, and he may or may not answer you." — Jamie Brickhouse, The Huffington Post, 21 June 2022
Did You Know?
Need a shiny word to bust out at your next disco party, planetarium visit, or fireworks gathering? How about effulgence? It’s not a shiny "new" word, having made its English language debut in the 17th century, but it does come from the Latin verb fulgēre, meaning "to shine." Effulgence isn’t used for bog-standard brightness, however; it’s reserved for shininess that dazzles, inspires, leaves you gobsmacked—in other words, "radiant splendor."
Name That Synonym
Fill in the blanks to complete a synonym of effulgence that more often is used to mean "forthrightness": c _ n _ o _.
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