You know what it looks like… but what is it called?
The following 437 entries include the term The.
bitten the dust
phraseto come to an end
bit the dust
phraseto come to an end
blew the whistle (on)
phraseto reveal the true nature of
blowing the whistle (on)
phraseto reveal the true nature of
blown the whistle (on)
phraseto reveal the true nature of
blows the whistle (on)
phraseto reveal the true nature of
bolts from the blue
phrasesomething that makes a strong impression because it is so unexpected
breaking the law
phraseto commit an offense
breaks the law
phraseto commit an offense
broken the law
phraseto commit an offense
broke the law
phraseto commit an offense
called the shots (of)
phraseto be in charge of
called the tune (for)
phraseto be in charge of
calling the shots (of)
phraseto be in charge of
calling the tune (for)
phraseto be in charge of