How to Use virility in a Sentence
Like a thick beard or bushy mustache, chest hair is a badge of virility.
—Liza Corsillo, GQ, 28 Sep. 2017
The Latin viridis evoked virility, virtue, and verdure.
—John Patrick Leary, The New Republic, 25 Oct. 2019
Maybe before long God will take away even the little bit of virility that’s left me.
—Robert Gottlieb, New York Times, 27 June 2017
But Zima was typecast as a girly drink, with all the virility of a white wine cooler.
—Esther Mobley,, 20 Aug. 2019
Then, in a display of his virility, the 73-year-old character actor dropped to the floor and did one-armed push-ups.
—Bruce Fretts, New York Times, 24 Feb. 2017
For Walter White and his many TV cousins, crime has often been about self-worth, even virility.
—James Poniewozik, New York Times, 25 Feb. 2018
When the treatments were stopped, the mice returned to normal levels of virility within four to six weeks.
—Chris Morris, Fortune, 23 Mar. 2022
And besides, his size and the robustness of his voice add a welcome virility that is sometimes missing in the role.
—David Lyman,, 21 July 2019
Not Peter, who knew the truth — four times, it was later revealed on the show, half a world away, to the quixotic delight of his parents, so proud of their son’s virility.
—Maura Judkis, Washington Post, 29 July 2019
Also from the get-go, the lens turns both inward, to Ajo Kawir’s thoughts, and outward, to a world too often preoccupied with the virility of its men.
—Jane Yong Kim, The Atlantic, 15 Sep. 2017
Drunk but full of vim, vigor, and, as the girthy silhouette in his pants suggested, virility.
—Alejandro Varela, Harper's magazine, 16 Sep. 2019
That's where this complex comes in – it's made up of a blend of herbs that have been used for centuries to improve male virility and vitality.
—Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 11 Nov. 2023
Male sexuality and virility is a point of pride for the Fox News father.
—Kyle Munkittrick, Discover Magazine, 28 Mar. 2011
And with that, comes a slew of high-end food delivery services catering to wellbeing and virility—both in New York City and around the country.
—Kristen Bateman, Harper's BAZAAR, 4 Jan. 2016
Vuelve a la vida means return to life, and is seen in Venezuela as a sauce that aids with virility and is commonly used as an aphrodisiac.
—Aly Walansky, Forbes, 2 Aug. 2022
There’s even a dish called pangolin fetus soup, believed to enhance a man’s virility.
—Rachael Bale, National Geographic, 26 Oct. 2017
Feeling out of place in a current world, clinging to old world values such as virility but, as captured in a first scene in a brothel, Toribio can’t even get it up.
—John Hopewell, Variety, 1 Nov. 2023
The idea that an immature man might want to bolster his stature among his peers by boasting of his virility seems intuitive.
—Luke O'Neil, Esquire, 8 Oct. 2016
In China, they’ve been coveted as a source of potency and virility for 600 years.
—National Geographic, 3 July 2016
In China, they’ve been coveted as a source of potency and virility for 600 years.
—Jani Actman, National Geographic, 3 July 2016
Both men wanted war; both embraced it as a test of virility against a decadent enemy.
—Margaret MacMillan, Foreign Affairs, 29 Mar. 2022
On the other hand, Kerry sure is giving Logan a lot of grossly colored juice that could be full of virility boosters!
—Roxana Hadadi, Vulture, 15 Dec. 2021
Savagery was just a nuance away from virility, after all.
—New York Times, 3 Mar. 2022
They wouldn’t be caught in anything that doesn’t convey their virility, their nonchalance.
—Robb Report Studio, Robb Report, 15 Sep. 2023
But Commerce is more than just bragging about the virility of American business.
—Dan Zak, Washington Post, 30 Sep. 2019
Putin, a 65-year-old man in a country with a male life expectancy of 64, embodies an image of Russian virility and swagger.
—Ian Bremmer, Time, 3 May 2018
The trade is banned as its use in East Asia for alleged cancer cures and virility boosters has led to an illicit market that has caused rampant poaching.
—Antony Sguazzin, Fortune, 26 Apr. 2023
Valéry Carnoy addresses the subject of the injunction to virility, in a highly visual first feature.
—Leo Barraclough, Variety, 30 May 2023
Those same mice returned to normal levels of virility four to six weeks after treatments ended.
—Andrew Marquardt, Fortune, 1 Apr. 2022
Ornate carving on the covers — a centaur on Friedrich’s and a siren for Anna’s — evoked ideas of virility, fertility and desire.
—Jacqui Palumbo, CNN, 5 Apr. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'virility.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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