The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson, Vocabulary List Chapters 43-52
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completely foolish, unreasonable, or untrue : RIDICULOUS
"This is crazy. Insane. Absurd."
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a straight direct course
Candice was on a beeline for James Parker.
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a number of similar things growing or grouped closely together : BUNCH
Ms. McMillan directed him to a cluster of desks.
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to scold gently
Candice waited for her mom to chide her.
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to move toward one point and join together : to come together and meet
By the time they exited the vault, the press had converged upon the bank.
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likely to make someone believe something that is not true
Candice, even with wobbly legs, was deceptively fast.
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willing to lie and trick people in order to get what is wanted
"We're not up to anything devious."
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to decorate a surface with a raised pattern or design
Her named had been embossed on the bracelet in glittery silver, making it shimmer.
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arranged in a very orderly and regular way
The city had decided to issue a formal apology to her grandmother, and were holding a ceremony to rename City Hall in her honor.
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existing in the past
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speaking or spoken carelessly and often insincerely
"Don't be glib, Candi."
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skill or cleverness in discovering, inventing, or planning
The program began, with the current mayor telling a very long and very boring story about her grandmother's bravery and ingenuity.
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a harsh and unfair investigation or series of questions
The questions were innocent enough, but to Candice, it felt like an inquisition.
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harsh and not regular : not smooth or even
The voice on the other end was ragged.
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something that deceives : HOAX
"What if it turns out to be a sham?"
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showing or feeling embarrassment especially because you have done something foolish or wrong
He gave her a sheepish grin.
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to delight in
"I've got to savor every chance I get like this."
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a disrespectful expression or remark
His sneer was audible all the way across the room.
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a written rule or regulation
"Or perhaps a statute of limitations?" Brandon asked.
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to demand or require (something) as part of an agreement
Candice and Brandon stipulated that it had to be named after Siobhan Washington.
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to refuse to allow or accept (something, such as a plan or suggestion)
She had wanted to wear comfy jeans, but both her parents had vetoed that.