Hasina's ouster has left both political as well as security vacuums, giving more space to religious radicals.
Michael Kugelman,
21 Dec. 2024
Obama ended up funding and arming the Syrian opposition so feebly it was slaughtered and – when its extremists joined up with radicals from Iraq’s long-running insurgency against the US occupation – metastasized into ISIS.
In January, a media report revealed that some figures from the party attended a meeting in which extremists discussed the deportation of millions of migrants, including some with German citizenship and this triggered mass protests against the far-right.
Josh Hammer,
23 Dec. 2024
Over nearly 14 years, the civil war spiraled into a multisided conflict involving rebels, extremists and others.
That year, the campaign finance regulator separately found that Wyss’s groups failed to provide evidence of certain grant agreements upon conservatives accusing him of violating laws on foreign nationals making donations.
Gabe Kaminsky,
Washington Examiner - Political News and Conservative Analysis About Congress, the President, and the Federal Government,
22 Dec. 2024
There has been a movement by fringe conservatives for many, many years now to create a constitutional convention.
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