Hear a word and type it out. How many can you get right?
The following 437 entries include the term The.
beat around the bush
phraseto avoid giving a definite answer or position
beat the drum (for)
phraseto provide publicity for
beat the pants off
phraseto defeat by a large margin
below the belt
phrasenot being in accordance with the rules or standards of what is fair in sport
be on the lookout for
phraseto be cautious of or on guard against
beside the point
phrasenot having anything to do with the matter at hand
bite the dust
phraseto come to an end
blow the whistle (on)
phraseto reveal the true nature of
blue in the face
phrasefeeling or showing anger
bolt from the blue
phrasesomething that makes a strong impression because it is so unexpected
break the law
phraseto commit an offense
by the by
phraseby way of interjection or digression
by the skin of one's teeth
phraseby a very small margin
by the way
phraseby way of interjection or digression
call the shots (of)
phraseto be in charge of