How to Use viper in a Sentence
Pythons solved one of the problems with the viper study: volume.
—Ellen Airhart, WIRED, 13 Mar. 2018
Charlie's Angels pounces out of the long grass with a viper's speed and a tiger's strength.
—Isaac Feldberg, Fortune, 15 Nov. 2019
Around 1932, Erdős asked, in essence, what if the precipice and pit of vipers are three paces away instead of two?
—Quanta Magazine, 1 Oct. 2015
At Michigan the viper is always on the field; at Ohio State, the bullet will not be.
—Stephen Means,, 19 Aug. 2019
But the viper was found in the bedroom of their home's second floor after the first attempt.
—NBC News, 15 Oct. 2021
The snake involved is an African bush viper, also known as Atheris squamigera.
—Winston Gieseke, USA TODAY, 15 Apr. 2021
Like a viper, Sudimack’s arm shot forward and bashed the Dogman in his nose.
—Michael Deagler, Harper's Magazine, 27 Oct. 2020
Hudson was at viper or in the slot and the defensive backs covered.
—Nick Baumgardner, Detroit Free Press, 4 Sep. 2017
Asghari spent his youth catching vipers in the mountains by his home in Tehran.
—Jack Brook,, 31 Oct. 2019
Mild manners aside, if a Gaboon viper bites, God help you.
—David E. Petzal, Field & Stream, 30 June 2020
The largest, found in the cantil viper, measured 1.2 inches long and 0.7 inches wide.
—Margaret Osborne, Smithsonian Magazine, 14 Dec. 2022
And that chatter, in turn, led Kat to pull throw herself into the pit once more — this time the viper pit that is Twitter.
—Brenna Ehrlich, Rolling Stone, 25 Aug. 2023
The viper is a blend between a linebacker and safety, and plays a role in seemingly every facet of the game.
—Orion Sang, Detroit Free Press, 23 June 2018
Hudson spent last spring and offseason getting a crash course in how to play viper.
—Nick Baumgardner, Detroit Free Press, 9 May 2018
In this image, a female viper, Atheris squamigera, reveals its fangs.
—Discover Magazine, 6 Apr. 2017
The team tested the effects of DNase on mice injected with viper venom.
—Christie Wilcox, Discover Magazine, 19 Apr. 2016
While Eubank was out running missions, Karen home-schooled the kids and saved them from vipers lurking in the toilet.
—Jason Motlagh, Rolling Stone, 16 Apr. 2023
Later, we are shown ominous faces buried and staring out from beneath a pit of black vipers.
—Jonah Valdez, Los Angeles Times, 3 Nov. 2023
But the comment also verifies press reports that this White House is a nest of vipers.
—Jeet Heer, New Republic, 20 June 2017
One of its many predators is the sidewinder rattlesnake, a two-foot long viper weighing in at a little over seven ounces.
—James Gorman, New York Times, 12 Oct. 2017
Imagine that you are imprisoned in a tunnel that opens out onto a precipice two paces to your left, and a pit of vipers two paces to your right.
—Quanta Magazine, 1 Oct. 2015
But mistaking a viper for a tree root meant elimination from the gene pool.
—Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Discover Magazine, 16 Dec. 2013
Jordan Glasgow has taken snaps at viper, so has Brad Hawkins.
—Nick Baumgardner, Detroit Free Press, 28 June 2018
Some Folsom Lake boaters got a rude surprise last year when a viper crept onto their vessel.
—Benjy Egel, sacbee, 9 May 2018
They have been seen hunting lizards and are able to mate with other viper species to produce hybrid offspring.
—Aspen Pflughoeft, Miami Herald, 14 Feb. 2024
There's more to playing viper in Brown's system than rushing the quarterback.
—Nick Baumgardner, Detroit Free Press, 3 July 2019
Though babies are frequently born at the Milwaukee Zoo, this is the first time for rhino vipers.
—Meg Jones, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2 Oct. 2019
This viper hunts by hiding in rocky crevices, revealing only its tail above the surface.
—Scott Travers, Forbes, 21 Sep. 2024
There were laughing vipers, yapping gargoyles, salamanders fanning the fire with their breath, and monsters that sneezed in the smoke.
—Ken Follett, Smithsonian, 15 Apr. 2019
The rabbits’ range has shrunk over the years, and the rabbits have also been preyed upon by invasive mongooses that had been introduced to curb viper populations in the area.
—Kate Golembiewski, Discover Magazine, 1 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'viper.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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