Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
The following 437 entries include the term The.
fly off the handle
phraseto become very angry
foot the bill (for)
phraseto pay the living expenses of
for the birds
phraseso foolish or pointless as to be worthy of scornful laughter
for the time being
phraseat the present time
from the ground up
phrasewith attention to all aspects or details
get the better of
phraseto achieve a victory over
get the hang of
phraseto acquire complete knowledge, understanding, or skill in
give one the creeps
phraseto strike with fear
give one the gate
phraseto drive or force out
give the lie to
phraseto prove to be false
give the third degree to
phraseto put a series of questions to
give up the ghost
phraseto stop living
go off the deep end
phraseto yield to mental or emotional stress
grease the hand of
phraseto influence someone with a bribe
handwriting on the wall
phrasesomething that tells of approaching danger or risk