How to Use wandering in a Sentence
Donovan was born in Glasgow, Scotland and was a high school dropout and sort of wandering beach bum, according to his bio.
—Mike Oliver |, al, 4 Aug. 2019
By being at the foothills of the Appalachians an occasional wandering bear had come through, but not wild hogs.
—Michael C. Bolton, al, 21 July 2023
He was born a hundred years ago in Cuba, the eldest son of a wandering Italian botanist and her agronomist husband.
—Merve Emre, The New Yorker, 27 Feb. 2023
The supervisor had found a wandering pet tortoise, named Seashell, in the same area in August 2021 and had reunited it with its owners.
—Marc Duvoisin, San Antonio Express-News, 4 Mar. 2023
Many rivers meandered over this plain, and over the millennia their wandering channels dug a series of basins into it.
—Robert Kunzig, Discover Magazine, 11 Nov. 2019
Thursday’s fatal crash, however, marks the first time a wandering bear has been hit by a car in the city of Orlando, according to reports to FWC.
—Christopher Cann, Orlando Sentinel, 27 Apr. 2023
Antidote to a Wandering Mind The opposite of a wandering mind is a mindful one.
—Amishi P. Jha, Scientific American, 1 Mar. 2013
Are there other suggestions for managing my wandering eyes while on the couch?
—Miss Manners | Judith Martin, Anchorage Daily News, 3 July 2023
All these reports of Juan’s wandering eye put a damper on the Dixons’ honeymoon phase following their second wedding.
—Eric Andersson, Peoplemag, 6 Nov. 2023
Are there other suggestions for managing my wandering eyes while on the couch? Sit farther apart?
—Jacobina Martin, Washington Post, 3 July 2023
And the team found that artificial traps with feathers around them captured more wandering arthropods than those without.
—Joshua Rapp Learn, Scientific American, 8 Nov. 2019
The Ukrainian tank crew that prayed before each battle nicknamed their tank The Wanderer, for its wandering movements around the battlefield.
—Andrew E. Kramer,, 1 Mar. 2023
Cormier is a storyteller who celebrates song itself and the wandering spirit that infuses folk music and the lives of many folk singers.
—John Adamian,, 17 Mar. 2018
As the oldest of three siblings, Pessoa’s path as a wandering creative has caused some concern among her Colombian and Brazilian family members.
—Mekita Rivas,, 30 Nov. 2023
The tapes include the distortions of a do-it-yourself recording project, with its prickly static and wandering amplification.
—Ben Brantley, New York Times, 25 Feb. 2020
That river was a wandering, seasonal thing that played peekaboo, trickling through a braided network of little streams and existing springs.
—Patt Morrisoncolumnist, Los Angeles Times, 28 Feb. 2023
This idea is explored at length in a wandering and wonderful Tim Ferris conversation with Balaji.
—Tom Vander Ark, Forbes, 27 Apr. 2021
Little little orishas is the story of Sango, a simple-minded and defiant wandering spirit, and his gentle sister Oya.
—Ciku Kimeria, Quartz Africa, 2 June 2019
Numerous officers responded to find the girl’s parents after passersby reported the wandering toddler, police said.
—Jesse Leavenworth,, 26 Mar. 2018
It’s dotted with art installations, succulents and the occasional wandering cat.
—Elena Kadvany, San Francisco Chronicle, 27 Mar. 2023
My mother's paternal grandfather was a wandering Muslim mystic.
—Razib Khan, Discover Magazine, 11 Nov. 2010
If Rufo represented a modern, media-savvy social conservatism, then Speir embodied a more atavistic traditionalism, both more wandering and more truculent.
—Benjamin Wallace-Wells, The New Yorker, 22 Feb. 2023
The trick here, though, is that this isn't mindless wandering or an ode to the city's nightlife.
—Rebecca Farley,, 17 May 2018
The note helped the library staff make sense of a recent trend of strange book wanderings.
—, 11 Nov. 2019
His dad, Jon, could emerge from his room at any time, asleep and wandering.
