The union leadership tried to broker a deal with Hochul, but that was ignored.
Republicans serving in Congress and the state Legislature, who always tout law and order, shamelessly sided with the lawbreakers.
New York Daily News Editorial Board,
New York Daily News,
12 Mar. 2025
President @realDonaldTrump has delivered a powerful message and the world is taking notice: America's borders are CLOSED to lawbreakers.
No decent person, let alone a political movement downstream of the biblical, Judeo-Christian tradition, as American conservatism necessarily is, should lift a finger to welcome such a wretched reprobate to our shores or shield him from justice.
28 Feb. 2025
Imagine Millennial filmmakers asserting a new neorealism to examine the intimate, fraternal, and familial relations of those infamous Martin, Brown, and Floyd reprobates.
In Lynch’s festering neo-noir mystery from 1987, Hopper plays a chronic villain perpetually sipping from a tank of amyl nitrate and handing out hits as a way to manipulate his henchmen.
Alison Foreman,
14 Mar. 2025
In the comics, Sinestro starts off as a member of the Green Lantern Corp, eventually becoming a villain and starting his own Sinestro Corp.
Unlike in the Inferno, in which Dante meets many monologuing sinners, each vividly portrayed, McCrae’s narrator encounters conspicuously few.
Elisa Gonzalez,
The New Yorker,
3 Feb. 2025
To the very end, King—an imperfect man and sinner, as all Christians are—did what he was called to do: preach and teach Jesus Christ's radical message of love.
The promise of criminal prosecution of a person responsible for such a death may seem righteous and like an effective deterrent against future wrongdoers.
Michael Abrams,
Baltimore Sun,
17 Feb. 2025
In a mythical world, justice proceeds like this: After being wronged by a government injustice, a victim lawyers up and sues the government wrongdoer.
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