We're intent on clearing it up
We're gonna stop you right there
Is it all the same anyway?
We'll help you figure it out at once
What about Day Tomorrow?
And how did it get that name?
A definitive answer.
And who put it there, anyway?
What's with his feathered cap?
A simple way to keep them apart. (Most of the time.)
Is there one standard way?
How to remember which is which
You all would not have guessed some of these
Some imitative words are more surprising than others
Head, shoulders, metaphors, and toes
Comedian ISMO on what separates a boot from a trunk
Comedian ISMO on the complexities of the word 'tip'
Comedian ISMO tries to figure out the numbers 'one' and 'two'
And is one more correct than the others?
The story of an imaginary word that managed to sneak past our editors
Why is pig meat called 'pork' and cow meat called 'beef?' Because English took on a big serving of French words following the Norman Conquest.
No one calls it the Merriam-Webster comma. Why?
Our research turned up two archaic literal meanings
Editor Peter Sokolowski will tell you all the perpendiculars
Is it all right to use both? Do they mean different things? Which one will make your English teacher smile?
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