The Wild Robot by Peter Brown Reading Guide

Meet ROZZUM Unit 7134, or Roz for short, she's a robot and she's a little lost. Roz was one of five hundred robots who were being transported on a cargo ship from the factory where they were made to the homes and workplaces of humans whom they would assist with all manner of tasks. But when the cargo ship gets caught in a storm and sinks, Roz finds herself all alone on a strange island. Roz's survival instincts dictate that she must learn everything there is to learn about the island and the strange creatures that call it home and soon Roz learns how to safely talk to and interact with the island's many animals.
After a terrible accident results in Roz adopting a young gosling named Brightbill, Roz realizes that there is more to life than just simple survival. Using her robotic skills and computer brain, she befriends the animals of the island and helps them build shelters, settle arguments and survive the harshest winter any of the animals could ever imagine.
But Roz knows that she was not born on the island, though she remembers nothing from before her time there. With the help of her son Brightbill, Roz learns more about the outside world, her origins, and about other robots. But when some of those robots discover Roz's wild lifestyle, she and her animal friends will have to use everything they've learned to fight to protect their way of life.
Vocabulary by Chapter Index
Vocabulary from Chapters 16-25
Vocabulary from Chapters 26-37
Vocabulary from Chapters 38-53
Vocabulary from Chapters 54-68
Vocabulary from Chapters 69-80
Discussion Questions
Throughout the book Brown emphasizes that nature is sometimes ugly but that that ugliness is necessary for nature to function properly. At the same time, Roz frequently steps in and alters nature to fit her own view of what nature should be. She introduces the animals to fire, she tries to prevent predators from eating their prey, and she helps resolve arguments between different animals and species. Do you think Roz was correct to change nature in these ways? Why or why not?
Character analysis: At the beginning of the book, Roz befriends the animals out of a desire to live and survive, and any friendly action she performs is specifically described as Roz acting friendly. Do you think Roz is still only acting by the end of the book? Or does she truly care for and love Brightbill and all of her friends on the island? Do you think Roz truly developed emotions at some point during her journey? If so, when do you think this happened?