—Lydia Woolever, Popular Mechanics, 28 Nov. 2018
This is a band that can sing about the related pleasures of wandering and a sense of home.
—John Adamian,, 2 July 2018
But there was this sense (the characters) were all kind of wandering.
—James Hebert,, 6 Apr. 2018
That’s how the evening passed, the first of my sobriety—with wandering and wanting and saying no.
—Longreads, 20 June 2018
The tracking program helped slow his wandering, but could not stop it.
—New York Times, 8 Feb. 2022
Prepared to be shocked at what Apple and Google know about your wanderings.
—Kim Komando, USA TODAY, 13 Apr. 2023
However, mind-wandering can go awry, and this can be bad for your health.
—The Conversation, oregonlive, 5 Jan. 2021
Which is why, when Alvin got too old and frail to jump over fences, the Mainos had holes cut in theirs to make his wanderings easier.
—John Wilkens,, 9 June 2017
That jolt awake at 3 a.m. has become Harris’ campaign theme, the crux of her wandering stump speech.
—Molly Ball, Time, 3 Oct. 2019
That’s roughly three times the size of the world’s biggest bird now alive, the wandering albatross, and about as wide as an F-16 fighter jet.
—NBC News, 12 Sep. 2019
Cattle egrets are rare here, but a wandering bird shows up every few years.
—Taylor Piephoff, charlotteobserver, 11 July 2018
This space is perfect for a dog who likes to romp and for dog owners who don’t want to worry about a wandering dog or don’t have time for a walk.
—Joan Walden,, 13 Apr. 2018
Biden speaks to crowds like a desperate wandering priest, holding an Obama icon above his head to find the way.
—John Kass,, 13 Sep. 2019
The locals were welcoming, and our unplanned time turned out to be a sweet surrender to the joys of wandering.
—Alice Short,, 27 May 2018
Her wandering, and the fear that went with it, became part of her writing discipline.
—Helen Shaw, Vulture, 29 Mar. 2021
For years, his life has been a revolving door of jail stints, shelters and couches, and street-wanderings.
—Washington Post, 13 Dec. 2017
A lot of the restaurants and bars on King Street were closed for the holidays, but after a bit of wandering, the two found a Chinese restaurant with open doors.
—Francesca Street, CNN, 28 Dec. 2021
But Tesla also needs to sort out its high-speed wandering.
—Dave Vanderwerp, Car and Driver, 8 Dec. 2021
One of the most bizarre story lines is Taissa’s nighttime wanderings.
—Rose Minutaglio, ELLE, 29 Mar. 2023
Just the slightest wandering glance away from the field would put me at a profound disadvantage.
—Conor Orr,, 16 Jan. 2018
Due to his constant wanderings around Charlotte in search of new places to eat, my brother-in-law, Mark, is pretty much the Vasco da Gama of lunch places.
—Clayton Hanson, Charlotte Observer, 31 Jan. 2024
In the last 15 years, the science of mind wandering has mushroomed as a topic of scholarly study, thanks in part to advances in brain imaging.
—Libby Copeland, Smithsonian, 24 Feb. 2017
But in past seasons, the wandering has delivered much more.
—Stephanie Merry,, 18 Aug. 2017
The fourth and final stage is collapse, irrelevance, and a wandering search for the future.
—Ganesh Sitaraman, The New Republic, 23 Dec. 2019
Although mind-wandering seems to decrease with age, it can be nurtured.
—Washington Post, 12 July 2021
The Irish capital invites leisurely wanderings, with stops for music, art and top-flight pubs and grub.
—Matthew Kronsberg, WSJ, 23 Mar. 2023
The wandering of these electrons across a battery cell is what generates a current.
—Gregory Barber, Wired, 1 Feb. 2022
The Alzheimer’s Association also lists ways to reduce risks of wandering and ways to prepare your home.
—Jennifer Rodriguez, Kansas City Star, 21 Jan. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'wandering.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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