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Recent Examples of columnFacts and figures are fine, but what makes for a great letter or guest column is being authentic.—Brenda Looper, arkansasonline.com, 12 Feb. 2025 Read the column » The Briefing Room Source photograph by Graeme Sloan / Sipa USA / AP
What happens if Trump defies the courts?—Ian Crouch, The New Yorker, 12 Feb. 2025 The Contenders is a midweek column that looks at artists aiming for the top of the Billboard charts, and the strategies behind their efforts.—Andrew Unterberger, Billboard, 12 Feb. 2025 Then, dilute acid is poured through the column in order to pull the rubidium off the resin, flushing a solution of only rubidium out the other side of the column.—IEEE Spectrum, 11 Feb. 2025 See All Example Sentences for column
Designed to evoke the Pantheon, the rotunda’s curved sandstone walls are divided by fluted Doric pilasters with wreaths of olive branches carved in the frieze above.
Riley Beggin,
20 Jan. 2025
Though more stately in its setting of classical pilasters and marble floors, the lobby El Bar del Majestic is pretty hopping too with live piano music.
But shortly before debate was set to begin, chamber leaders bumped the bill — which would ban the sale of many firearms that accept detachable magazines — to second in the queue, behind the labor bill, because one Democratic senator was absent.
The Denver Post,
The Denver Post,
15 Feb. 2025
In a world where fashion is increasingly fluid, the tie among other sartorial queues, has become a reinvigorated statement - a la Kamala Harris and her will to take on ideas around gender norms.
Safety concerns The paper is the latest in a string of studies that suggest keeping increasingly powerful AI systems under control may be harder than previously thought.
Harry Booth,
19 Feb. 2025
The closure is another in a string of both high- and low-profile closures over the past six months as restaurateurs decry the same points that Anderson made in his Instagram post.
Subscribe to our new food newsletter, Stuffed, to get Denver food and drink news sent straight to your inbox.
Each of these seeds represents a different specific second on the system clock when a Diablo save file is created, ranging from between January 1, 1970, and December 31, 2038 (the only valid dates accepted by the game).
Ars Technica,
Ars Technica,
15 Feb. 2025
After the case was dropped, all files, including the arrest report, were removed from the Monroe County Clerk of the Court’s website.