How to Use writerly in a Sentence
In the midst of his grief, Hsu steadily builds a writerly self.
—M.j. Andersen,, 16 Feb. 2023
Or just the writerly contrivance of their rhyming names?
—Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 12 Jan. 2022
Too bad the writerly voice here is not as distinct, trying to say too many things at once.
—Tomris Laffly, Variety, 22 Jan. 2023
Life is heavy, and the writerly task of conveying its truths can be equally weighty.
—Oliver Munday, The Atlantic, 22 Aug. 2022
And who better to present you with writerly gift ideas than staffers at a magazine?
—Sarah Madaus, SELF, 8 Sep. 2022
And Simon brought a writerly flair to smoothly rendered songs about romance among the well-heeled.
—Los Angeles Times, 4 May 2022
This accounts in part for his use of pseudonyms, which was not just a writerly device.
—Christopher Beha, Harper's Magazine, 27 Apr. 2020
Hardy’s gotten some of that writerly nuance into his hits for Wallen.
—Los Angeles Times, 16 Feb. 2023
Such writerly panache is the true saving grace of Mr Orange’s chronicle.
—The Economist, 5 July 2018
And soon Elizabeth starts doing weird things with rocks, a touch of mysticism that just looks like writerly quirk run amok.
—Darren Franich,, 5 June 2019
As DaCosta's script points out (in language that sounds a bit too writerly to come out of Deb's mouth), Ollie is a doer, not a hoper.
—John Defore, The Hollywood Reporter, 27 Apr. 2018
Buyers at the very high end of the market may romanticize an aura of writerly brilliance but are less likely to pay much for it.
—Kim Velsey, Curbed, 31 Jan. 2023
Later, her out-of-nowhere substance abuse strikes the viewer as a writerly attempt to find a new, more punishing lens through which to see a character.
—Daniel D'addario, Variety, 9 Dec. 2021
Since her writerly method in this opus is more sectional in nature, her approach is an ideal foil for Lewis’s — making the CD worth the wait for its arrival via snail mail.
—New York Times, 15 Oct. 2020
Its black-and-white line drawings are charming, and the writerly descriptions spout history, humor and wit.
—Amy Merrick, WSJ, 18 Mar. 2022
What propels the reader through these biographies is not only these authors’ writerly talents but the sheer drama of Ted Kennedy’s saga.
—David Greenberg, Washington Post, 2 Feb. 2023
While many musicians disparage the writerly urge to put a label on everything, Sanneh says his book is in some ways a defense of the idea of genres.
—, 22 Oct. 2021
The novelist’s scrupulous vagueness flows from a writerly decorum that Borrero doesn’t appear to share.
—Jonathan Blitzer, The New Yorker, 24 Nov. 2021
Wild Reads is a club that will extend Cheryl’s readerly influence in addition to her writerly one.
—oregonlive, 1 June 2021
There are, thankfully, different kinds of stories in this collection than Martin’s go-to story of the scruffy writerly type who may or may not be in the midst of screwing up his life.
—Ryu Spaeth, The New Republic, 9 July 2020
Toni Morrison performed the classic writerly move of working on her novels before her children woke in the morning.
—Hillary Kelly, The Atlantic, 8 May 2022
Amis is Amis: Beneath an autumnal maturity of mind beats the still-atavistic writerly ego.
—James Parker, The Atlantic, 9 Dec. 2020
Particularly noteworthy is the writerly flair that’s actively present in the scripting, rich with a strong sense of imagery.
—Nicholas Quah, Vulture, 5 Jan. 2021
Switching from pen and paper to stylus and screen can feel like a betrayal of your writerly sensibilities.
—Zoë Hannah, Popular Mechanics, 20 Jan. 2023
Here, Riggs waxes poetic on this final installment and tells EW a little bit about his very writerly process.
—Seija Rankin,, 24 Feb. 2021
Between the covers of these books, readers will find an enormously diverse set of subjects and an array of writerly moods, from the whimsical to the deadly serious.
—Julia Schimautz, The Atlantic, 13 Dec. 2022
He is mired in romantic and writerly self-doubt and spends his days corresponding with women who are similarly in limbo.
—The New Yorker, 9 Aug. 2021
With few exceptions, writerly ambition tends not to operate at a grand level.
—Geoff Dyer, New York Times, 18 Apr. 2018
At 100 minutes, the film is spare on blunt character arcs and writerly dialogue but rich in its director’s confident vision.
—Colin Covert, kansascity, 31 May 2018
While this may have seemed like a little bit of writerly contrivance on the part of showrunner Mike White, a fan theory actually speculates that Greg and Quentin really know each other.
—Philip Ellis, Men's Health, 5 Dec. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'writerly.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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