
The Storm Runner by J.C. Cervantes, Vocabulary List Chapters 4-6

The Storm Runner Vocabulary List

  1. casual | see definition»

    showing or feeling little concern : NONCHALANT

    How could she stand there looking so casual, like she was used to this sort of chaos?

  2. coax | see definition»

    to influence by gentle urging, special attention, or flattering

    "Come on, girl," I coaxed Rosie as I got down on my hands and knees.

  3. dumbfound | see definition»

    to make speechless with surprise

    She gave me a dumbfounded look.

  4. divination | see definition»

    the art or practice of using signs and omens or magic powers to foretell the future

    "That's why it's a prophecy, a divination."

  5. exasperated | see definition»

    having or showing strong feelings of irritation or annoyance

    "Fine," I said, exasperated.

  6. gnaw | see definition»

    to be a source of vexation to : PLAGUE

    I had a gnawing feeling that whatever Brooks was searching for was the same thing the demon runner had been digging for.

  7. jefe | see definition»

    a person who exercises control or authority

    He flew the plane into the crater, thinking it would open the volcano so he could find his jefe.

  8. keen | see definition»

    very strong and sensitive : highly developed

    Hawks have keen eyesight.

  9. negotiate | see definition»

    to have a discussion with another in order to settle something

    I was about to negotiate — I still needed Brooks to give me more info — when Rosie barked and took off toward the caves.

  10. nonchalant | see definition»

    showing or having a relaxed manner free from concern or excitement

    "Of course they're real," she said nonchalantly.

  11. persistent | see definition»

    continuing to act or exist longer than usual

    Okay, so she was persistent.

  12. pester | see definition»

    to bother again and again

    Did pestering the school staff count?

  13. plummet | see definition»

    to fall straight down

    Hearing her confirm the impossible made my stomach plummet.

  14. prophecy | see definition»

    something foretold : PREDICTION

    "There's a prophecy — a very big prophecy that was told hundreds of years ago."

  15. quirk | see definition»

    curve, twist

    With a light laugh, Brooks quirked her left brow and said, "Okay, then, come on."

  16. retreat | see definition»

    to go to a place of privacy or safety

    Rosie whined, sniffed, retreated.

  17. ricochet | see definition»

    to bounce off at an angle

    My heart ricocheted off my ribs.

  18. sulk | see definition»

    to be angry or irritable about something but childishly refuse to talk about it

    Hondo sulked, and I got dish duty for the rest of my life.

  19. tactic | see definition»

    a planned action for some purpose

    I needed a different tactic.

  20. technically | see definition»

    according to a very strict explanation of a rule, fact, etc.

    Technically, I was thinking about her at the principal's office.

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